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  1. #1
    Albatross mthunt is on a distinguished road
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    Mar 2014

    GC2 with ProTee software or ProTee system?

    I've done a lot of reading here as I plan my sim set up. I've come to choosing either of the following:

    ProTee Sim:
    -easy for lefties and righties
    -cost effective
    -good club feed back
    -easy to use
    -no accurate spin rates
    -can't take it to the course
    -only one mat

    GC2 with ProTee software:
    -accurate ball data, spin ect
    -can take it to the course to practice
    -use any mat
    -pain to switch left to right. Rep actually suggested buying two units.

    I'm curious the opinion of others here.


  2. #2
    Albatross HoganWoods is on a distinguished road HoganWoods's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mthunt View Post
    I've done a lot of reading here as I plan my sim set up. I've come to choosing either of the following:

    ProTee Sim:
    -easy for lefties and righties
    -cost effective
    -good club feed back
    -easy to use
    -no accurate spin rates
    -can't take it to the course
    -only one mat

    GC2 with ProTee software:
    -accurate ball data, spin ect
    -can take it to the course to practice
    -use any mat
    -pain to switch left to right. Rep actually suggested buying two units.

    I'm curious the opinion of others here.

    Hey mthunt,

    I've got a GC2 and I love it. Online play is fantastic and we even have a league. It's easy to setup and provides accurate readings. It is expensive though. The protee does do club AND ball data, its just a bit more complicated to setup. Lots of guys with Protee are happy with the system's accuracy. It is cheaper also. So it all depends on your budget and your needs. I think you could make both options work, in different ways.


  3. #3
    Albatross mthunt is on a distinguished road
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    Mar 2014
    Thanks Rick. Using the GC2 outside is a nice option.

  4. #4
    Albatross HoganWoods is on a distinguished road HoganWoods's Avatar
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    I haven't used it outside yet but every year we go to a cottage and hit drives into a lake. My dad is always like "Oh that was 300 yards". I'm going to bring it this year and show him its 240 lol. If money is no issue, I'll say that I love my GC2. It's small and portable and super easy.

  5. #5
    1 Iron Jsgregg is on a distinguished road
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    I think the thing about the GC2 is that it is one of the most respected launch monitors in golf. Yes, you pay for that. But if you can afford it, it seems like you really can't miss. My local Golf Galaxy and Goltec both use the GC2 for lessons and fittings. I guess there is a reason for that.

    I have been holding out hope for a more affordable LM that will do what the GC2 does, but if it does not materialize, I will be investing in a GC2.

  6. #6
    Par Dax is on a distinguished road
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    Is there any news on the mystery system? I think things have gone silent on that front for about a month now.

  7. #7
    Albatross mthunt is on a distinguished road
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    Mar 2014
    The mystery system any day now? I am waiting to see what it is.

  8. #8
    Bogie Libbing is on a distinguished road Libbing's Avatar
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    Pro/con list is pretty good. The main con not listed on the Protee is the setup time / effort. It requires some time to get it dialed in just right. Other main pro is the online play. I also think the Protee guys are outstanding in terms of customer service.

    For the GC2, I don't think switching righty to lefty is really a practical option from what I can tell. Can be done, would be a pain, likely wouldn't actually do it after trying it a bit; anyone tried and still doing it? Just figure 2 guys playing 18 holes in 2 hours. Assume each shoots an 80. You're switching that thing 60 - 80 times during that 2 hour window. Agony in my opinion.

    You can currently get the add-on software for GC2 to be able to play online with Pro-tee and other GC2 users. I think it's 2k. Online stuff is very cool. Also gives you all the extra courses (Protee has 80-90 courses or something and gives free ones when they are available; Foresight charges a bunch for them). There is some debate whether that software will always be available (i.e. will Foresight do something in their firmware to block the data feed required to use the add-on software; a unit purchased now and never updated would presumably always be able to use it?).

    Curious, do you guys actually take the GC2 to the driving range very often? When I was choosing, I concluded I would probably only do it when buying new clubs or for one-off things (like proving your father-in-law isn't quite tagging those lake shots 300).

    Both systems are great, so it's just those differences you need to decide between. Either will give you great feedback and you'll have a blast playing during those painful offseason periods. It was fun playing our online tournament this week at Doral and then watching the pros play the same holes (and being able to say---oh yeah, I hit in that water too!)

  9. #9
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    Well put Libbing!

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