CorporateGolfXtra 2024
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  1. #1
    7 Wood dvshx is on a distinguished road
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    Dec 2009

    RDH, how did you mount projector behind the garage opener?

    I was looking at your old picture of the garage after the set up was complete. I see a black garage door opener not too far from the screen. How did you manage to mount projector behind it without casting shadow?

  2. #2
    Ryder Cup Par2Pro is on a distinguished road Par2Pro's Avatar
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    Edmonton, AB Canada
    Hey DVSHX,

    Just a note that you can also remount your opener up to 1 foot from the side of your garage door (if you have a tension rod opener).

    I had a garage specialist confirm that it does not hurt your door or opener. I had that setup in my last house and never had any problems.

    Hope that helps.

  3. #3
    Im a fixture here rdh is on a distinguished road
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    Apr 2009
    Funny to see my user name in the name of a thread...makes me feel important.

    My setup (golf simulator) is off center in the garage. So, while the garage door opener IS in the center, my projector is to the side so it wasn't an issue.

    Something you might want to look at if you need the projector in the same line as the opener for some can get projector mounts that can drop the projector down quite a bit, so you may be able to have the mount pole almost in line with the opener chain mechanism and then the projector itself down below the opener. The only issue would be if that's so low that it causes players to cast shadows on the screen.

  4. #4
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    You are very important to this forum. Quick question rdh, how far from the ball are the launch and ball sensors on the pro7? Does the pro7 miss any balls hit on a really bad angle? By the way the GSA courses are really awesome and I think as you stated are nicer, in my eye, than the GPS software.

  5. #5
    Im a fixture here rdh is on a distinguished road
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    Apr 2009
    The launch and ball sensors (azimuth, speed) are just a matter of inches in front of the ball tee position.

    Yes, the pro 7 definitely misreads some balls hit on sharp left/right angles. Overall I am very happy with my system, but it is not without flaws. In my interface to GSA Golf I implemented some logic to try to better identify extreme right/left shots...that has improved things for sure, but in a perfect world it wouldn't be necessary.

  6. #6
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    Nice that you can write a program for that. Pro7 is in my mind the gold standard for home sim users. As you said there are no perfect systems.

  7. #7
    Im a fixture here rdh is on a distinguished road
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    I think the Pro 7 is still one of the best options for a home simulator to get good accuracy, right/left hand player handling, and club feedback. For overall accuracy and simplicity if I was just making my decision now, the GC2 would get some serious consideration. It has the higher launch angle and even better accuracy...but the lack of club feedback and lack of simple right/left hand interchangeability are weaknesses with it. Still...I'd love to play a couple rounds on one to see how it is!

  8. #8
    Im a fixture here rdh is on a distinguished road
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    Apr 2009
    I should have mentioned that GGS has a system close to production that works the same as the GC2. It's a newer product so it remains to be proven, but it looks good from what I've seen.

  9. #9
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    I think the GGS lx system looks nice but the question is really when will it be available and at what cost. Support is an issue as well. I suspect it will be pricey. The GC2 does look very nice but has the limitations you mentioned. I would love to try it though.

  10. #10
    7 Wood dvshx is on a distinguished road
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    Dec 2009
    I got the exact location figured out where I can mount the projector so that the opener will not interfere. The projector will not be dead center and leveled, but it will be good enough to not create a trapezoid screen.

    The only issue is that the golfer will cast a slight shadow right before the he gets to the top of backswing (club and arm @ 90 degrees). I don't think that this will be avoidable if your projector is ceiling mounted behind and slightly aiming down. Unless you want the screen to be projected high.

    The damn popcorn ceiling is making it miserable for my cable management. I can not get the cable concealer (round plastic) to stick on it. Can't wait for this project to be completed. All the labor was pretty much DIY.

  11. #11
    Ryder Cup Par2Pro is on a distinguished road Par2Pro's Avatar
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    Edmonton, AB Canada
    Sounds cool dvshx, looking forward to seeing pictures...

    If your projector is not vertically level, just use the vertical keystone adjustment in your projector's settings.

    The shadow is normal with most simulators, especially home versions - you don't really notice it when you are immersed in the game.

    Are you able to scrape the popcorn off in the place you want to mount the cable concealer? Or is there any way to run the cable in the ceiling?

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