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  1. #1
    5 Wood golferinmd is on a distinguished road
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    Jan 2014

    GC2 and switching from left handed to right handed golfer?

    I am still doing my research...a quick question, how hard is it to switch from Left handed to right handed golfer when using GC2?

    I like the mobility but my main golfer partner is left handed and I am right handed and not sure how easy it is to switch between when we are playing a simulated round...

  2. #2
    2 Iron DjPiLL is on a distinguished road
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    Bit of a pain IMO. You have to pick it up and move in between every shot.

  3. #3
    Bogie Libbing is on a distinguished road Libbing's Avatar
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    Assuming you could find some "easy" way to rotate it (seems solvable in theory, just haven't heard someone really figure it out where it got exactly lined up, etc.), I think you'd find it to be a pain to switch back and forth constantly. I can't even imagine doing that on every single swing. Ugh

  4. #4
    5 Wood golferinmd is on a distinguished road
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    Jan 2014
    I was wondering if you could have some reference spot for the left handed golfer and transfer to that spot all of the time..seems easy? Maybe two pieces or even the outline of the GC2 base unit outlined so you can easily move it?

  5. #5
    Par Dax is on a distinguished road
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    Was there not some rotational device that could be installed to allow one to switch from right to left? I thought I saw it on one of the other discussions.

  6. #6
    Bogie Libbing is on a distinguished road Libbing's Avatar
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    There is a device that you essentially put the unit on the base, and the base can slide along a track and also rotate. But the person on the forum who tried it said that it just didn't work very well. Can't recall the reason. I just think any solution would prove to be tiresome to constantly rotate it. You'd be switching it something like 150 times a round (I hit, rotate, lefty hits, rotate it….essentially rotating twice per hit / putt)

  7. #7
    Hybrid fhann is on a distinguished road fhann's Avatar
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    The track system that can revrse for a lefthanded player is sold by Custom Design Golf. You can see it on their website..
    Engineered Golf - Frank Hann 3.8 GHIN

  8. #8
    5 Wood golferinmd is on a distinguished road
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    Jan 2014
    Thanks ....does anyone have experience with this and did it work?

  9. #9
    Hybrid fhann is on a distinguished road fhann's Avatar
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    Go to Par2Pro website and see the video they did testing the track. Par2Pro might also sell the track.
    Engineered Golf - Frank Hann 3.8 GHIN

  10. #10
    5 Wood golferinmd is on a distinguished road
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    Jan 2014
    Just looked and didn't see the video. I saw the track system on custom. Can you tell me where the video is? Sorry for the dumb question!

  11. #11
    Eagle SFR is on a distinguished road
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    Not sure if the other actual GC2 owners have tried this but I was just testing it again and it may not be the best way but can work.

    With me as a right handed golfer, I set up the GC2 as if a lefty was going to use it and hit. My turf strip to hit off of is in the center of my platform. With the GC2 still in the lefty hitting spot, I took my stance with an iron and could stand so that my left foot was just beside the GC2 and I could address the ball. I could also take a full swing with the iron as long as I did not slide my whole body weight way to my left side and beyond where you should be, I would not bump the GC2 unit. I think there is actually a drill to set somthing beside your left leg and not push into it when you follow through with your swing and keep your balance.

    With a driver or longer woods, you would actually stand slightly behind the GC2 and it is not in your way at all.

    I don't think you would want a high handicap golfer to try the same as they may tend to shift more to their left side and bump the unit or not have a balanced follow through.

    Not ideal but I do think it can work. I can't see how it would create any issue with ball flight other than the GC2 may say a draw when it was a fade for you. Just a thought for anyone who has one to try.

  12. #12
    2 Iron DjPiLL is on a distinguished road
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    If you want to use the custom track you would need a double wide room to accomodate both lefties and righties.

    Also if you have an HMT, forget it. You have to screw the bracket of the HMT into the base of the GC2 and unscrew it if you want to switch it to lefty. I gave my Dad the lefty a "fitting session" on my HMT last week. I basically played my round first before he showed up, then I set it up for lefty, put the stickers on his clubs and let him play for a good two hours.

  13. #13
    Hybrid fhann is on a distinguished road fhann's Avatar
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    Here is the url for the video from Par2Pro's testing.
    Engineered Golf - Frank Hann 3.8 GHIN

  14. #14
    5 Wood golferinmd is on a distinguished road
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    Jan 2014
    Thanks for the feedback. I really like the GC2 and lucky for me my playing partner will only come over to play occasionally. I think it is worth the pain for a few times a year he would play. My son and I are righty golfers

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