CorporateGolfXtra 2024
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  1. #1

    What are some useful rules to know?

    Yes yes, I know I should know all the rules but they are hard to remember. Anyway, that rule about calling an unplayable lie has saved me so many times. Instead of hitting it out of the trees I just called it an unplayable lie and dropped it on the "line". Anyway, are there any other rules that can be used to my advanage? I love that rule since I'm usually in the trees.
    Last edited by "Richard"; 05-06-2005 at 08:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    Mar 2003
    24-2 - Immovable Obstruction

    That's the "cart path" rule. Basically a free drop in most cases... Point of nearest relief. My understanding of this one is that it extends to the stance being interfered with by sprinkler heads or other such man-made, non course-related objects.

    Doesn't happen all that often, but on more than one occasion I've seen it really bail someone out.

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  3. #3
    7 Iron HiG4s is on a distinguished road
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by broken27
    24-2 - Immovable Obstruction

    That's the "cart path" rule. Basically a free drop in most cases... Point of nearest relief. My understanding of this one is that it extends to the stance being interfered with by sprinkler heads or other such man-made, non course-related objects.

    Doesn't happen all that often, but on more than one occasion I've seen it really bail someone out.

    Only an artificially paved cart path. Gravel counts as artificially paved. If it is dirt where the carts wore the grass away, there is no relief. I'm not sure but I think if it is a depression made by the carts, because of rain or such, it would be considered, ground under repair/un-natural condition.

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