Quote Originally Posted by mberube
I don’t know but one think I don’t get. When you are a RFA you are allowed to receive offers from other teams. The team that owns you must match the highest qualified offer if they want to keep him. Does this mean that nobody has offered anything major for Roberto. That’s crazy.
Compensation must be paid if another team "poaches" an RFA from you. In Luongo's case, it is based on the amount of the new team's offer.

Offer -- compensation

$660,000 or below: no compensation.
More than $660,000 to $1 million: third-round choice.
$1 million to $2 million: second-round choice.
$2 million to $3 million: first and third-round choices.
$3 million to $4 million: first, second and third-round choices.
$4 million to $5 million: two first-round choices, one second and one third-round choice.

It would essentially have cost any team after Luongo 5 first rounders, and that's only if Florida didn't match. That's why you don't see this too often. The last case involved Sergei Fedorov going to Carolina, but something happened and the deal was voided or Detroit matched or something like that...
