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  1. #1
    Postmaster General The Saint is on a distinguished road The Saint's Avatar
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    Kanata, Ont

    Question Bell Satellite TV/Internet or Rogers Cable/Internet

    Is there anyone out there that has made the switch? If so what is your feedback so far?

    I'm considering changing providers and want to hear from others who have made the switch.

    Your thoughts......
    Some people are like Slinkies... they're really good for nothing, ... but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs...

  2. #2
    Hall of Fame jeffc is on a distinguished road jeffc's Avatar
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    In the 613!
    Still a Rogers guy, though not for home phone as they won't let me keep my number. If you go bell the snow can affect the signal on the dish.
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  3. #3
    Out of Bounds orangeTANG is on a distinguished road
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    Jul 2008
    I'd suggest looking at Rogers for cable, and a 3rd party provider for cable internet such as teksavvy or Acanac.

    I'm not a big Bell Satellite fan, and if you compare prices and download caps you'll find the 3rd parties are a better deal. Acanac even throws in free online storage and a VOIP number, for substantially less than Rogers internet alone.

  4. #4
    Golf Guru Nat Williams is on a distinguished road Nat Williams's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    I used to have Rogers Cable Internet and Bell Satellite.

    After calculating the annual cost of them I decided to look @ alternatives.

    Teksavvy was finally in my area for cable (previous only for DSL and I didn't have a home phone so I'd have paid the dry loop fee). Signed up and am now enjoying faster service and a larger cap for less $$ ... all while still using Roger's lines. (modem switch was all that was needed, no techs to the house or appointments). If Teksavvy is in your area, it's a no brainer .. at least for now. We'll see how the lobbying from the big guys goes.

    With the increased bandwidth cap, I cancelled my satellite. We now have netflix for entertainment, + there are tonnes of online options for tv - stuff like game center (NHL games), (baseball) etc that when purchased add up to much less than the cost of satellite and are easy to stream to your tv (either via computer, or an xbox/ps3 ... all make good media centers) - there are also lots of ways to see the latest tv shows (Hulu, iTunes, Zune Mrkt, and uhh others). On top of that, if you had satellite, get an HD antenna and put it on the roof beside the old dish and reuse the existing coax line - there's a dozen or so channels for free right there. If you don't have an existing coax line to the roof - you can still setup the antenna inside and grab a fair % of the channels.

    I find I'm not missing out on anything - and have the side benefit of watching less 'crap tv' (nothing on but you channel surf).

    Cost comparison:
    Rogers internet + bell satellite was ~150$/month combined.
    Teksavvy+netflix+nhl+mlb+antenna ~70$ a month combined (drop speciality streaming and you can do it on 50$/mth)
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