CorporateGolfXtra 2024
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  1. #451
    Known entity psace is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by cklguy2013 View Post
    Yes I do. Another thing is no matter what I do I can't seem to get a driver to launch at more than 10 degrees.
    I had this problem once upon a time. The launch angle wasn't being picked up and the default launch angle was used every time. I think the default launch angle for the driver is 10 degrees? So your vcam is not picking up the ball streak like it should.

  2. #452
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    Good point Psace.

  3. #453
    7 Iron kinitex is on a distinguished road
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    Jul 2013
    Is there a way I can make protee select a club based on my distance? I've had a problem with short chip shots 20 yards and under. I'd like to have lob wedge auto selected for any distance under 30yards, so I can adjust the ball speed for this club specifically.

    Is there a way of doing this?

  4. #454
    Shotmaker bubs3141 is on a distinguished road
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    first, are you using the latest beta interface?

    Second- you can adjust your distances in the interface club section. You input your avg. distance and it usually picks the right club for your next hit. I have lob wedge always selected for me when I am near the green.

  5. #455
    7 Iron kinitex is on a distinguished road
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    I tried he lastest beta, k29 or something? But I found it to be very inconsistent compared to the latest official release.

    Ok I will try that.

  6. #456
    5 Iron tonyd9366 is on a distinguished road
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    Gentleman... I have a p3 and I m not to happy with it right now. I bought the retrofit grass top for 400.00 and now readings are all wacked yardages are off and I get lots of miss reads. I want to sell the whole sensor pad and software and either get the pro-tee or the ST-1 Premier. I only need the software and the sensor pad and grass top. I have everything else to operate my simulator. Which one of these would you recommend and what is the price for the base system for either of these.. And, or does anyone have a solution for the p3 that I already have. This whole thing has cost me a fortune and if I can afford about another 800.00 dollars until I am tapped out. I'm a good player and all I want is positive feedback and so far it has not worked out Please help.... Regards

  7. #457
    Shotmaker bubs3141 is on a distinguished road
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    goto the protee website. price varies on what you want. check ebay also

  8. #458
    Pitching Wedge Unkynd is on a distinguished road
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    After reading 16 pages of comments, I have a couple of questions. I see that the software now supports an H-Cam and V-Cam, but what exactly is captured by those Cams? Is the spin-rate of the ball captured at this point, or is it still calculated? Is there any data that these cams aren't capturing that you get with the GC2?

  9. #459
    7 Iron kinitex is on a distinguished road
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    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Unkynd View Post
    After reading 16 pages of comments, I have a couple of questions. I see that the software now supports an H-Cam and V-Cam, but what exactly is captured by those Cams? Is the spin-rate of the ball captured at this point, or is it still calculated? Is there any data that these cams aren't capturing that you get with the GC2?
    Spin rate is still calculated, these cams just read horizontal direction and vertical launch angle.

    I don't know enough about the GC2 to offer comparisons

  10. #460
    Ace goatbarn is on a distinguished road
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    GC2 will measure spin rate, but you won't get any club data without the HMT, which is as expensive as buying another GC2 almost.

  11. #461
    Lob Wedge Minnelli is on a distinguished road
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    I justed purchased a GC2 without the HMT because it's very expensive and I'm not a fitter. I think the GC2 will be very accurate with ball flight data and that's what we want a simulator to do - play golf. For the times we want to see our swing data buy something like the swingbyte 2 and hit the GC2 range. My simulator isn't fully setup yet but very close. Just my 2 cents.

  12. #462
    3 Iron cklguy2013 is on a distinguished road
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    Hey Guys, a couple questions regarding using on the Protee unit.. First is there any way to reduce roll on chips with a lobe wedge.. I'm getting about a 1:2 carry to roll ratio, and based on my real golf experience it should be about 2:1, with regards to putting any tips on distance control? the short put, say 6 feet and under I have to hit harder than a real 6 foot put and the long puts, say over 20 feet I have to hit shorter.. haven't quite figured out yet.. Also my general impression from using the unit and playing outside is that the unit is actually more punitive than real golf, i.e. the misses are bigger in Protee.. I'm REALLY looking forward to this new launch monitor coming out and being integrated with the unit, that will be AWESOME!!!

  13. #463
    In the Zone syhlif32 is on a distinguished road
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    After reading 16 pages of comments, I have a couple of questions. I see that the software now supports an H-Cam and V-Cam, but what exactly is captured by those Cams? Is the spin-rate of the ball captured at this point, or is it still calculated? Is there any data that these cams aren't capturing that you get with the GC2?
    As people state no spin rate measured.
    It does calculate spin but since it does not know the AoA it is more of a guesstimate than a calculation.
    Works ok until you get to the wedges.

  14. #464
    Known entity psace is on a distinguished road
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    To avoid frustration and a great deal of time, get the GC2.

  15. #465
    Ryder Cup Par2Pro is on a distinguished road Par2Pro's Avatar
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    Edmonton, AB Canada
    Hey All,

    Protee is going to be integrated with the new Golf Club software!! They are estimating it will be ready this fall some time:

  16. #466
    7 Iron kinitex is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by Par2Pro View Post
    Hey All,

    Protee is going to be integrated with the new Golf Club software!! They are estimating it will be ready this fall some time:
    AKA, not this fall but next one

  17. #467
    Ryder Cup Par2Pro is on a distinguished road Par2Pro's Avatar
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    Dennis from ProTee emailed me stating that he estimates this to be ready Oct. 1, 2014 - so hopefully it is ready then

  18. #468
    Putter princestp is on a distinguished road
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    Oct 2019
    Keep in mind I use AlmostGolfBall and changed my Ball Speed settings Best Inverter AC similar to what psace recommended. My mistake Best Washing Machine was I initially adjusted club speed instead of ball speed. My driver was going unrealistically short and the wedges too long.

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