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  1. #1

    I hate my friends!

    I dont mind the cheating, I don't mind the penut butter and i don't mind people talking in my backswing, cell phones going off ect...

    This is what pisses me off!

    345pm tee time! Friend lives 40min away and was supposed to be here at 2pm. Called him.. he is still at home! Told him I'd just meet him at the course and he said, no I don't know the way, I'll have you there before the tee time! GRRRRR!

  2. #2
    NFL Guru fundonny is on a distinguished road fundonny's Avatar
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    Man, nothing ticks me off more then tardy people.
    Donny Vantage NFL Guru, since 1974
    Money won is twice as sweet as money earned

  3. #3
    update... "what time are we going to be done?"
    "probably around 8pm"
    "I have to be at a wedding at 6pm!"
    "Ok, have fun.. I have to jump in a cab that is going to cost me $40"

  4. #4
    NFL Guru fundonny is on a distinguished road fundonny's Avatar
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    At the intersection of old and young.
    This isn't bob, is it?
    Donny Vantage NFL Guru, since 1974
    Money won is twice as sweet as money earned

  5. #5
    Nah, him not showing up is next to impossible. THe only time he has bailed is the day his baby was born and even then he tried his hardest to come and bailed last minute.. but as oyu know he was out 2 days later with me you and geoff LOL!

    This is my most unrelyable friend who never does what he is going to say! Time to re-evaluate this friendship! ***

  6. #6
    Competitor Hank Hill is on a distinguished road Hank Hill's Avatar
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    I wouldn't play with him ever again. I can't abide people who think that a 2:00pm tee off time means 2:00pm is when they should arrive at the course. I have had to spell it out to some of my friends that you need to arrive in time to, pay, get changed, stretch, practice putting, and then have plenty of time to walk to the tee. The first ball should be struck at 2:00pm. End of rant!

  7. #7
    Hall of Fame jvincent is on a distinguished road jvincent's Avatar
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    Dump him.

    I once had a tee off at 4PM with a guy I know and two of his co-workers. One is notorious for being late, so when our tee time arrived and he wasn't there we told the marshall the we were teeing of and if he arrived the late guy could catch up.

    He arrived as we were holing out on #2 in a cart with the marshall. Message clearly delivered.

  8. #8
    3 Iron Longball is on a distinguished road Longball's Avatar
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    Very easy little trick we use. Just tell the LATE guys you tee off at 10 or 10:30 , when your tee time isn't till 11. You will probally get a call around 9:55 asking where you are because they are waiting for you on the 1st tee box.

  9. #9
    Golf Guru Nat Williams is on a distinguished road Nat Williams's Avatar
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    My personal favorite is when I have a 6:30 or 7:00 am tee off and my buddy doesn't show (daveyc!) ...

    Only done it about 3 times, but when I get 2 or 3 hour's sleep and it's about 5 degrees outside you'd better show up ... otherwise I call your house repeatedly until you wake up

    (oh, and then once more 20 minutes later just incase you went back to bed)
    [SIZE=1]NCGT Ryder Cup Team [COLOR=black]Green [/COLOR](06,07,08)[/SIZE]
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  10. #10
    5 Wood SIMMER is on a distinguished road SIMMER's Avatar
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    I can relate Nat,
    Had a tee time for 8:24 this morning at Metcalfe. It was another friends bday last night so there was excessive drinking involved among other things. I get home at 3am and have to wake up at 7am. He calls me at 8am telling me he is just rolling out of bed. I made him get his lazy butt out of bed and meet me at our meeting spot and had the tee time pushed back. IF I have to be punished for waking up that early, he's not getting off the hook...

  11. #11
    9 Iron r2g2 is on a distinguished road
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    Pokey People

    Had a similar situation a few weeks ago. 3:20 t-time and my friend shows up in the parking lot at 3:19 (told me he wanted to be there around 2:30 to hit the range first). He finally makes it to the starters area and then disappears into the pro shop. 10 minutes later he comes out with a new hat and golf shirt; some excuse about his other shirt being too warm or something. We finally t-off around 3:50 and fortunately the course was very quiet at the time. It took me 3 holes (and double-bogey's) to let my frustrations subside.
    [COLOR=Blue]Rob [/COLOR]

  12. #12
    Championship Cup Eldred is on a distinguished road Eldred's Avatar
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    Sometimes tardy friends may be the first to help out in time of needs.
    Few years back wee had a 7:30 am tee time at the Canadian, we had a feeling our buddy who lives deep in the Gatineau would be late. This time we didn't give him the usual wake up call and he missed the first two holes before joining us. At the end of the 9, the poor guy had the shake from the hurriness or anxiety and had to wait for us for the next two hours in the club house, sipping his hot cocoa and a sandwich. The point is at the very same spring, I had a burst water pipe in the basement (the one to the garden), it was near 11 pm and my finished basement was getting flood, this buddy was the first to show with his shop vac, and helped out into the wee hours. Since then we tried to resolve the problem by booking later in the day, but he's still late, so we just sometimes invite him for a beer after.

  13. #13
    Sir Post-a-lot dH is on a distinguished road dH's Avatar
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    Yeah I have a friend always late drives me nuts but when my car breaks down or something goes sketchy he's always there to help. Just get new friends to play golf with. Remember you probably met before you golfted together so just because they aren't good golfing friends doesn't make them not good friends

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