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  1. #1
    Team Match Play Champ 2010 DenisO is on a distinguished road DenisO's Avatar
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    Slicefixer's 9 to 3 drill

    Wondering if anyone has implemented Slicefixer's 9 to 3 drill into their golf swing.
    The thread:

    Been doing a ton of reading for the past couple days, from the huge forum thread, to his Encyclopedia Texarkana, and watching youtube videos on the proper setup and technique. Been trying it with a SW in my basement for the past couple days, will probably continue for at least a couple more weeks before deciding if I want to go that route but so far it feels really solid even with a small swing.

    Gist of it is:
    - Strong grip
    - Proper setup (weight 60/40 favouring left, hips tilted with spine)
    - Rotational swing, no swaying
    - Arms and hands move with trunk, and trunk strikes the ball, hands are passive.

    The benefits:
    - Should not miss left anymore
    - Generate more power/swing speed
    - Compress the hell out of the ball
    - Less error prone since you don't have to 'save' shots with hand manipulation
    - Consistency

    Doing that with 9-3 drill ingrains how to hit the ball solid using leverage with your body as opposed to an inconsistant handsy swing which loses a ton of power. You should be doing a ton of 9-3 swings with small club, eventually getting to bigger clubs, and larger swings.

    Yes, the video has no sound and hard to figure things out initially. I had to do a lot of work to find all the proper info, but the internet is vast and it's there, just takes time.

  2. #2
    Making Cuts habsfan is on a distinguished road habsfan's Avatar
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    Denis your gonna turn into Tiger your game was fine now your gonna over analyze every part of your swing and wont be able to hit it anymore

  3. #3
    Team Match Play Champ 2010 DenisO is on a distinguished road DenisO's Avatar
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    There's no over analyzing, it's a bad, inconsistent, unpowerful swing and needs fixing. I think it'll help a lot to be able to rely on one drill for a swing, as opposed to just whacking balls on the range.

    Just wait and see

    Quote Originally Posted by habsfan View Post
    Denis your gonna turn into Tiger your game was fine now your gonna over analyze every part of your swing and wont be able to hit it anymore

  4. #4
    Making Cuts habsfan is on a distinguished road habsfan's Avatar
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    like I said the club championship is mine this year, your just gonna make it easier on me.

  5. #5
    Shotmaker bNeill is on a distinguished road bNeill's Avatar
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    Not sure if it showed when we were out the other day but usually my swing very close to what slicefixer prescribes.

    That drill in particular has helped my long iron play a lot.

  6. #6
    Team Match Play Champ 2010 DenisO is on a distinguished road DenisO's Avatar
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    I didn't notice and found that thread/drill after we played. If we ever play again, I'll make sure to pay attention

  7. #7
    Team Match Play Champ 2010 DenisO is on a distinguished road DenisO's Avatar
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    Went to the range today for the first time since starting the new setup and practicing using the 9-3 drill in my basement. At the range I only practiced using my PW for 90% of it and continuing to work on the drill. The first 10 balls were hit a bit thin, but still in the middle of the face, after that it got a bit higher and better on the face. Tried a couple long iron shots and a couple drivers just to make sure they weren't completely out of whack, and I hit them pretty solidly (surprised myself).

    Overall, I give it a thumbs up! I'll continue to practice this, and hopefully ingrain it into my swing, I know it'll help a ton with iron accuracy and consistency as I can already see an improvement in center of the face hits.

    This is going to be a good year

  8. #8
    Team Match Play Champ 2010 DenisO is on a distinguished road DenisO's Avatar
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    I wore a hole through my hitting net in the basement from this drill, boooo!

  9. #9
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    This drill was also espoused by Paul Wilson, it sets the proper arm position as well and promotes the proper weight shift. Denis, I can tell you that having a teacher look at my swing helps a lot more than self-analysis but then again Sam Snead would disagree.
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  10. #10
    Team Match Play Champ 2010 DenisO is on a distinguished road DenisO's Avatar
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    Agreed. I just had a lesson with Gregg at Kevin Haimes on Tuesday. Overall, he said big improvement since last year and I have a couple things to work on which I had already noticed from looking at my own swing. One being my head moving up near the top of the backswing.
    Flightscope had me at 100mph swing speed, and 1.42-1.43 smash factor, (consistently hitting it slightly off the heel), so I'd have to get that higher for a little more distance.

    I'll also be investing in a camera with good slow motion (hopefully 120-240 fps), and possibly getting an online analysis/lesson from Dan Whittaker, as he seems to know his stuff regarding this setup/swing.

  11. #11
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    I have the same problem of hitting on the heel of the club. Matt robinson noticed that my pelvis was pushing in toward the ball near impact which caused the heel contact (only really see it on slow mo video). The answer is to push on the ground with my legs to get to my front foot which would make my butt go back and not forward. Not so easy for me but I found that my set-up of my feet was more flat instead of on the balls of my feet. The weight shift for me will be key. Gregg will straighten you out I am sure.
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  12. #12
    Making Cuts habsfan is on a distinguished road habsfan's Avatar
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    Denis's quest for the perfect swing will be his ultimate demise. muuuuhahahahahahaa muuuuu hahahahaha. oooh crap shouldnt of said that out loud. ooooh crap why am i still writting

  13. #13
    Team Match Play Champ 2010 DenisO is on a distinguished road DenisO's Avatar
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    Perfect? Pfft, I just want more consistency that's all

    Quote Originally Posted by habsfan View Post
    Denis's quest for the perfect swing will be his ultimate demise. muuuuhahahahahahaa muuuuu hahahahaha. oooh crap shouldnt of said that out loud. ooooh crap why am i still writting

  14. #14
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    Denis, where did you find the set-up in that mess of a forum? What post # and thread if you have it? Thx
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  15. #15
    Team Match Play Champ 2010 DenisO is on a distinguished road DenisO's Avatar
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    Here's a post that one of the guys keeps referencing: Primer

    On the Tubes of You, you can look up videos of lessons from Dan Whittaker (dfw1500), which shows setup, pivot, release/impact, etc.

  16. #16
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    Thanks Dennis, I was shown this type of swing in the past and had good success, I am going back to that same teacher so hopefully I can pick up where I left off.
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  17. #17
    Team Match Play Champ 2010 DenisO is on a distinguished road DenisO's Avatar
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    I practiced for 2 hours yesterday at Hautes Plaines short game area, and saw a huge improvement on consistency on pitching from shorter yardages. I compared my old style to this, and the dispersion was definitely smaller.

    P.S. I also bought a chest putter, all the HP guys will mock me on the course now

  18. #18
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    I also practiced yesterday and overall I really had some good success with this swing, I think it really helped that I had already worked on the basics years ago. I really noticed an improvement in accuracy and distances were excellent as well although the wind was blowing nicely. I am pretty sure that the new set-up for the driver really helped me as they were launched very far for me. I will keep at her for sure.
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

  19. #19
    In the Zone syhlif32 is on a distinguished road
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    I will also give a to this swing/ practice. Found the pdf file on the internet last January.
    Was home with plenty of time on my hand Feb-May practice the 9-3 swing everyday for an hour then added longer clubs and longer swings for another hour or two.
    My best score last January was 89 most of my rounds was 95-105.
    End of April I scored 3 rounds under 80. Due to work I stopped the practicing and forgot about the swing type. My score went back up to the high 80's.
    Here 3 weeks ago I 'found' the pdf file again started the swing again.
    It did not take more than a few days to get back into it.
    Scored 81 in pretty poor condition two days ago and am pretty confident I will be under 80 again in shortly.
    Special my wedge play has improved which has boosted my confidence. Like other have also stated.

  20. #20
    Albatross goliath is on a distinguished road goliath's Avatar
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    i have also started to give this a go. It has already improved my driving accuracy noticably in the last week.

    When I hit my irons well they are flying straight as can be. I am still fighting inconsistencies in terms of hitting shots fat and getting blocked and getting in my own way but its getting better by the day.

    my wedge approach game has noticeably improved.

  21. #21
    Team Match Play Champ 2010 DenisO is on a distinguished road DenisO's Avatar
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    I'm hitting it really solid in my basement and am now just practicing slightly larger than 9-3 swings. When I hit it properly, it's the best feeling there is, everything just flows and impact tape has a perfect mark in the center of the face.

    Once in awhile I notice that I'm forgetting to do something, but I'm getting better at remembering and doing the entire setup and motion. If I hit a couple bad shots in a row, I go back to 9-3 until I hit a number of solid ones again.

    If anything, it's definitely improved my pitch shots, just need to transition it to long game, which I'm not confident in yet.
    Tournaments and club qualifiers are approaching too quickly, I'm not sure I'll have my swing ready in time

  22. #22
    Making Cuts habsfan is on a distinguished road habsfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DenisO View Post
    I'm hitting it really solid in my basement and am now just practicing slightly larger than 9-3 swings. When I hit it properly, it's the best feeling there is, everything just flows and impact tape has a perfect mark in the center of the face.

    Once in awhile I notice that I'm forgetting to do something, but I'm getting better at remembering and doing the entire setup and motion. If I hit a couple bad shots in a row, I go back to 9-3 until I hit a number of solid ones again.

    If anything, it's definitely improved my pitch shots, just need to transition it to long game, which I'm not confident in yet.
    Tournaments and club qualifiers are approaching too quickly, I'm not sure I'll have my swing ready in time
    I'd swear with all the excuses Im hearing here Thom was posting here.

  23. #23
    Team Match Play Champ 2010 DenisO is on a distinguished road DenisO's Avatar
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    I have no excuses, I'm not blaming anything Just keep your change purse full for our matches!

  24. #24
    Making Cuts habsfan is on a distinguished road habsfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DenisO View Post
    I have no excuses, I'm not blaming anything Just keep your change purse full for our matches!
    We playing for $40 or $50, I can feel the tides turning, my confidence is rising while yours is.......... well.......... I told you never to mess with your swing.

  25. #25
    Putter adolfainsley is on a distinguished road
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    I had to do a lot of work to find all the proper info, but the internet is vast and it's there, just takes time???

  26. #26
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    Well if you find all the info please share, all I have is a 3 minute video from Martin Chuck, he calls it the Miagi drill or catch the fly
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

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