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  1. #1
    Consistently present Kiwi is on a distinguished road Kiwi's Avatar
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    Question The Golf Channel

    Is it just me? Or did Rogers do something with the Golf Channel?
    Went away for a few days and when I got back I clicked on channel 78, TGC. Screen said Not Authorized and referred me to Channel 410 and a 1-888 phone number.
    What gives? Did I miss some change to the channel line ups? Is this no longer part of the basic Digital package? I recall when it went digital I had to buy a box to get it.
    What am I missing here?
    No, I have not called Rogers yet, just wanted to make sure that I did not miss some broadcast/mailing.

  2. #2
    Golf Padawan nokids is on a distinguished road nokids's Avatar
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    i didn't notice because i haven't watched the golf channel since the start of golf season.
    You only get out of something what you put into it

  3. #3
    Consistently present Kiwi is on a distinguished road Kiwi's Avatar
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    Wink Update

    So finally called the Cable Guys (politically correct) and they chuckled and said "gee we've had a lot of calls like that, it's a glitch". She said all we need to do is "zap your box" (sorry Dan) and it will be good to go in 5-10 minutes. Well I waited, and waited and... Going to try the "nokids" method and see how it goes. May not even miss it. Let's see no Hank and Ray, no "real" John D, no bunch of no-name hacks (IMHO) playing for nothing and no Kelly T sucking up to Tiger. Hmmmm maybe you got something there nokids.

  4. #4
    Team Match Play Champ 2010 DenisO is on a distinguished road DenisO's Avatar
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    I love the golf channel, and I'm paying for the channel in HD (I didn't even know it was part of the basic package anyways). I watch it all the time too. Anyone watch The Story of Golf last night? And to think, we whine and complain about the shape courses are in today, it's crazy what they used to play in!

  5. #5
    Birdie marcf is on a distinguished road marcf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi View Post
    So finally called the Cable Guys (politically correct) and they chuckled and said "gee we've had a lot of calls like that, it's a glitch". She said all we need to do is "zap your box" (sorry Dan) and it will be good to go in 5-10 minutes. Well I waited, and waited and... Going to try the "nokids" method and see how it goes. May not even miss it. Let's see no Hank and Ray, no "real" John D, no bunch of no-name hacks (IMHO) playing for nothing and no Kelly T sucking up to Tiger. Hmmmm maybe you got something there nokids.
    I wa on the phone with Rogers, and they told me to unplug my box wait for about 15 seconds and then plug it back in. The box re-booted and all was fine after that.

  6. #6
    Golf Padawan nokids is on a distinguished road nokids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi View Post
    So finally called the Cable Guys (politically correct) and they chuckled and said "gee we've had a lot of calls like that, it's a glitch". She said all we need to do is "zap your box" (sorry Dan) and it will be good to go in 5-10 minutes. Well I waited, and waited and... Going to try the "nokids" method and see how it goes. May not even miss it. Let's see no Hank and Ray, no "real" John D, no bunch of no-name hacks (IMHO) playing for nothing and no Kelly T sucking up to Tiger. Hmmmm maybe you got something there nokids.
    And since the Red Wings lost, there's no point to watching the hockey playoffs either. So my tv is useless until the world cup starts next month!
    You only get out of something what you put into it

  7. #7
    Fairway Junkie sharkshooter is on a distinguished road sharkshooter's Avatar
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    I had to reset my Rogers box last night as well. Not sure whether the Golf Channel was working or not, though.

  8. #8
    Consistently present Kiwi is on a distinguished road Kiwi's Avatar
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    So, some 30 hours later and no TGC I called back. This time got to talk to "Chuck" from the Technical side. Said they had tried to send a whatever through but no luck. This had occurred many times before to other subscribers. Chuch "forced" the process and within 90 seconds it was good to go. Thanks Chuck!

  9. #9
    Hopelessly Addicted Shivas Irons is on a distinguished road Shivas Irons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi View Post
    So, some 30 hours later and no TGC I called back. This time got to talk to "Chuck" from the Technical side. Said they had tried to send a whatever through but no luck. This had occurred many times before to other subscribers. Chuch "forced" the process and within 90 seconds it was good to go. Thanks Chuck!
    Chuck from Technical Services :

    Al Gore didn't invent the internet, but he did invent global warming.

  10. #10
    Wannamaker stevek is on a distinguished road stevek's Avatar
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    Is it just me or the 'School of Golf' show no longer worth watching without Holly.
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    the other 999 follow women." - Groucho Marx

  11. #11
    1 Iron BARGEGOLF is on a distinguished road BARGEGOLF's Avatar
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    no Holly is bad enough in August. I don't know how I will get through January.

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