CorporateGolfXtra 2024
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  1. #1

    Optishot questions

    I just ordered the opti and preparing a room to set it up. Would appreciate if someone would address these two concerns I have.

    The hitting pad appears small. Is there any chance of it moving out of place after a swing? I will be setting it on an industrial carpet .

    I'm a 10 handicapper and should not happen with me, but what if a child, or a hacker makes a bad swing and hits the sensors, front or back. How bad of a swing would it have to be for that to happen. Sorry for the stupid questions. Thanks

  2. #2
    8 Iron caddishack is on a distinguished road caddishack's Avatar
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    The sensors are pretty deep so not likely to get hit. The unit will shift slightly depending on the swing plain. Those who ground the club will experience large movement. I am going to use velcro on mine to hold it in place

  3. #3
    Putter kenny13 is on a distinguished road
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    Sep 2010
    Hey Belmont - the hitting pad is pretty heavy and the bottoms have rubber feet so it's pretty stable. It will move slightly if you hit it pretty fat but for the most part it stays. I don't know how stable it will be sitting on carpet. I have mine sitting on bare concrete floor in my basement. I'm going to buy a piece of 3/4 inch plywood and cut out a hole to place the sensor in. Then I'm going to buy some of that fake turf carpeting to cover the plywood. I think this is a cheaper alternative to buying a ready make platform which will cost you $250 to $350. Good luck and have fun!

  4. #4
    Putter grmapper is on a distinguished road
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    Dec 2010
    Hello All. This is my first post and I am looking forward to future interactions here and elswhere related to Optishot. I have had my Optishot up and running for a couple days. So far everything is tracking with others opinions on the forums. I am a 5 hdcp who is very pleased.

    While I practice often and hit the ball consistently with ball first contact, I have a few buddies who are prone to hitting fat from time to time, I am pleased to hear it is hard to break this thing. I suspect that besides swing flaws, some fat hits might just be due to the fact close proximity of the first row of sensors to the tee can be intimidating. What do the techies have to say about simply moving the ball an inch or two forward of the factory tee position (when hitting off the turf) to reduce the anxiety of bashing the sensor wall? Will this adversely affect the stats? Thanks in advance.

  5. #5
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by grmapper View Post
    While I practice often and hit the ball consistently with ball first contact, I have a few buddies who are prone to hitting fat from time to time, I am pleased to hear it is hard to break this thing. I suspect that besides swing flaws, some fat hits might just be due to the fact close proximity of the first row of sensors to the tee can be intimidating. What do the techies have to say about simply moving the ball an inch or two forward of the factory tee position (when hitting off the turf) to reduce the anxiety of bashing the sensor wall? Will this adversely affect the stats? Thanks in advance.
    That's what I did. It had no effect on stats/readings.

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