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  1. #1
    Lob Wedge oaky99 is on a distinguished road
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    Mar 2011

    Help!!! Protee Golf Simulator Problem

    SDC12046.jpg SDC12048.jpg SDC12053.jpg
    hi, i have a problem with my Protee golf simulator 2007 edition v 4.45.
    Can you help me?
    Im having difficulty getting my sensor mat detected. I use a usb serial adaptor to com port 4 instead of 9 pin conector.
    Ive checked the following - Mat power Led on (5v)
    - ive checked device manager for usb com port exist. (usb com port 4)maching protee(com port successfully opened)
    - lighting and connections are all ok.
    - de-activated firewalls, anti virus software
    I can get the sensor mat to be detected after fiddling about and restarting software etc. but the coloured square on top left corner is still on red,gray and green and the sensor mat will not work.

    When i go into "show sensors" it says Not ready for swing and ball track sensor not detected.
    Should i try replacing usb adapter?
    Is there a dongle key or something to activate the sensor mat??
    What could cause this?
    iv owned this for 2 years and still cant get it working, bought it off ebay so cant contact protee for advice.
    ill post more pictures tomorrow of 'sensor settings'
    Please help??? thanks
    Last edited by oaky99; 04-27-2011 at 08:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Oct 2010
    A dongle key is not needed to activate the sensor mat. At the main Protee page, does it say "sensor mat detected", at the bottom left I believe?

    Do you have the ball track connected to the main sensor panel? Do you see 2 red lights on the ball track?

    In the sensor page, the timers should be running and the green sensors should be turning on/off, running up and down. Same for the ball track. Are the sensors bright green or are they off?

    Need to see a screen shot of the sensor setup screen and pics of your setup with the halogen llights over the sensor mat and ball track. You are using halogen lights, right?

    Here's a good troubleshooting page. Just keep in mind that this is the GGS site(hardware maker of Protee 2007).
    Last edited by ZMax; 04-27-2011 at 09:16 PM.

  3. #3
    Lob Wedge oaky99 is on a distinguished road
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    Mar 2011
    hi zmax, thanks for the quick replay. Yes it does say 'sensor mat detcted' on the main page after i fiddle about with usb adapter etc.

    Also the ball track is connected to the main sensor board but i get 4 green lights on the ball track not red lights, will post pictures tomorrow.

    On the sensor page none of the sensors or timers is running.

    Will post pictures of setup with the halogen lights tomorrow.

    Thanks again for the help.

  4. #4
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Oct 2010
    Have you tried disconnecting the ball track from the sensor board and de-selecting it in the setup page?

  5. #5
    Lob Wedge oaky99 is on a distinguished road
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    Mar 2011
    hi, did try disconnecting ball track, still the same.

    Here are some pics of halogen light on sensors


    Just moved house so mind the mess. Hoping to set this up in garage once it works.
    Attached Images

  6. #6
    Lob Wedge oaky99 is on a distinguished road
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    Mar 2011
    this is pic of 'sensor settings' which ive played about with so much i cant remember the original settings, so if someone could show me how to properly setup.


    some more pics


  7. #7
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    ZMax is the man for you oak. Hopefully he can help. Oak you have had this unit for 2 yrs and couldn't get it to work? Why so long?

  8. #8
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Oct 2010
    After you disconnected the ball track, you also deselected the ball track from the setup screen?

    The lights look good. If you wave a driver over the reset(3 at the back) sensors, do the timers start? Any changes with the sensors(on/off)?

    Post a screen shot of the sensor setup screen. A screen capture if you know how to do it. Next step is to email me your preference files. It's located in the data folder.

  9. #9
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by oaky99 View Post
    this is pic of 'sensor settings' which ive played about with so much i cant remember the original settings, so if someone could show me how to properly setup.
    Have you tried setting the system board to 64?

  10. #10
    Lob Wedge oaky99 is on a distinguished road
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    Mar 2011
    just tryed it on 64 still the same. would you say the setup ive got in 'sensor settings' is ok. (pic above)

    When i swing driver over sensor non of the timers move it just says 'mat status - waiting for swing' and then half way down the screen it says 'not ready for swing'.

    bubba22 im not very good with computers and there is nobody were i live with much information about golf sims.

  11. #11
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    The settings appear to be correct. Some of the older boards were 64 byte.

    The colors on the status bar sounds like it might be a reference code issue. Post the contents of the preference file so I can take a look.

  12. #12
    Lob Wedge oaky99 is on a distinguished road
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    Where do i find the preference file?? sorry im usless with computers.

  13. #13
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Under program files, in the Protee golf simulator folder there should be a data folder. The file should be in the data folder.

    It's a text file. Just double click it and it will open. Copy the contents and post it here.

  14. #14
    Lob Wedge oaky99 is on a distinguished road
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    Mar 2011
    Is this what you ment?

    ggs Version :4.45 ProX: 0, TrialVersion 0;
    ggs Release :2;
    Sky :3;
    Pro Sensor Mat :1;
    Light Strip Game Controller :0;
    Ball Track Sensors :1;
    Vertical Launch Monitor :0;
    Left-hand Sensors :1;
    After shot timeout :6;
    Metric System :1;
    Ball lie in View :0;
    ball-To-Screen-Distance-Imp :90;
    ball-To-Screen-Distance-Cm :177;
    Spin Induction Factor :12;
    Spring Rate :24;
    Spin Curve Factor :10;
    Magnus Steps Factor :32;
    Screen Width Imp :148;
    Screen Width Cm :378;
    screen-Height-From-Ground-Imp :1;
    screen-Height-From-Ground-Cm :5;
    Using Projector :0;
    Bounce Velocity Factor :12;
    Roll Drag Factor :7;
    Auto Club Select :1;
    Auto Putt :1;
    Polygon Count :3;
    Carry Adjust :0;
    Flight SideView Animation Fast :1;
    Language :1;
    SideSpinLoftFactor :0;
    Sensor mat Com Port :3;
    Full Render Per Frame :1;
    Wind Stength :5;
    ClafAdj :0;
    x_ip_step_adj :0;
    Show Player Photo :1;
    Timer Sensor To Reset Distance :225;
    Timer Sensor To Ball Track Sensor Distance :0;
    Club-Head Velocity Adjustment Factor :0;
    Ball Velocity Adjustment Factor :0;
    Sound On :1;
    Sound Ball Impact On :0;
    Sound Club Angle Commentary On :1;
    Auto Putt From Min Distance To Flag:100;
    PuttRollDragFactor :8;
    V2 sensor mat :1;
    Putt In Hole :0;
    Ball Track To Tee Distance Cm :20;
    ChipModeRollDragFactor :30;
    ChipModeCarryFactor :2;
    ScreenToPixelScaleVarY :-0.01;
    ScreenToPixelScaleVarX :3.35;
    AfterShotDefaultMulligan :0;
    ShowSwingAnalysisInformationAlwaysOn :1;
    ValidSwingConditionMinLoopCount :2;
    Putt swingWindowExtensionCount adjustment :50;
    Launch Ball Only When Ball Track Detected :1;
    Ball Track center sensors 64 - 65 :1;
    Ball Track center sensors 56 - 57 :0;
    Roll after carry factor :24;
    Global Carry Adjust :35;
    Ball Velocity Launch Angle Adjustment Factor :0;
    Number of Ball Track Sensors 128 :1;
    LH subtract club face angle from path :0;
    LH message face releative to path reversed :0;
    Auto detect System Board Type :0;
    System Board Type :64;
    System Key :ynjwy3skjfngqbcjbr5vc49m7qfcbfxxzv2f2z5ug42z1;
    User Velocity Multiplier (default 1.00) :1.00;
    Putt Using Clubhead Speed Only :0;
    Ball Image Size :0;
    Analysis Window Clear :0;
    Min ClubHead Speed to Launch Ball :0.00;
    OpenGL Terrain Shading :0;
    ShowLineTraceAfterShot :0;
    CalPuttFromBallTrackOnly :1;
    Window Slide Off :0;
    Auto Tree Shading Off :0;
    Max club-head speed in meters per second:60;
    Max ball speed in meters per second:150;
    Ball Track Global Carry Adjust :35;
    BallSpeedIncReduction ClubfaceOffcenter:0.00;
    Chip Mode Distance to Flag:300;
    Show trajectory info during flight:0;
    Fly with Ball off when putting:1;
    Max Sensors Not Ready Count:500;
    Use 3D Model Courses:0;
    Use SkyDomes:1;
    Process All Messages in poll loop:1;
    Process MouseMove Messages in poll loop:0;
    Process Timer Messages in poll loop:0;
    Putting Mat:0;
    Field of View:3;
    Screen Resolution 1280*1024:0;
    Short Trajectory Trail Length:60;
    A3 Product:0;
    Show Grid on Green:1;
    Auto Concede:0;
    Putting Mat Roll Adjustment:0.00;
    Max Smash Factor:1.70;
    Ball Track 2 :0;
    Ball Track 3 :0;
    Roll Curve Factor :20;
    Cal Ball Speed With Ball Launch Angle :0;
    Ball Launch Angle / Ball Speed percent:100.00;
    TestingSensorsOnly :0;
    ShowGreenBreakPath :1;
    ShowGreenSlopesWin :1;
    Auto Flip Camera View :1;
    Flag Out Of Hole Distance:11.00;
    Fly With Ball Type:1;
    Full Screen Mode:1;
    Show Invalid Swing Messages:0;
    Ball Track Light Height:2;
    Max Club Speed for Chip:12.0;
    V5 Sensor Mat:0;
    3D Model Reverse YZ:0;
    Light map brightness :0;
    BrightGrid :1;
    BallLaunchVelocityDecreaseForSand :95;
    BallLaunchVelocityDecreaseForRough :95;
    BallLaunchVelocityDecreaseForHiRough :95;
    SwingTempoToSecondsDivisor :70.20;
    maxNumberOfBTSensorsLatchedByBall :13;
    NoLaunchBallIfMaxNumberOfBTSensorsExceeded :1;
    BallTrackSensorBlockedMessageCounterMax :5;
    ShowArrowOverFlag :0;
    AutoDetectDebrisOnBT :1;
    relFaceMaxForStraight :1.20;
    relFaceMaxForDrawFade :3.50;
    maxSideSpinForDrawFade :1000.00;
    maxPathForStraight :3.00;
    bAllowBallToLaunchOnSensors1only :0;
    bDROM :0;
    SwingMatActivationRequired :0;
    minVMforGroundDetection :10.00;
    maxTStepsForGroundDetection :20;
    swingWindowExtensionCount adjustment :0;
    min Target Distance :200;
    faceAngleReductionFactor :1.00;
    No space bar back tracking :1;
    No object collisions :1;
    Background Music :0;
    Allow Mulligans :1;
    Last edited by oaky99; 04-29-2011 at 09:19 AM.

  15. #15
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Oct 2010
    [QUOTE=oaky99;399417] Attachment 27386

    Try selecting V5 circuit board.

  16. #16
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by oaky99 View Post
    Attachment 27386

    Try selecting V5 circuit board.
    Might also have to set it back to 128.

  17. #17
    Lob Wedge oaky99 is on a distinguished road
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    Mar 2011
    i tryed it by selecting V5 board still the same. When i select V5 circuit board V2 light stays on unless i turn Ball track off. Will try it without ball track activated now.

  18. #18
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Oct 2010
    did you go back to 128?

  19. #19
    Lob Wedge oaky99 is on a distinguished road
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    Mar 2011
    yes i did.Still not working, also tryed it on 64.

    I noticed the colours on left top corner are red, gray,green and flashing blue every 20 sec unless when i move mouse the blue colour status stays on. Is this normal?
    Could this be something to do with 'sensor mat detected as MS serial ball point mouse in windows' ????

  20. #20
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Yes, that's it. Deactivate the serial mouse in device manager.

  21. #21
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    The suspense is killing me. Did it work?

  22. #22
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    I'm pretty sure the serial ball mouse was the problem. Come to think of it, I had a similar problem when I first got my PX2. It's the USB-to-serial adapter. I've been using the serial port connection for a while now.

    oaky99, once you verify the Protee sensor mat is working, you should consider upgrading to GSA golf with 65 courses. The difference between GSA golf and the old Protee/ProX is night and day.

  23. #23
    Lob Wedge oaky99 is on a distinguished road
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    ive been trying to solve this all day. First off i deactivated the usb type mouse but i could'nt move the arrow after doing thant so i got hold of an old ps/2 mouse (shown in pic) but the blue cursor still comes on when i move mouse. For some reason the mouse keeps interfering with usb adapter.

    SDC12074.jpg SDC12069.jpg SDC12081.jpg SDC12082.jpg
    im hoping to get a better usb-to-serial adapter tomorrow, the one i got looks a bit cheap.

    im definitely considering upgrading once i get this working

  24. #24
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    I see that your USB to serial adapter is on comm port 4, but in your Prtotee settings, you have it set to comm port 3. Change the Protee sensor serial comm setting to comm port 4.

    So you disabled the MS serial ball point mouse already?

  25. #25
    Lob Wedge oaky99 is on a distinguished road
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    both usb serial adaptor is set in protee and in windows are set to com port 4 but it still came up in preference file as com port 3 so ive changed both of them now to com port 3 but still the same.

    i think ms serial ball point has been disabled since i changed to ps/2 mouse cos i cant find it anywhere in mouse properties.

  26. #26
    Playing Winter Rules mmlincon is on a distinguished road
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    Um, pretty sure you need the security dongle to get this to work. Not sure if this is the same with ProTee, but I would suspect so.
    From GGS Website:
    ProX & GSAGolf Interface requires that the supplied blue USB software copy protection dongle key be inserted into a USB port on your computer to run with sensor mat hardware.
    Without this key ProX and GSA Golf will only run in PC mouse game mode.
    GSA Golf Full Version software requires a second (green) USB software key.

  27. #27
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmlincon View Post
    Um, pretty sure you need the security dongle to get this to work. Not sure if this is the same with ProTee, but I would suspect so.
    From GGS Website:
    ProX & GSAGolf Interface requires that the supplied blue USB software copy protection dongle key be inserted into a USB port on your computer to run with sensor mat hardware.
    Without this key ProX and GSA Golf will only run in PC mouse game mode.
    GSA Golf Full Version software requires a second (green) USB software key.
    Not with Protee 2007. I have the latest Protee 2007-2008(ProX 4.75) and it does not need a security dongle.

    GGS ProX and GSA golf do require a security dongle.

  28. #28
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by oaky99 View Post
    both usb serial adaptor is set in protee and in windows are set to com port 4 but it still came up in preference file as com port 3 so ive changed both of them now to com port 3 but still the same.

    i think ms serial ball point has been disabled since i changed to ps/2 mouse cos i cant find it anywhere in mouse properties.

    The obvious problem here is that the sensor mat is not communicating with the Protee software, even though it says sensor mat detected.

    Aside from the software settings, the problem could be a bad serial-USB adapter, bad/broken serial cable or connector, loose wires in the sensor mat, or a defective sensor mat.

    Are there any Protee dealer near you that can test your sensor mat? I can do it for you but I'm in Chicago.

  29. #29
    Lob Wedge oaky99 is on a distinguished road
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    there are non protee dealers in uk that i know of, the nearest is in germany. Could a local computer shop or electician kow what to do with it?? ive allready ordered a new usb-serial adapter, so ill try that.
    im thinking about getting a built in 9-pin connection on my computer so i dont have to deal with usb-serial adapter if the new adapter does'nt work.
    If only i lived in Chicago!!!

  30. #30
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    A local computer shop or electrician won't know what to do with it or how to test it. They might even make it worst.

    You should definitely try the serial add-on card since it's cheap. If that doesn't work, I'll be willing to look at it if you pay for shipping.

    Was this Protee used or new? The grass panels still look new.

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