Just wondering how everyone is fairing with the goals they set themselves in the "goals for the season thread".

mine were:

1) Consistantly break 100.

Done, last 5 rounds all under 100 .

2) Shoot at least 1 score in the 90-95 range.

Done, a 91, 92 and a 95 .

3) Play smarter, (know when to lay up or pitch out to safety and when to go for it)

Course management has been a lot better this year .

4) Less 3 and 4 putts.

Done, only 1 or 2 three putts per round now .

5) Turn doubles and triples into singles or better.

Making lots more bogies instead of triples and doubles .

6) More pars.

Lots more than last year, but no birdies yet to speak of (have been very close on a number of occasions though).

7) Learn how to get up and down from a bunker.

Still working on this, though I am at least getting the ball onto the green.

8) Enjoy every game I play regardless if I accomplish the above targets...golf is a game for life.

I love golf..........what more can I say?