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View Poll Results: Fitted or NOT

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  • Never been fitted

    66 23.08%
  • Don't care.I am a club Ho and don't hang on to clubs long enough

    6 2.10%
  • Been fitted

    139 48.60%
  • Planning on doing so in the future

    75 26.22%
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  1. #31
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    The only technology that has helped me was the R7 Bugsy bought me for Xmas a few years ago.
    So it did work in a way. Have you tried offset fairway woods? Offset hybrids? An A flex shaft? I am not a golf instructor and I can't help you with the distance factor as I have never seen your swing. Could be many factors.
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  2. #32
    Forum Idiot Indio is on a distinguished road Indio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chieflongtee View Post
    So it did work in a way. Have you tried offset fairway woods? Offset hybrids? An A flex shaft? I am not a golf instructor and I can't help you with the distance factor as I have never seen your swing. Could be many factors.
    I do not slice my F/W woods or short Irons, just the driver. If I use the 3, 4 or 5 iron, they wil slice.

    My swing isn't pretty but I scramble very well, good chip/pitch and good putter. I have a choppy down swing and usually a reverse pivot.... to try and get distance I try to swing harder which causes the chopping motion and reverse pivot.... I know all my problems (or most of them) I just can't fix them permanently, they keep on creeping back into my game

  3. #33
    Hybrid danscustom is on a distinguished road
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    Indio, your distance issues may be as simple as the lofts of your clubs. Have you ever had them checked?
    A second consideration is the flex of your clubs, not being able to load the shaft to take advantage of what the engine is suppose to do.
    See what the changes to your driver did for you. The hook position that is set to your driver now has obviously helped in your directional control
    What loft and length is this driver? Do you know your WTF?

    Quote Originally Posted by Indio View Post
    Chief, I've never been fitted but have tried many times to take lessons to fix 'problems' the most frequent to try and gain some distance. I just can't hit an irn for any distance at all. (ie. my PW is about 90 yds and my SW is about 75 at best)

    Like the majority of golfers, I turned to the technology to fix my game and although I am a resonably descent golfer (now 11 cap) I still can't hit for distance if my life depended on it. The only technology that has helped me was the R7 Bugsy bought me for Xmas a few years ago. I was a terrible slicer, I set that sucker up for a full hook and I know hit the ball relatively straight, with only the occasional 'power fade'

    After reading the posts in this forum for the past couple of years, I am starting to believe that the equipment doesn't make the golfer, the way the equipment is setup and the swing is what makes the golfer

    I may have a look at getting fitted by someone this year.
    Thanks, Dan
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  4. #34
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    I do not slice my F/W woods or short Irons, just the driver. If I use the 3, 4 or 5 iron, they wil slice.
    So an offset closed face hybrid will help considerably. You'll have to find a away to fall forward instead of backwards
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  5. #35
    Forum Idiot Indio is on a distinguished road Indio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danscustom View Post
    Indio, your distance issues may be as simple as the lofts of your clubs. Have you ever had them checked?
    A second consideration is the flex of your clubs, not being able to load the shaft to take advantage of what the engine is suppose to do.
    See what the changes to your driver did for you. The hook position that is set to your driver now has obviously helped in your directional control
    What loft and length is this driver? Do you know your WTF?
    Dan, not ever having been fitted, I haven't a clue. I have tried stiff, Regular and even moved up and tried 'senior' and 'ladies' clubs I've changed clubs so often I can't remember how many sets I've had. The only things that have remained in my bag for any length of time is my putter, F/W woods and now the Driver. I sometimes changed irons 2 or 3 times in the same year.

    The driver loft is 10.5 although I wanted a 9 because I hit a VERY high ball... I get 0 role coming into a green, it hits, bounces once and stops. I am usually about 3 or 4 inches away from my ball mark no matter how hard the green is. My ball just drops off the end of a table at the end of the flight (unless I hit the ball thin of course)

    WTF??? I use that term often, but somehow I don't think that is what you are refering to I know nothing about technology, and I mean nothing....

  6. #36
    Forum Idiot Indio is on a distinguished road Indio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chieflongtee View Post
    So an offset closed face hybrid will help considerably. You'll have to find a away to fall forward instead of backwards
    Again, I would be fixing my problem through technology and the minute I change something in my swing (when I do try to think about it) them oppps, where did that hook come from?

    Ya, I have tried actually taking a step towards the green with my back foot after I het the ball, it worked but I like like even more of an idiot than I really am so I nixed that trial.... someone suggest nailing my left shoe to the turf on every shot! I don't think so .... I just gotta learn to stop lunging so hard at the ball and take the short distances......

  7. #37
    Hall of Fame jvincent is on a distinguished road jvincent's Avatar
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    WTF in golf fitting terminology is "wrist to floor".

    Indio, the ball flight you describe with a driver is usually the result of hitting down on the driver causing excessive spin.

  8. #38
    Forum Idiot Indio is on a distinguished road Indio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvincent View Post
    WTF in golf fitting terminology is "wrist to floor".

    Indio, the ball flight you describe with a driver is usually the result of hitting down on the driver causing excessive spin.

    Thanks.... I like my WTF better

    Yes, I am told it is as a result of my 'chopping motion' which most call hitting down on the ball.

    A club fitter and teacher would have a blast making me over.... I tried the lesson route a few years back with a very reputable pro in the area and I just got pissed at him cause he wanted me to have his swing and that was unrealistic since he was on the OVGA tour and playing well I may add. He wanted me to have a Freddy Couples type swing and wasn't concentrating on my faults (I think he was overwhelmed by the number of them!) He completely screwed up my scoring for about 2 years until I reverted back to my bad habits

  9. #39
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indio View Post
    Again, I would be fixing my problem through technology and the minute I change something in my swing (when I do try to think about it) them oppps, where did that hook come from?

    Ya, I have tried actually taking a step towards the green with my back foot after I het the ball, it worked but I like like even more of an idiot than I really am so I nixed that trial.... someone suggest nailing my left shoe to the turf on every shot! I don't think so .... I just gotta learn to stop lunging so hard at the ball and take the short distances......

    There you go. From the previous post you have gone back to your old habits therefore my suggestion would be an excellent patch until you can dedicate 3 hours a day to a swing change
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  10. #40
    Hall of Fame jvincent is on a distinguished road jvincent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indio View Post
    Yes, I am told it is as a result of my 'chopping motion' which most call hitting down on the ball.

    A club fitter and teacher would have a blast making me over.... I tried the lesson route a few years back with a very reputable pro in the area and I just got pissed at him cause he wanted me to have his swing
    This is what separates the good teachers from the bad ones. There are a lot of teachers who subscribe to the "one perfect swing" theory. If people all had the same body shape, strength, etc. this would make sense. But we don't, so it doesn't make any sense.

    The key is to be able to get you to making a swing that is natural and repeatable for you.

  11. #41
    Shagging Balls Gapwedge is on a distinguished road Gapwedge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvincent View Post
    The key is to be able to get you to making a swing that is natural and repeatable for you.
    This is of paramount importance.

    Get comfortable in your own swing first. I started golf late in life (I was 35 the first time I touched a golf club). I stayed with used clubs and group lessons until I broke 100. I then went to (in my opinion) the best club fitter in town (Don Irving) for a full set of customs sticks.

    I changed my woods (twice) as my swing speed increased (thanks to Marc Peterson) - mostly the shaft (flex and tip) and loft (from 12.5* to 9*). I also dropped the hybrids for the longer irons, as they had more flexibility.

    In short: If you can break 100, you are ready for custom sticks. Spend the money to get great irons - the second shot has the greatest impact on the score. Wait until you break 90 before spending big $$ on the woods.
    Daihatsu hijet
    Last edited by Gapwedge; 02-22-2011 at 04:28 AM.

  12. #42
    Moderator Big Johnny69 is on a distinguished road Big Johnny69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvincent View Post
    My two cents on this.

    Even for a beginner, it is a good idea to get fitted to start.

    A first fitting is probably going to be mostly "physical", i.e. based on wrist to floor measurements, etc. Once that is done and the person starts to develop some basic skills it makes more sense to do an advanced fitting.
    Quote Originally Posted by jonf View Post
    Maybe I should be clear here. I definitely don't question the value of clubfitting. But in terms of equipment, there is no magic wand, off the rack or otherwise. I just think the first priority of any golfer should be the swing. If, after they have a solid swing, they choose to get a clubfitting, that is ideal. But, given a choice between the two, I would take lessons first any day.
    You can disagree with me if you want dancustom, but these two comments were what I was trying to explain. And I was just stating my opinion and experiences.
    "A life lived in fear of the new and the untried is not a life lived to its fullest." M.Pare 10/09/08

  13. #43
    Birdie Weirfan is on a distinguished road
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    I am a huge believer in being properly fit for everything including set make up...but I'll toss this out for discussion.

    1. with the high handicapper and or beginner who cannot swing consistently from one swing to the next....are you really doing them a service with a detailed fitting for lie angles ?

    2. people with excellent hand eye co-orrdination and athletic ability can adapt and play well with pretty much anything.....this is not about me but will use myself as an example, I am very athletic and play and have have played multiple sports......I am a 6 handicap and play custom fitted irons that are typically, -1/4 and 2* flat

    However, in recent years I have shot rounds in the low 70's using my wifes off the shelf ladies irons ( c7, -1/2 and whippy flex) irons that were 2* up and 3/4 inches long and irons that were 3* up and 1/2 inch long........I have also witnessed a club pro shoot even par 72 using a set of 9 year olds clubs

  14. #44
    Golf Pigette of the Year 07,08 kerisb is on a distinguished road kerisb's Avatar
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    Hahaha I have read all the posts in this thread and am still confused as to which helps more, the lessons or the fitting. I can sympatize with Indio as I seem to have alot of the same problems. I am not a great distance hitter, and the harder I try to hit the ball the more wrong it goes. I have taken a few lessons, but as someone mentioned, I felt that I was being showed the way people should be swinging not the way that I could swing, and since I have back and neck problems some of the normal ways of swinging just don't work for me. I am not a great player but each year my scores come down, I have realized this year that maybe concentrating on my short game may put me to where I want to be more than trying to gain distance. I have never been fitted, but have used those stickers on my clubs that tell you where the ball hits the club and they seem to help. As far as more lessons, might consider them, but need a teacher that will watch what I do and help me with what I have , not drastically want to change everything I am doing. I think practising and is the best thing we can do, whether we are playing with a custom set or a set we have adapted to. I do understand the theory of golf and the theory of how to do it all right, but the theory and practical are hard to put together as one!!!

  15. #45
    Moderator Big Johnny69 is on a distinguished road Big Johnny69's Avatar
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    I think page 93 of the February issue of Golf Magazine sums it up best. John Spelman, director of golf at Richland Country Club in Nashville and a former Ping Club Fitter of the Year said in reply to being asked if custom fitting a magic bullet:

    "No, it's just another tool to try to improve ball flight. But I don't give a lesson without commenting on my student's clubs. Really, it's to the point where you can't custom fit without teaching and you can't teach without custom fitting."

    And I agree, there really is no right or wrong answer as to how to approach this. They both go hand in hand.
    "A life lived in fear of the new and the untried is not a life lived to its fullest." M.Pare 10/09/08

  16. #46
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Yes, I am told it is as a result of my 'chopping motion' which most call hitting down on the ball.
    How can someone with a reverse pivot hit down on the ball?
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  17. #47
    3 Wood milner_7 is on a distinguished road milner_7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonf View Post
    How much do the actual adjustments cost? What does it cost to get the lie angles on all 8 irons changed? What about regripping a whole set with smaller or larger grips (that one is harder to answer, I know, but lets assume the grips are 3 dollars each). What about reducing the length of the iron shafts? I'd like to get a better idea for these things (to see if I can actually afford to do this). And of course, this assumes that my existing shafts are suitable for my swing and that I don't have to go out and replace everything.
    I just had my Nike Pro Combo's 3-pw done. They measured my WTF had my lie angle checked. It determined that I am 1/2" shorter than standard length and 1* flat. I had them do the changes and also check the lofts as well. The lofts were fine. Cost me $91.00 tax in. Great investment IMO. I play forged irons so bending them was not a problem. Oh yeah they saved the grips a well.
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  18. #48
    GolfPig of the Year 2006 Golfbum is on a distinguished road
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    I played golf for 18 years before being fitted for irons.
    Handicap dropped from 10 to 6 in the first summer I played with my new irons. I no longer had to compensate for iron shots that went to the right as I had irons with an upright lie.
    Currently I play irons that are 2 up. I will check my lie this spring. I just check it myself now that I know what I am looking for. If I see any thing that looks off I will then check the lies of my irons.
    I have never seriously done the launch monitor thing. I know I should and maybe this summer I will. I buy my clubs at a store that has an outdoor range. I prefer to see the actual ball flight outdoors rather than into a screen inside a store. Just my personal preference I guess. Old school maybe?
    What makes me shake my head is this. Hardly any of the guys I golf with have been fitted for their clubs. The one guy other than myself who has been fit had his index drop dramatically after he got his new clubs. His big slice turned into a nice gentle fade, his iron shots were a lot tighter. He putted better too. Amazing what a good fitting can do for someones game!
    For the amount one spends on clubs I can not see why you would not want to be sure those clubs fit your swing. At least get your lie angle checked. That is a simple process and is not costly at all. $20 is what I spent have my Wishons tweaked for the lie. Surely everyone can afford that.
    My opinions are my own, I do not follow others.

  19. #49
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Couple liars on here. Nobody checked off the 2nd option. Iknow of one for sure unless he checked off in the future
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  20. #50
    Moderator Big Johnny69 is on a distinguished road Big Johnny69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chieflongtee View Post
    Couple liars on here. Nobody checked off the 2nd option. Iknow of one for sure unless he checked off in the future
    Well I know you can't be referring to me. I was fitted many sets and many years ago. But I haven't been fitted in a while.
    "A life lived in fear of the new and the untried is not a life lived to its fullest." M.Pare 10/09/08

  21. #51
    Postmaster General The Saint is on a distinguished road The Saint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvincent View Post
    This is what separates the good teachers from the bad ones. There are a lot of teachers who subscribe to the "one perfect swing" theory. If people all had the same body shape, strength, etc. this would make sense. But we don't, so it doesn't make any sense.

    The key is to be able to get you to making a swing that is natural and repeatable for you.

    John you are 100% on the money. I just wish I could repeat the good swing more often
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  22. #52
    President's Cup Wknd_Warrior is on a distinguished road Wknd_Warrior's Avatar
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    Never been fitted. Part of the reason is I just haven't seriously considerred bothering, the other part is I don't really have a grooved swing that unlikely to change a bit, so I don't see the point of getting my lie set to how I swing the day I step in front of the launch monitor.

    I do get my clubs checked every year for lie. I had them set a little more upright than usual for most of last year which I've decided I don't like and have had them flattenned out a touch. I'm pretty much the exact opposite of what you should do lol.

  23. #53
    President's Cup Wknd_Warrior is on a distinguished road Wknd_Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chieflongtee View Post suggestion would be an excellent patch until you can dedicate 3 hours a day to a swing change
    There's a patch for the golf swing? Can I get one to help me quit slicing?

  24. #54
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wknd_Warrior View Post
    There's a patch for the golf swing? Can I get one to help me quit slicing?
    Hell ya. Chuck Brown has a 12 offset closed face driver regular whippy shaft in their bin for $60 some. . No more service road on number 3 at Champlain. Look out left side here comes weekend warrior
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  25. #55
    Albatross TourIQ is on a distinguished road TourIQ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weirfan View Post
    However, in recent years I have shot rounds in the low 70's using my wifes off the shelf ladies irons ( c7, -1/2 and whippy flex) irons that were 2* up and 3/4 inches long and irons that were 3* up and 1/2 inch long........I have also witnessed a club pro shoot even par 72 using a set of 9 year olds clubs
    I know you are a believer but let me add this ...

    Clubs properly fit with progressive yardage gaps between each club will increase the probability of shooting low rounds. On 9 holes using just a single club [7-iron] my son has shot a '39'. Now with 13 more clubs he has shot '30' on several occasions. Even club pro's can shoot a low number but can they do it all the time?

    A great set that performs for the golfer or pro will increase their probability of having a ton more birdie or par opportunities. Given enough games even a hacker can put together 1 decent round with ill fitted equipment, but s/he can't do it on a regular basis.
    Kind regards, Harry

  26. #56
    Albatross TourIQ is on a distinguished road TourIQ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golfbum View Post
    What makes me shake my head is this. Hardly any of the guys I golf with have been fitted for their clubs. The one guy other than myself who has been fit had his index drop dramatically after he got his new clubs. His big slice turned into a nice gentle fade, his iron shots were a lot tighter. He putted better too. Amazing what a good fitting can do for someones game!
    Hi Golfbum

    When my son put together his dream set of custom fitted LH'ed sticks, in less than 4 months he shot a new course record '64' to a club that is 55-years old. Being a leftie he could never find the heads he really wanted to look at, at address. Then Mizuno made the MP-30's in LH and it was love at first sight. Of course we ripped the heads off of the new sticks just to get the heads and start all over building.
    Kind regards, Harry

  27. #57
    Must be Single dbleber is on a distinguished road dbleber's Avatar
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    I know you're a proud father, but how about a post that doesn't start with my son son son broke this record............ What do you shoot, what do you play?

  28. #58
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Be nice
    Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
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  29. #59
    Must be Single dbleber is on a distinguished road dbleber's Avatar
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    Your right Andre, I'm sorry. Sometimes I read stuff for so long that eventually I just spit stuff out.

  30. #60
    Golf Nut Bullet is on a distinguished road Bullet's Avatar
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    Question, I have some mid prce irons. They cost me under 300$ new. I play high 90's to low 100's. Should I wait till I get a better set of irons before I get them fitted? I'm upgrading my fairway woods aswell. Hoping to buy used yet recent Cobra's. Do I get them fitted too? My driver is a SZ440? Should I get it fitted before considering upgrading? In other words I 'm planning to purchase a totally new set of clubs, but not all at once. Do i wait to fit my new clubs or should I fit the ones I have now before investing more?

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