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  1. #1
    Sand Wedge ovl is on a distinguished road
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    europe germany

    Commercial Installation of TruGolf Sensor Board and e6 - Your Opinions needed!


    finally we are going to set up a commercial installation with TruGolf Sensor Board and Sonic System and e6 Software.

    Are there any Tips and Tricks you can provide from your experience with Imapct Screens, Software etc.

    TruGolf gave me some answers on that, but I will get some "open source" opinions also on this issue, as we spent $20.000 for 2 Systems "Board and Software" only and I want to know what we have to expect before.

    Any other system you can might recommend for an commercial installation, with a total Sensor and Software Price of 10K $?

    Questions regarding the Trugolf Sensor and e6 Software.

    • Is there an energy needed for the system or will this be done with USB cable only?
    o When not, is there a Power supply that can handle EU 220V, do we need an US to EU energy Plug adapter?

    • Regarding the installation, where can the sensor system be modified/setup in the software
    o Is there a program where we can say, how much feet/centimetre the microphones are away from the unit etc.

    • Can the microphones be mounted under a cage to save them from destroying. If any of this phones are going to crash, can we replace them with an local one, or do we have to order yours?

    • Any special requirements of the Personal Computer needed, more USB Buses etc…
    o We will buy an i5 processor quad, with 4GB DDR3 Ram, and an GTX 770 PCIe with 2GB Graphics Card and 250GB SSD Drive – is this enough of Personal Computer Power to have a perfect Image without any jerking in the picture.

    • What Operating System os recommended Windows 8 or Windows 7 ?
    o German Language installation is a problem, or should we choose an English OS?

    • Lightning, what lightning do we need, what should we take care of.
    o Type of light Halogen, etc…
    o Postion of the Lightning source - Directly overhead is the best?
    o Any indirect Sunlight issues we should take care of?

    Thanks for your help - i really appriciate it.

    Oliver / europe

  2. #2
    Shotmaker bubs3141 is on a distinguished road
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ovl View Post

    finally we are going to set up a commercial installation with TruGolf Sensor Board and Sonic System and e6 Software.

    Are there any Tips and Tricks you can provide from your experience with Imapct Screens, Software etc.

    TruGolf gave me some answers on that, but I will get some "open source" opinions also on this issue, as we spent $20.000 for 2 Systems "Board and Software" only and I want to know what we have to expect before.

    Any other system you can might recommend for an commercial installation, with a total Sensor and Software Price of 10K $?

    Questions regarding the Trugolf Sensor and e6 Software.

    • Is there an energy needed for the system or will this be done with USB cable only?
    o When not, is there a Power supply that can handle EU 220V, do we need an US to EU energy Plug adapter?

    • Regarding the installation, where can the sensor system be modified/setup in the software
    o Is there a program where we can say, how much feet/centimetre the microphones are away from the unit etc.

    • Can the microphones be mounted under a cage to save them from destroying. If any of this phones are going to crash, can we replace them with an local one, or do we have to order yours?

    • Any special requirements of the Personal Computer needed, more USB Buses etc…
    o We will buy an i5 processor quad, with 4GB DDR3 Ram, and an GTX 770 PCIe with 2GB Graphics Card and 250GB SSD Drive – is this enough of Personal Computer Power to have a perfect Image without any jerking in the picture.

    • What Operating System os recommended Windows 8 or Windows 7 ?
    o German Language installation is a problem, or should we choose an English OS?

    • Lightning, what lightning do we need, what should we take care of.
    o Type of light Halogen, etc…
    o Postion of the Lightning source - Directly overhead is the best?
    o Any indirect Sunlight issues we should take care of?

    Thanks for your help - i really appriciate it.

    Oliver / europe
    Having owned a Trugolf Technique in the past I will offer some opinions.
    1. The sensor board does come with a separate power adaptor that plugs in the board. This adaptor was 120v so it would need and additional adaptor for the Europe outlet.

    2. The software can be adjusted in its settings file. This is where you will adjust the microphone distance and the distance from the hitting area to the impact screen. This file is easily adjusted, and there are several members on this site that are comfortable with the e6 software to do this.

    3.The microphones can be placed in a protective housing as long as they are not obstructed from hearing the sound of the ball. And they do need to be in a triangular patern.

    4. That computer should be fine

    5. I used windows 7 but 8 should work also.

    6. You do need a halogen light over the top of the sensor pad. You also should minimized direct sunlight over the sensor pad as this could interfere with the light and cast shadows. Trugolf is a shadow based sensor so keep this mind

  3. #3
    Ryder Cup Par2Pro is on a distinguished road Par2Pro's Avatar
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    Jan 2008
    Edmonton, AB Canada
    Good points bubs. On another note, our HQ screen material has been tested and proven to work with the TruGolf microphones:
    (just the HQ options)

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