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  1. #1
    Gap Wedge imanidiot is on a distinguished road
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    impact screen edge covering?

    What has anyone done to give the impact screen a more "finished" look? I don't want to be staring at bungee's and grommet holes on the impact mat.

    I know it could be as simple as just velcro some dark fabric around the outside of the screen and over the holes and cords but was wondering if anyone had any other better finish looking ideas?

    Thanks in advance for any ideas.

  2. #2
    Need a Caddy TheGolfer is on a distinguished road
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    fhe foresight screen i am returning came with 2' black flaps sewn in on left/right/top that folds over this sectino then velcro to wall. very nice finish. only thing i plan to add is some padding around angle iron above the screen because wedges can hit it. returning foresight screen because of defective - killer bounce back literally.

    using pr-20 i switched from bunges to zip ties since i can get them tighter and looks better. with pr-20 super tight with zip ties top/sides the worst bounce back is ~ foot at ~ 165mph ball speed.

    pr-20 doesn't have these flaps. I am recommending to them to include them at least as an optino since it looks great. only product i know is to use the black textiline (mesh like plastic) with web sewn edges. velrco both sides. i would like to find a different product though since this is the same material foresight uses and when you ball hits this material at high speed the black smuges on the ball which then can leave a smudge on the screen if reused.

    any one of thoughts on the sides/top flap material? Mine just needs to be ~ 1x9 sides and 16x1 top.

    i could also find a better source for heavy duty 2" velcro. HD is expensive to buy several rolls of this stuff.

    i have left over black carpet from the walls and ceiling protection. i can see if i staple strips down the carpet sides on the right/left and above top and let it hang over. my gap with the zip ties are only a few inches. then maybe velro the back to the webbing. just not sure due to the thickness.

  3. #3
    Bogie Libbing is on a distinguished road Libbing's Avatar
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    Get some blackout curtains on amazon or something. Relatively inexpensive but a nice touch and easy to move if you need access to bungees. Can get different heights and widths. If not tall enough (tallest I remember seeing was 105", but might one taller) just add a simple valance at the top and paint or staple on fabric

  4. #4
    7 Iron shoot4one is on a distinguished road
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    did you install their screen using their installment plan? I just ordered mine and about to mount the angle iron. Is the bounce back a well known problem with their screen?

  5. #5
    Bogie Libbing is on a distinguished road Libbing's Avatar
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    I used the Protee screen with pretty tight bungees on an angle iron and there is no bounce back issue

  6. #6
    Postaholic CPA is on a distinguished road
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    Shoot4one has ordered foresight screen. A number of members have had issues with bounceback. They may have changed their screen by now.

  7. #7
    Need a Caddy TheGolfer is on a distinguished road
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    i had a construction contractor help me install the foresight screen exactly to their specs. they provided a supply list and step by step instructions. after the fact i learned that the bounce back problem is a known problem in the industry with foresight even though one of the partners tried telling me its the first they heard of such a problem. they finally agreed to do a refund. if you are having the same problem video tape it and request a refund.

    i video taped the different configurations i tried along with a video of the back to show it was not rebounding off the wall.

    i literally tried everything including just hanging the screen from the top without sides attached.

    i thought i heard they were moving away from that material for the screen but haven't talked with them in a while.

  8. #8
    7 Iron shoot4one is on a distinguished road
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    I cancelled my order, to concerned there might be issues since im going to be hitting from nine feet away. Is Cory's and Protee the same screen? Protee shop on line sight not working for me, what is the link to their screen? I dont thing the PR20 will work for me since mine needs to be 9'6 tall and i dont want a seem, correct? Has the pr20 black versus white question been answered?

  9. #9
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    ZMax has the Protee screen I think? Maybe he can help you.

  10. #10
    Bogie Libbing is on a distinguished road Libbing's Avatar
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    Protee screen is great. No bounceback. It is different than the one Cory sells but they sound similar

  11. #11
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Libbing View Post
    Protee screen is great. No bounceback. It is different than the one Cory sells but they sound similar
    That is the feeling I had between the HQ and Protee screen. I forgot you had the Protee screen Libbing. Glad you like it!

  12. #12
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by shoot4one View Post
    I cancelled my order, to concerned there might be issues since im going to be hitting from nine feet away. Is Cory's and Protee the same screen? Protee shop on line sight not working for me, what is the link to their screen? I dont thing the PR20 will work for me since mine needs to be 9'6 tall and i dont want a seem, correct? Has the pr20 black versus white question been answered?
    The PR20 black is out of the question. And if you want it be for both golf and media, go with Protee or Cory's HQ screen. The Protee's screen's image quality is much better than the white PR20, with no bounce and low noise. It's also a dual screen so you can flip it around later to use the other side. I have a review somewhere in the screen thread. Protee's online store appears to be down this weekend for some reason. Cory's HQ screen's image quality is a little better than the Protee's. Both are much more money than the PR20.

  13. #13
    Known entity psace is on a distinguished road
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    Cory's HQ screen is excellent for hd movies. If you are not going to watch hd media on the screen it likely won't matter whether it is Cory's or the Protee or the PR20 (less expensive option) for that matter.

  14. #14
    7 Iron shoot4one is on a distinguished road
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  15. #15
    7 Iron wigalo is on a distinguished road
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    I actually framed around my screen and wrapped the frame in black carpet. My screen material (corey's hq) is a little bit larger than the the frame, so all you see is a pure black frame with the screen sitting against it. The frame hides all of the attachments. I'll take and post some photos when I get home. Kind of hard to explain.

    ok, here are some photos...

    screen2.jpgframe no screen.jpg
    Last edited by wigalo; 04-02-2012 at 11:53 PM.

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