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  1. #1
    Eagle Rusty is on a distinguished road Rusty's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Question Swing Analyzers, Where are we now?

    I would like to get a swing analyzer so that I am more aware of what happens when I hit a great/bad shot.

    Has anyone had experience with the more recent models?
    I am interested in swing path and face angle/dynamic loft.

    The internet has lots of reviews, but I can't really tell what is generated by real people and what is hype/bull from shills for the various companies.
    The Zep has some positives, but I don't see how you get face angle (open/closed) with something that attaches to your golf glove.
    The Blast looks promising but it doesn't seem to have any current reviews.
    Golf Town has the Garmin Tru Swing, for a good price but it doesn't seem to get great reviews.

    Anyway has anyone used any of the analyzers and are they useful for swing improvement.

  2. #2
    Hybrid john8888 is on a distinguished road
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    Apr 2010
    the following old review is accurate based on my experience.

  3. #3
    Caddy Gofish2 is on a distinguished road Gofish2's Avatar
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    Mar 2002
    Ottawa & Merritt Island, Fl
    I'm getting a swingbyte once the android software for "coaching" is available.

  4. #4
    Eagle Rusty is on a distinguished road Rusty's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Thumbs up I bouight a Tru Swing

    Thanks for the replies.

    I ended up buying a Garmin Tru Swing at GT on sale.
    I used it in the fall, it works well enough, it is a little picky for alignment but otherwise I am happy with it.

    I have been using it at the indoor simulators over the winter. It is in agreement with the simulator most of the time and only off by a bit when it doesn't agree.

    Honestly the trick is to use it all of the time when practicing, and I am not all that good at sticking with it. I really plan to use it this spring to get my swing speed up and my path better.

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