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  1. #121
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    Again, nice that you could do that with your integration rdh. You certainly have one nice setup.

  2. #122
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by rdh View Post
    I found that shots generally hooked/sliced more than I expected in GSA Golf as well. Since I built my own integration program, I built a tweak in for that to turn on "Reduced Shot Variance" for clubs to cut down the side spin by 15%. I don't actually adjust the spin since I'm not controlling that - i actually reduce the club angle and path that I feed to GSA Golf so the club face-relative-to-path angle is reduced and thus spin is reduced. I find with the 15% reduction it plays very accurately. I still struggle to hit fairways (like my real game!) but balls don't hook/slice drastically.
    When you reduced your club angle and path, GSA then reports those reduced numbers in the swing analysis page that pops up? Does your interface display the sensor readings prior to the adjustment for GSA?

    There are adjustments for faceanglereductionfactor and maybe path reduction or max path range. I'm not sure if I want to do that. In ProX, everything can be changed. The problem is that the graphics are not up to par with GSA and is actually limited to 1280x1024. Martin should be able to incorporate these adjustments into his GSA interface. I think he needs help. Maybe I should ask him for the OEM interface.

  3. #123
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    Good idea ZMax.

  4. #124
    Playing Winter Rules mmlincon is on a distinguished road
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    Hey Zmax

    I just did a comparison between ProX and GSA and with similar path/angle the ball is definitely curving excessively in GSA. I've tried changing the club specs, but as you mentioned they don't seem to effect the ball flight. Have you found a "fix" for this yet?

  5. #125
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmlincon View Post
    Hey Zmax

    I just did a comparison between ProX and GSA and with similar path/angle the ball is definitely curving excessively in GSA. I've tried changing the club specs, but as you mentioned they don't seem to effect the ball flight. Have you found a "fix" for this yet?
    I'll look at it more this afternoon. But it looks like I'll have to try rdh's method.

  6. #126
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    ZMax did you hear back from Martin? there must be a way to modify these values within GSA.

  7. #127
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubba22 View Post
    ZMax did you hear back from Martin? there must be a way to modify these values within GSA.
    Yes, I did. The adjustment is not there right now and his interface is basically relying on GSA to do spin calculations, unlike P3pro. He promised that he will work on this.

    The spinfactor and terrain penalties are the only problems I have with his interface with GSA. I just can't win.

    I'll keep poking around. Maybe I'll find something that works.

  8. #128
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    If anybody can, it's you ZMax. Keep poking, hopefully you will find something.

  9. #129
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Found a work around for the spin!!!


    I got it looking good now for the driver. Need to test the other clubs.

  10. #130
    Playing Winter Rules mmlincon is on a distinguished road
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    What are you doing with the spin?

  11. #131
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    I knew you would find it ZMax. How are you getting it done.

  12. #132
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmlincon View Post
    What are you doing with the spin?

    Quote Originally Posted by bubba22 View Post
    I knew you would find it ZMax. How are you getting it done.

    Well, this is a work around and not a tweak/fix. There is no side spin adjustment at the moment. I had mentioned that my swing speed was coming in at around 84. So, naturally, yesterday I adjusted it up to 95 mph. My Medicus Power swing speed meter has me at 94, and as high as 98.

    Tonight I remembered that club head speed is a factor in calculating side spin. Martin's GSA apparently has this factor set too high so draws were turning into 40 yard hooks. So, by reducing club head speed(back to almost default), side spin was reduced and the ball flight is now normal, and confirmed with my trajectory program. This of course meant that I had to increase ball carry distance by 1.05 to match what I normally hit.

    So, as it stands, to adjust side spin, you adjust club head speed. It shouldn't be like this but until Martin does an update to fix this, this is what you'll have to do. At least the ball flight now looks correct and I can trust it for working on my game. I just have to ignore club head speed readings, which I was already used to anyway.

    Also, I was able to hit some more trees/branches/leaves today. And I even heard it go through some leaves.

    To recap, bunker play can be made to look real and ball flight can be adjusted.

  13. #133
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    Thats a good start ZMax. Hopefully Martin will get an update for this soon. You should email him on the subject if you haven't done so yet.

  14. #134
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubba22 View Post
    Thats a good start ZMax. Hopefully Martin will get an update for this soon. You should email him on the subject if you haven't done so yet.
    I'll definitely email him about this. But I'm back to being happy again. Just need to add LA later.

  15. #135
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    I just noticed something cool while hitting out of a bunker. Sand splashed up and out. Don't remember seeing that in P3pro/GSA.

  16. #136
    Im a fixture here rdh is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZMax View Post
    When you reduced your club angle and path, GSA then reports those reduced numbers in the swing analysis page that pops up? Does your interface display the sensor readings prior to the adjustment for GSA?
    Yes, i have my own small interface overlay window in the upper right that shows the true readings, then I feed adjusted readings in to GSA Golf. If you call up the shot analysis window in GSA, though, you see the adjusted readings.

  17. #137
    Im a fixture here rdh is on a distinguished road
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    Very interesting on the club speed adjustment. I'll have to try that in my interface. WIth my ball sensor the ball speed is picked up independently, so it shouldn't throw off the shot distance. Sounds like a much simpler fix than my logic (which wasn't a simple reduction of club angle/path - it had to look at each one and adjust them "closer" to each other to reduce the relative angle). Nice work on that ZMax.

    In my GSA golf I can hit leaves and hear them. Really it seems bizarre to me that P3Pro's software would behave differently since this is all part of the red chain software and not the interface program. I can't see that red chain would have used an older version of the software for P3Pro???

    I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel for my crazy workload and look forward to getting some time on my simulator soon. I've already decided my next project will be to add voice commands to my interface so that I can select clubs and perform other functions without walking to the computer. I've found the tools to do that - now I just need to add it to my interface software. It will mean wearing a bluetooth earpiece-microphone while I'm playing, but sounds really cool.

  18. #138
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by rdh View Post
    Very interesting on the club speed adjustment. I'll have to try that in my interface. WIth my ball sensor the ball speed is picked up independently, so it shouldn't throw off the shot distance. Sounds like a much simpler fix than my logic (which wasn't a simple reduction of club angle/path - it had to look at each one and adjust them "closer" to each other to reduce the relative angle). Nice work on that ZMax.

    In my GSA golf I can hit leaves and hear them. Really it seems bizarre to me that P3Pro's software would behave differently since this is all part of the red chain software and not the interface program. I can't see that red chain would have used an older version of the software for P3Pro???

    I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel for my crazy workload and look forward to getting some time on my simulator soon. I've already decided my next project will be to add voice commands to my interface so that I can select clubs and perform other functions without walking to the computer. I've found the tools to do that - now I just need to add it to my interface software. It will mean wearing a bluetooth earpiece-microphone while I'm playing, but sounds really cool.
    Thanks rdh.

    When you first got your GSA, do you remember if you were able to hit trees/leaves/branches and had sound when you hit them? What about sand splashing out from the bunker? There have been a few updates to GSA in the last few months, but P3pro has yet to release an update. Perhaps they never got the fixes from GSA?

    The voice commands sounds cool. Keep us posted.

  19. #139
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    Wow That is cool rdh. Keep us posted for sure.

  20. #140
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    I am loving it! Distances have been dialed in for all clubs. All sounds are working including the ball rolling into the cup, hitting off the cart path, hitting the ground, trees, etc...

    I did send an email to Martin but he hasn't responded. I'm going to try to get my ball sensor working today.

  21. #141
    Im a fixture here rdh is on a distinguished road
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    Very nice ZMax! I have things dialed in very accurately with my setup with GSA Golf as well, and I find the software really great once it's tuned and working well. I still don't understand the challenges P3Pro has had with their integration...there's no reason (in my mind) that all P3Pro users shouldn't have their systems working just as nicely.

    Again, nice job on getting things configured to work well!

  22. #142
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by rdh View Post
    Very nice ZMax! I have things dialed in very accurately with my setup with GSA Golf as well, and I find the software really great once it's tuned and working well. I still don't understand the challenges P3Pro has had with their integration...there's no reason (in my mind) that all P3Pro users shouldn't have their systems working just as nicely.

    Again, nice job on getting things configured to work well!

    I think part of the problem is that P3pro are not getting updates for GSA(not from Martin anyway). The courses were beta tested in the summer and released in Oct., but they have yet to release one update.

    As for the interface issues, yeah, I don't understand either. I know they don't have programmers in house and they actually don't even own the source code, but too much time has passed for them not to have released one fix.

  23. #143
    Im a fixture here rdh is on a distinguished road
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    The bizarre thing (to me) is that someone posted on here that Jay Russo said they'd sold 300 course packs. At $1000 each, that's $300K in revenue. Now I doubt the margin on the software is super high for them, but even if they make $200 on each one that's generated $60K in margin over just a few months, with the potential to sell to lots more P3Pro owners. You'd think they could afford to invest some funds in improving the interface to really get it working solidly.

  24. #144
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    ZMax that is great. Like I said if anybody can get it tweaked it is you ZMax. I am happy for you. Once you get the ball sensor working it will even be better. I too cannot understand why the P3pro folks have not been able to get the courses up and going. Your geusse is as good as mine. I personally think the courses are not quite acceptable and need work. They would sell better if they would improve the course playability.

  25. #145
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Bizarre is discontinuing the LA add-on when it was already working? Oh well, Protee is about to take some more market share from them. Competition is good.

  26. #146
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    I agree rdh. The fact that they may not be getting any updates on future courses may be an issue for them. Who know what their sales numbers are however if what you are saying is true, you would think that they would invest more in the courses to make it better.

  27. #147
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    I got the ball sensor working. turned out my original attempt at repair on this cable was not so good.. I had to replace the cable. Anyway, It looks like I'm going to need more light. 50 watt is not enough for the ball track. I'm not sure if I even want to use it. The extra 50 watt is already having an effect on the image. 75 watt would make it worst.

    I would be OK with another 50 watt light for a LA camera but not for a ball track. The sensor mat and program does a good job of caculating ball path.

    That's another advantage for the Protee, with the ball built in ball sensor. It only needs one light.

  28. #148
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    The setup has 2 lights ZMax. It would be nice to get the ball track working. Is the issue the lighting?

  29. #149
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubba22 View Post
    The setup has 2 lights ZMax. It would be nice to get the ball track working. Is the issue the lighting?
    Yes it's the lighting. Not enough and I don't want too much.

    Are you sure the new Protee has 2 lights? If the other light is for the built-in ball sensor then you'll have a problem. Two lights that are close together might produce a double shadow or fuzzy shadow.

  30. #150
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Screen shots:


    I hate trees!

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