70's posts made me do some digging on Martin's LX indoor/outdoor launch monitor.

Coming soon!
LX Launch monitor for indoor and outdoor use

The LX series launch monitors are all you need to play. Super easy setup. Can be used as a golf simulator or as launch monitor on the driving range. System is completely self contained, requires no in-floor installation or additional lighting when used as a golf simulator.
Features 1 to 4 cameras, single USB connection to PC, IR ball sensor trigger for indoor use, microphone trigger for outdoor use, high power strobe LED.
Complete with ProX and GSA Golf software.
For outdoor use, the optional extra built in processing unit (mini PC with Windows 7) , monitor and power pak can be attached.

Advantages compared to other manufacturer's launch monitors:
1. The GSA LX launch monitor is modular! This means that the entry price is low and you can add cameras and features as the need and budget allows.
2. The processing unit is a real Windows 7 PC in mini form.
3. The display is a full color touch screen monitor in mini form

LX Cameras:
Camera 1. Vertical launch angle and ball speed
Camera 2. Ball path in degrees (optional)
Camera 3. Ball Spin rate in rpm (optional)
Camera 4. Ball Spin Axis tilt in degrees (optional)
Estimated production date: January 2011

