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  1. #1
    Birdie flagolfnut is on a distinguished road
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    Mar 2004

    Whose game has declined this year??

    I know mine has. Probably from the fact that in the 7-8 years I've been golfing this year is the least I've played (4-5 rounds) if that and when I've played this year it hasen't been fun. Anyone else on a decline in their game? I know it's hard to admit, but hey it happens.

  2. #2
    Hall of Fame jeffc is on a distinguished road jeffc's Avatar
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    the first part of the season my game sucked

    played 5 round in myrtle and it was like I never golfed before.

    Started coming around recently and played pretty well (84) at Stonebridge 2 weeks ago considering I bogeyed all 4 Par 5's.

    I played almost no golf in Sept/Oct last year and maybe about 12 rounds this will do that to you. Short game started to come around last round as well.

  3. #3
    Must be Single Sakuraba is on a distinguished road Sakuraba's Avatar
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    This looks like its going to be the first year my game hasn't improved. It has still been a great year, but I was really hoping to see my handicap down to single digits. Unless I stop the three putts, its not going to happen.

  4. #4
    Hopelessly Addicted el tigre is on a distinguished road el tigre's Avatar
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    My game has definately gone downhill this year overall, although it has been steadily going back up in the last couple of months. I usually play poorly in the spring, but this April and May featured some of the worst rounds of my entire life. I had pretty much decided to give up the game at the end of May, but ended up taking a few more lessons instead. It turned my game around, although I'm still not back to where I was last year.
    [COLOR=green][B]Golf is a game invented by the same people who think music comes out of bagpipes.[/B][/COLOR]

  5. #5
    Weekend Hacker Steelhead is on a distinguished road Steelhead's Avatar
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    I have been struggling all year. I severely injured my back in the off season and it is still not 100%. Because of that I had to modify my swing which has caused a chain reaction of poor shots and bad aim. It is slowly coming around but I'm afraid that it won't be quite back to where it was befroe season's over.
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  6. #6
    Must be Single dbleber is on a distinguished road dbleber's Avatar
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    Had a great start but now t feels has if I have no idea what I am doing! No confidence and nothing feels comfortable. Funny thing the same thing happened to me last year late in the season.

  7. #7
    Hopelessly Addicted Shivas Irons is on a distinguished road Shivas Irons's Avatar
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    My scores have been steadily rising for the past 2 years...not sure why or what to do about it.

  8. #8
    Golf Nut nice_lag is on a distinguished road
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    Certainly hasn't been a great year here either. Didn't play as often as in the past years, didn't get to practice as much, both related to the little one requiring more attention.

    Managed to keep the same index but I'm very inconsistent which is costing me a lot of enjoyment. There are days where I'm bombing the ball and hitting the greens without any problems. There are other days where I'm drawing the ball inconsistently which causes so many nightmares. Tried some lessons and the pro couldn't identify anything awfully wrong. So golf is definitely a game you have to practice to get good at.

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