Keep your touchy feely life styles out of Hockey
I have played hockey since I was 5 years old and I have competed at a fairly high level. Playing at this level I had to drop the gloves more than once and I was happy to do it. If by me fighting gets a player off of a star player and gives my team a boost then why not. I will tell you this, fighting is taught in hockey once you reach a certain level. Why is it taught? Because it is a part of the game and with some good reasons. A fight can change the pace of a game in split second, a good fight is good for moral. Hockey is not a touchy feely game, when you hit someone you want to hurt them. When a player slashes you, you drop the gloves and let him know that a cheap shot will not be tolerated. If there were more fights and real goons still in the game, the game would be cleaner. If you do not agree with fighting then don't watch hockey. I don't agree that baseball should take so long, so I don't watch it. Hockey wasn't built on gentlemen admiring each other and giving their full respect for each other no matter what, that's golf. In hockey you have to earn your respect and your heart to play the game. None of you that are disagreeing have obviously ever had to try out for a team at the junior level or above. The very first practice is nothing but guys throwing the fists, why? Because it shows who as the guts, heart and toughness to be there. If you don't like hockey with ALL the physical aspects, watch womens hockey. They still have great skill without the rough stuff. My last point is, if fighting was good enough for Gordie then I 'm sure Mr. Hockey must have been on to something.
Fights should not.................
be part of hockey.That's why Im not watching it anymore,and also the lack of talent.Players that fight should have a pursuit against them every time they fight.I use to be a big hockey Im watching hockey at the Olympics only...........chip