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  1. #31
    Pitching Wedge thenootz is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by SFR View Post
    Quick note on the QUIT button not always working. I have noticed that when it is not clicking, keep moving the mouse around and some times as you get to an edge of the button it will work. Always seems to change. One time click on the upper half, next time on the bottom almost edge of the tab. It's a pain with XP as you can't get out of the software unless you "Cont, Alt, Del" and close from there.

    In windows 7 you can click over the icon on the bottom of the screen and close from there. They may have the click point on that quit button messed up.

    Side note I like the options on the par 3's when practicing that they have a putting. chipping and driving range in them when you click change hole. At least one did.... guess I should have checked the other.
    Also here confirmed the Quit from DR a much quicker solution just press ALT + F4

  2. #32
    Eagle SFR is on a distinguished road
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    Chuck said they are looking into it and also to use the (Esc) key.

  3. #33
    Caddy golfun is on a distinguished road
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    Jan 2010
    1.If you have an older system can you upgrade to 5.0 for free?

    2.If you provide your own Webcam with the 5.0 software Launch Angle is free?

    This is some major improvements and amazing benefits now with the P3Pro! I can't wait to hear how it tests out for some people on here.

  4. #34
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    They do need to upgrade the launch cam. It uses video and is too slow, ie not real time. Plus it doesn't work with the premium courses!

  5. #35
    9 Iron roach5539 is on a distinguished road
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    Golfun: Yes the 5.0 upgrade is free to all P3Pro users and yes, the Launch Angle is now free. However, per SFR the Launch Angle still is not passed to the Premium Courses. I will provide more feedback on the 5.0 improvements as I get more time to test/play.

  6. #36
    2 Iron stevnkrn is on a distinguished road
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    P3Pro for Sale


    With the World Dunes Addition announcement it seems like a good time offer my grass top P3Pro for sale. Last winter I purchased a GSA PX5 system so I no longer need my P3Pro. The price is $400 plus shipping. I will include a disk with the World Dunes version 5.0 software with this purchase. Please PM me if you are interested.
    Attached Images

  7. #37
    Caddy golfun is on a distinguished road
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    It looks like P3ProSwing is making great moves right now with their product, or I guess update?
    Now including some premium courses, Video Capture, online play, and even more so the Launch Angle integration for free on the basic unit!
    With all the data this unit is providing now at just $550 is really making it attractive for a wide price range!

    If they could integrate (if they haven't already) the LA Camera with the Premium courses - Cut LA calculation time to make it almost instantly - And include any type of grass top for the basic unit it would cover the charts in my eyes.

    I think now most people heard of playing simulation golf courses and want to do that with their simulator, not just play an analytical driving range. Also most people want the LA readings too. To which now they include them.
    It seems like they are listening to us, at least somewhat. Just need to fix a couple more things..

  8. #38
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    Golfun, it's not just launch angle, it's ball horizontal direction and ball speed. They need to definitely improve the ball launch angle. The delay time for the launch angle just doesn't cut it. As well they need to have it integrated with the premium courses. I have only been saying this for 3 yrs now!!!

  9. #39
    Caddy golfun is on a distinguished road
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    I mean for them to fully integrate and streamline what they have. LA Camera could be great, but the delay apparently hurts it's effect. Including it's not integrated yet with premium courses.
    The club readings seemed good when I tried it so I wouldn't mind trusting direction and ball speed up to a certain point of course.

  10. #40
    Eagle SFR is on a distinguished road
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    The one time I had the P3pro set up in a garage and hit out into a field, the stock settings for spin seemed quite close to what the ball did and where it landed as for off line of center. Could not compare end yardage but for most of us you know what your PW should do with a normal swing and if you think " hit a 60 yard shot" and then swing and it shows about 60 yards, it feels right. At that time the file with added spin went too much compared to actual ball flight but one could tweak this area if you thought you needed to. There are always going to be some hits that are off a bit and that could be due to the the pad bouncing if you hit down on it and having the pad move as you follow through. Not sure on that but just my thoughts.

    The LA looks a lot better now with the last couple updates but it's not actual LA but estimated which is all they can do with a pad only system unless you turn on the LA and add a camera as was said for only the P3pro courses and range. If you want to test clubs loft's, at least you can on the P3pro only courses but there is a delay. Testing clubs, not a big deal but course play, gets to be too much delay but a cool feature for free. Also the video capture camera is another area for the club and swing testing.

    ** I may have stumbled on new area: Now with stock settings when you hit a chip shot, with a PW or SW, the LA would be slightly lower with the slower swing which it should (before the updates it was the other way). However it was still a high LA for the speed of shot you just hit and the ball would come in high and stop quick even on a short chip. I can now make it a much larger decrease in LA with a slow chip shot and thus come out lower and roll out more as it should. As you swing faster the chip shots launch higher and land softer with less bounce and roll and with full swings are almost the same results as with the stock settings. There is something in the program with the PW and SW that make them react different than the 9I and up so chipping is better with PW and SW. Bump and runs with the 8I or 9I can be done but they come out a lot faster compared to the PW and SW. However the PW and SW feel good for what they produce.

    Right now I am finishing up with the club penalty so that a hit that is either thin or on the toe, heel or high on the face, will come out with much less distance. This has to be estimated and I will need to test with the Vector Pro and compare the results. In a way this makes up for the system not being able to see the ball speed and LA but it can apply the miss hits in end yardage results.

    It's kind of fun in a bunker where you already have a 50% penalty added for the lie and if you take a sloppy swing at the ball and hit it off the toe, you add another 20 or so percent to the 50 so the ball some times can stay in the bunker if you don't hit it proper.

    My thoughts are I am liking the P3pro a lot more now, but it is far from perfect. Compared to what they now offer and at what price for the base setup, I think it's quite good. Need some more testers.
    Last edited by SFR; 11-23-2012 at 12:09 PM.

  11. #41
    5 Iron chasiv is on a distinguished road
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    Cool Rubber Tee Correction

    Quote Originally Posted by Par2Pro View Post
    Also, with the new turf top there is no rubber tee hole anymore, just a hole for the tee itself so that the rubber tee does not pop up anymore

    Here is the preliminary picture of the new turf top beside the commercial grass top.
    Cory - not to imply you were wrong, but the rubber friction tee is still used. It simply does not come all the way through. This solves 2 issues:
    • The Rubber Friction tee does not pull up and thus does not get chopped up.
    • The ball will no longer 'jump' as you putt it as it is on a level grass surface.
    We still recommend the friction tee to hold your tee upright. We've also discovered that putting a bit of silicone spray in the friction tee helps it come out rather then snap in half.

    Hope that helps clarify things.

    Chuck W.

  12. #42
    5 Iron chasiv is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by golfun View Post
    1.If you have an older system can you upgrade to 5.0 for free?

    2.If you provide your own Webcam with the 5.0 software Launch Angle is free?

    This is some major improvements and amazing benefits now with the P3Pro! I can't wait to hear how it tests out for some people on here.
    Yes to both... 5.0 is free and if you use your own Webcam, launch angle is free. Just be sure to follow the properly positioning in the manual to get the position (and height) correct.

  13. #43
    Ryder Cup Par2Pro is on a distinguished road Par2Pro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chasiv View Post
    Cory - not to imply you were wrong, but the rubber friction tee is still used. It simply does not come all the way through. This solves 2 issues:
    • The Rubber Friction tee does not pull up and thus does not get chopped up.
    • The ball will no longer 'jump' as you putt it as it is on a level grass surface.
    We still recommend the friction tee to hold your tee upright. We've also discovered that putting a bit of silicone spray in the friction tee helps it come out rather then snap in half.

    Hope that helps clarify things.

    Chuck W.

    No problems Chasiv, but I think you misread my post as I said that there is no more rubber tee "hole". It's all good as it always helps to reinforce that point I also like the putting point

  14. #44
    Eagle SFR is on a distinguished road
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    Wind in the Prem Courses.

    Anyone else notice the wind never seemed to work in the Prem Courses. Many may have never tried. You always have had to turn wind on in the P3pro portion of the settings before you close that program and then start the Prem Courses and select what wind you wanted there.

    However if you do this it still never did anything even on strong, 20 mph wind. I found the area that can correct this. There is one setting that starts the effect at 400 meters and should be set lower under 100 so the effect starts for shots greater than that, as well the % amount of wind needs to be higher for the Prem Courses compared to the P3pro courses so changing messes up the older P3pro courses if you still want to use them. However wind will work.

  15. #45
    3 Wood Stonebattle is on a distinguished road
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    I've been experimenting with the premium course package and I must say I am having a fairly positive reaction to the new offering and the way it works. To bad launch angle does not work with them, but I still find the play reasonable. I use my mods to the config file which adds or subtracts distance to the various clubs and increases sweet spot penalties.
    I agree the wind seems to have little effect on ball flight and distance on the premiums courses. I have not tried your fix.

    It looks like they have implemented some of your ideas.
    Last edited by Stonebattle; 12-08-2012 at 10:31 AM.

  16. #46
    3 Wood Stonebattle is on a distinguished road
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    Is anyone here playing the online courses?

  17. #47
    Eagle SFR is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stonebattle View Post
    Is anyone here playing the online courses?
    At some point I would not mind trying to play on line with someone. Only issue is that I would not want to do a tourny or something where I could not just quit early if one had to. It would be as much fun talking and having a visit as playing if that part worked well. Also not sure how well the internet connection would play out in the shop. May be too slow.

    Is it up and running? Not sure if I got a code or what one would need.

  18. #48
    3 Wood Stonebattle is on a distinguished road
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    Hmmm, good question. I've seen what I thought were games going on, although I was way to late to join. For the past couple of days I have not seen any ongoing though. I will check this out further.

    I thought they sent a code to every one with a p3pro sensor. Good for one month or so.

    If we do play at some point in time, would one use the standard P3pro config file or one that is modified to match actual play.

  19. #49
    Eagle SFR is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stonebattle View Post
    If we do play at some point in time, would one use the standard P3pro config file or one that is modified to match actual play.
    That would be my issue. I would like to get things set up with club penalty and accurate yardage to play as real as possible. However this is one reason that I would not like the prize issue in play. Too easy for one to cheat and not be fair for others. Also if I get used to playing with one file setup I would not want to bounce back and forth just to play on line. I would have no problems with each having his clubs set up to play the yardage he would get with them. Example, your loft may be different on your irons and you should normally get 130 yds on your PW but mine should only get me 120 yds. Right now the +10% slider is about right for my irons when I hit a ball, but without a ball I tend to be short. I'm sure with feedback from a few guys we can get a file that works close for all.

    I would hope you could just play on line with someone you wanted to and not be part of any other event going on. Just not sure if there would still be a charge for that option.

    With the few minor glitches in the last update, I am sure there will be another coming out. I get the odd time a black screen with just the yardage of the last shot after some of the short chip shots, just for a few seconds, and also the issue clicking on the menu in some spots.

  20. #50
    9 Iron roach5539 is on a distinguished road
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    I plan to start my 30 day free trial on World Dunes once I have my unit back from P3Pro. Having them retrofit the new Turf Top. I have registered on the WorldDunes forum and communicated with a guy who played an online match the week it opened. We are planning to play this coming Thursday provided I have have my system back and installed by then. I will let you guys know how it goes and maybe we can schedule some time to play in the near future.
    I agree that config file changes present a prolem for prize based competitions. Regardless, I think social matches could be fun and look forward to checking it out.

  21. #51
    Caddy golfun is on a distinguished road
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    I would love to hear how World Dunes plays too!
    Online play with live video and chat of your opponent(s) is awesome. It has to feel close to playing in real life. Setting up tee times sounds interesting too.

    Please post what your experience is like!

  22. #52
    3 Wood Stonebattle is on a distinguished road
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    I'm with you as far a playing with the config file that matches actual play. I don't want to play two different files either. I think I mentioned before that some of my clubs are shorter, some are about right and some are longer than the original file plays. I increase the penalties by about 50%, so it seems to me I should have higher scores with my file than the original file.

    I have also registered with World dunes. I look forward to trying this out.

  23. #53
    3 Wood Stonebattle is on a distinguished road
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    Well, I had a chance to play 9 hole on a par 3 against one other player and I have to say I worked out well. I four putted one hole, but the rest were ok. I did not get into any bunkers, so I have no comment on those. Overall it was fun.

  24. #54
    Eagle SFR is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stonebattle View Post
    Well, I had a chance to play 9 hole on a par 3 against one other player and I have to say I worked out well. I four putted one hole, but the rest were ok. I did not get into any bunkers, so I have no comment on those. Overall it was fun.
    Good stuff... how was the internet connection with the voice and talking?

    How was the view you seen as the other player hit?

    Do you see everything they do as they line up to hit, if they scroll down the fairway and such to see the landing zone etc?

    Can you YELL on their backswing?

    Could you play with your own file and can you play any course or only ones you have?

  25. #55
    3 Wood Stonebattle is on a distinguished road
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    Well, I did not try talking just playing. I played a 9 hole course. One can see what the other guy is doing and of course the hit results. The internet connection worked well.

    I played with my own file and it worked out well with results similar to that I get on an actual course. By the way I use a 3 hybrid in place of the 2 iron and a 4 hybrid in place of a 3 iron.

    It seems I could only play the courses I have, which in my case are only the ones they supplied. Perhaps there is a way of playing other courses, but I don't know how to do it and I did not see an option of joining a game for a course I did not have installed.

  26. #56
    Caddy golfun is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by SFR View Post
    Can you YELL on their backswing?
    HAHAHA! Talk about an issue I hope they thought about!

    Stonebattle did it feel kinda like playing an opponent in real life? (even thou you didn't have a lot of the major features on)

  27. #57
    3 Wood Stonebattle is on a distinguished road
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    Golfun and SFR
    I should have said that when I tried to choose a course to join that was not loaded on my computer I got a file not found message. I'm not sure what that means, but there it is.

    It did feel like I was playing a real opponent. It was interesting and I enjoyed it.

  28. #58
    5 Iron chasiv is on a distinguished road
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    You can only play the courses you have purchased and have a valid SmartDongle for (except the free ones, of course). Audio/Video works, but we're still working on some echoing we didn't like so it is likely to change.

    Your software uses the setting on your computer, so if you've made 'modifications' they only affect you. Yes, cheating is a potential problem (but it is in real golf too.. LOL).

    You can setup your own friendly games or join the daily competitions (no prizes, except pride at the moment).

    Hope that clarifies some of your questions.

  29. #59
    3 Wood Stonebattle is on a distinguished road
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    Well, that sheds a new light on the issue. Still, P3proswing has done a good job on this update and I hope it works out for them.

  30. #60
    9 Iron roach5539 is on a distinguished road
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    Tried out World Dunes online play for the first time this afternoon. Scheduled a match and had three people from around the world join. Only two of us had video and audio up and running; worked great, and Yes one can yell while others a playing.. Just like a real golf match.. People that did not have video/audio could still communicate via text. Very cool.

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