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Thread: New golfer epiphany
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11-27-2005 09:12 AM #1biddleGuest
New golfer epiphany
I began golfing this summer and am loving the time spent concentrating, which clears my mind of everday chatter.
My strategy for learning has been lessons (4), video (Ledbetter) and 2 to 3, 3 hour sessions per week at our pay-once-play-all-day practice range. The result: just as fall came to a close, I had a golf swing epiphany -----Older golfers (51), tend to practice in their comfort zone, making only small, ineffective changes to change habits such as an out-side swing, hence, training aids abound (which rarely if ever feature junior golfers).
With this in mind I went to the range, got really loose and tried what felt like a greatly exaggerated wrist cock, inside swing path, and hip bump--wow. It changed everything. I started hitting a high percentage of on-line shots, and long shots where it felt like the ball mushed agaist the club face. Now, when I hit a slice or an off-line shot, I ask myself, "did the swing feel "normal?" If the answer is "yes," I know I've retured to my outside swing.
It seems like a video that speaks to the feel of learning would go more directly to the challenge many golfers face.
I look forward to reading your posts.
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