Wopster had a great thread about being lucky to see some great historical sports moments, and I thought I'd start a thread to see what people's favourite sports memories in general are.

I've been lucky enough to see in person a lot of great sports moments, teams and stars. I saw the Oilers in their glory years. I saw Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Barry Sanders, Bret Favre and Dan Marino play. I watched all the great Blue Jays teams from 85-91, and then got pissed when my sister took my seat in 92 and 93 while I was at university. But a lot of those times, the event was more significant in a historical context than it was at the time it happened. For example, when I saw the Oilers, they beat a last place Leafs team 6-2. Big whoop at the time. I mean it was a big deal, but more the idea of it than the event itself.

The things that I remember the most, and which my kids will hear me retell over and over and over again, seem more mundane looking back, but were electric in the stadium.

I remember seeing Dennis Bergkamp score or create 3 goals, and about 300 chances in a 3-0 friendly defeat of Canada prior to the 94 World Cup. I went to a few World Cup games that year and nothing compared to the magic I saw that afternoon. I've never seen an individual effort like that since either. My wife's birthday is the same as his and it's at least 10% of the reason I married her.

I remember the fans in Alkmaar in Holland singing and chanting for 90 minutes as their 10th place team beat the last place team Fortuna. Not a rivalry game, not for positions in the standings, not to get into Europe, just a late season match with nothing on the line. But the stadium was sold out and the people were just loving it. I've never experienced atmosphere like that in a stadium, and I've been to quite a few games all over Europe. The atmosphere at almost any footie game in Europe however tops anything over here. I also remember being at Parkhead as Celtic celebrated the 43rd anniversary of their greatest defeat of Rangers, the entire 60,000 singing the song 'Celtic 7 and Rangers 1'. My apparently well connected cousin introduced me to the Chairman in a pub after the game too, he bought me a pint! Awesome stuff.

I remember watching the University of Michigan come back from two touchdowns down against Virginia in the fourth quarter of the first game of the season. The go-ahead score came with no time left, and the 110,000 people in the stadium were silent, literally silent, waiting to see if the receiver came down in bounds. When the official's hands went up, bedlam. Unbelievable, and this for a team that went on to an unmemorable 9-4 season. For sheer excitement, this was probably tops for me.

I remember game 5 in the eastern finals against the Devils, down 3 games to 1. The Corel centre was eery that night, like everyone there had sensed that if the Sens were going to get to the cup, the fans were going to have to will them there. Before the game even started, when the players sitting out were put up on the scoreboard, the crowd went nuts when Spezza's name was absent, meaning Martin had finally put him in the line-up. Throughout the game, the crowd cheered the Sens, got on the Devils and refs, and generally pushed them on to victory. It was a very cool night. Sure, the Sens lost the series, but I'll never forget the crowd that night.

Anyway, those are just some of my favourite sports memories. Anyone else with memorable, in the moment, sports memories?