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  1. #1
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    GGS LX launch monitor

    70's posts made me do some digging on Martin's LX indoor/outdoor launch monitor.

    Coming soon!
    LX Launch monitor for indoor and outdoor use

    The LX series launch monitors are all you need to play. Super easy setup. Can be used as a golf simulator or as launch monitor on the driving range. System is completely self contained, requires no in-floor installation or additional lighting when used as a golf simulator.
    Features 1 to 4 cameras, single USB connection to PC, IR ball sensor trigger for indoor use, microphone trigger for outdoor use, high power strobe LED.
    Complete with ProX and GSA Golf software.
    For outdoor use, the optional extra built in processing unit (mini PC with Windows 7) , monitor and power pak can be attached.

    Advantages compared to other manufacturer's launch monitors:
    1. The GSA LX launch monitor is modular! This means that the entry price is low and you can add cameras and features as the need and budget allows.
    2. The processing unit is a real Windows 7 PC in mini form.
    3. The display is a full color touch screen monitor in mini form

    LX Cameras:
    Camera 1. Vertical launch angle and ball speed
    Camera 2. Ball path in degrees (optional)
    Camera 3. Ball Spin rate in rpm (optional)
    Camera 4. Ball Spin Axis tilt in degrees (optional)
    Estimated production date: January 2011



  2. #2
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    I think this would be a smart move by Martin and should be started now. If the price is reasonable and much less than the GC2 it would be a real high seller. It makes more sense to persue the LX series vs the ADX especially atthe price of he ADX. Z any thoughts on the pricing of this? A while ago I tried to get Martin to get this thing going. Perhaps one should remind him again.

  3. #3
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    I'm trying to get more info on the LX. I'm just thinking here, but assuming that it can be used with my existing GSA courses and PX2, it would be a huge savings. The LX does come with ProX and 1 GSA course.

    Also, for outdoor use, it looks like you would have to buy the option touch screen and mini pc.

  4. #4
    Gap Wedge jackyl is on a distinguished road
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    It looks like you have to switch it for lefty / righty play, but with its size, that doesn't seem like that big of a deal. It would also actually simplify lefty righty play in semi-cramped quarters, since you could move it further right for righties and further left for lefties. You also get the multisurface hitting capabilities that floor embedded sensors don't allow. Depending on price, this could be a fantastic option.

  5. #5
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    One big advantage that it has over the GC2 is the price of the courses. The GC2 Red Chain courses are very, very expensive($1200 for 10). With the LX, all 65 GSA/Red Chain courses sell for $1500.

    And if I'm right, existing GGS/GSA users are saving $1500 already.

  6. #6
    Zmax is martin a one man show? Bubba said that the product was on his website for a year. Why do you think that is? I in marketing and when this happens it is because of two reasons one it is a little independent guy that does not have enough revenue to bring the product to market and the other is that the product is not working as the manufacture had intended. I hope it is neither of those and that he just now putting that on his priority list because the ability to have a system that could do everything that I am looking for is keeping me from buying anything. Hope this product comes to market soon.

  7. #7
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    I really hope too as well. What are you looking for in a sim 70's and how much are you wanting to spend not including the accessories (computer, screen, mat etc) ?

  8. #8
    Bubba I am looking for the most realistic golf experience I can get so I was thinking of getting a proven launch monitor for exactly what the ball is doing and I want to integrate club data for my wife. My wife needs to see it to believe it. Price is under 18,000. Also you guys use a sim for the snow I am planning on using it instead of real golf. I think the devise will pay for itself in a couple of years. Where I live in the summer it gets over 100 f and I do not like golfing in that. So I am saying 17,000 and we do not even know if it is going to cost 18 I was thinking GC2 and the px2 but as zmax said that is never going to happen. I have everything else projector, comp, impact screen and turf. I do not have sand and the thick stuff but I have a 5x5 hitting turf. I do not have children so that helps be out a little bit in this case. There is a whole lot of choices out there but I just started looking. As I am saying I think this unit will pay for itself in 2-3 year with the amount of golf I will be missing. Plus I am using this as a time saver too. If I can cut a 4.5-5 hour day into 2 hours, I would have more time. Plus my wife is just starting out and she can hit it almost 200 and she is only 105 pounds but she needs some help. She would be embarrassed if she went out and played poorly, she is very competitive. Her goal is to beat me and she does not get I play in the 70’s. She does not want to play with the handicap system either. She wants to beat me straight up. So right now I will be waiting until the Lx comes out. Or something else that might come out of left field and that seems to be happening in this field. So we will see.

  9. #9
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    Well you should think about just getting the GC2. The club data from their unit will be very good once it is out. I like club data for sure however the GC2 will give you very accurate ball data as well. You could also look at a Flightscope launch monitor which will give you good club and ball data. Will you play courses or just practice?

  10. #10
    I would like to play and I would like to get a realistic putting simulator if I could. I would also be practicing with it. I think that when the GC2 gets all the kinks out they will have good club info but Zmax said it was trash right now.

  11. #11
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by 70's View Post
    Zmax is martin a one man show? Bubba said that the product was on his website for a year. Why do you think that is? I in marketing and when this happens it is because of two reasons one it is a little independent guy that does not have enough revenue to bring the product to market and the other is that the product is not working as the manufacture had intended. I hope it is neither of those and that he just now putting that on his priority list because the ability to have a system that could do everything that I am looking for is keeping me from buying anything. Hope this product comes to market soon.
    Martin is the brain or as somebody said, "Mad Scientist" of the company. He has people working for him, but he's the only decision maker I believe. With Martin, IMO, it's not the revenue but more so the time that needs to be dedicated to finish a project. He's always coming up with news ideas that takes him away from finishing a product in a timely manner.

    For example, he had an idea a few months ago that free running firewire cameras could work better than the current USB cameras because they won't require a trigger. I won't say too much here, but it's going to be a while before we see them, if at all.

    Also, if he feels that there are significant interests in a certain product, he will try to finish it. He'll go where the demand is. I would suggest that you and anybody that is looking to get a GC2, at least send Martin an email asking for details on the LX.

  12. #12
    As money is not your concern, I would suggest to buy the base unit and club data CAM from GC2 the club data will improve extremely fast as they're serving the top player and golf equipement compagny in the word. You will have the best experience and bolt result in the same software. Cause if you run GC2 for simulation and PX2 for club you'll have to issues. First is to run to separate software at the same time on the same computer unless you run to computer. Secondely you will need the special over head light and subfloor for the PX2 witch is not needed for the GC2 and you'll have to choose your club for the PX2 and also play from a specific place. For me it would be the GC2 all the way.

  13. #13
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    There is no GC2 + PX2 and probably never.

    PX2 + LX should be able to work together.

  14. #14
    I just talked with Rick at GC2 and he said it is going to be a couple of months before the club data comes to market and they have not set a price on it yet. Zmax I know that the PX2 and GC2 are not going to work you told me a couple of days ago. So we will wait and see PX2 LX or GC2 and whatever

  15. #15
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    I agree with you Blackfire. As Z says though, send Martin an email about your need for the LX. You never know.

  16. #16
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by 70's View Post
    I just talked with Rick at GC2 and he said it is going to be a couple of months before the club data comes to market and they have not set a price on it yet. Zmax I know that the PX2 and GC2 are not going to work you told me a couple of days ago. So we will wait and see PX2 LX or GC2 and whatever

    I felt I needed to say it again for blackfire.

  17. #17
    Zmax when I read what blackfire was saying it seems to me as if he want to get two sets of data on two sets of computers and compare. He said to but meant two. That is why I thought you were talking to me.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by 70's View Post
    Zmax is martin a one man show? Bubba said that the product was on his website for a year. Why do you think that is? I in marketing and when this happens it is because of two reasons one it is a little independent guy that does not have enough revenue to bring the product to market and the other is that the product is not working as the manufacture had intended. I hope it is neither of those and that he just now putting that on his priority list because the ability to have a system that could do everything that I am looking for is keeping me from buying anything. Hope this product comes to market soon.
    In my opinion, it is terrible business to have a product that is "coming soon" advertised on your website if it competes with your current offerings. There is a reason that Apple doesn't have "iPad 3 coming next year" advertised on their website.

  19. #19
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    You make a good point.

  20. #20
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by b3team View Post
    In my opinion, it is terrible business to have a product that is "coming soon" advertised on your website if it competes with your current offerings. There is a reason that Apple doesn't have "iPad 3 coming next year" advertised on their website.
    Yeah, his business side can use some improvement. Not sure if I would put the LX in that category, but the ADX for sure. Even now, the ADX's price doesn't make sense. There are other examples.

    If he would just concentrate on product development, things would be better.

  21. #21
    be3 i thought that was funny but I agree with Zmax.

  22. #22
    70's about two computer is about having GC2 for SIM and PX2 for club data you would have to run two software.

    about Martin's product personnaly I've lost confidence because of the amount of product is developing, the time it takes to finally come out after advertising. how can you be good in so many differente system when all the other compagny are offering one technologie.

  23. #23
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackfire View Post
    70's about two computer is about having GC2 for SIM and PX2 for club data you would have to run two software.
    Wrong. All it takes is to update GGS's GSAControlPanel to accept data from the GC2. You would use GSA for simulation because it's thousands of dollars cheaper.

    It's done on one computer.

  24. #24
    Yes if Martin does it if not forget it

  25. #25
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Bringing this thread back to life. Post here if the LX is something you might be interested in.

  26. #26
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZMax View Post
    Bringing this thread back to life. Post here if the LX is something you might be interested in.
    I am very interested. We should see how many would be interested. Count me in for one.

  27. #27
    Count me in, I am building a sim in 5 months when I move. Hoping the LX works great, is priced right, and gets finished relatively soon. If not, it is either protee, px5, gc2, or a deal on a used sim on ebay.

  28. #28
    Z let martin know that Foresight just sold 300 units to Golfsmith in the states and if his LX is better than the GC2 then that should perk him right up.
    Last edited by 70jr; 04-28-2011 at 10:49 AM.

  29. #29
    3 Wood northgolf is on a distinguished road
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    Add me to the interested list. The GC2 is on my short list and if the LX is in the same price range with better software....

  30. #30
    Pitching Wedge golf4tito is on a distinguished road
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    I think the LX is a great idea especially if it can be incorporated into the existing sensor systems.

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