Have finally listened to us and are starting with online booking next season!!
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Have finally listened to us and are starting with online booking next season!!
I'm happy to hear this, I may be able to get more last minute afternoon rounds in next year. It seems they listened to many of the suggestions sent their way this year.
It looks like they balanced themselves out nicely so that they may be able to pick up more members and not worry about losing any of the current members with the addition of online booking.
EDIT - Looks like I spoke too soon. You may want to read your CG newsletter Reid, you may not be so quick to jump ship.
PM me your e-mail Rez
Done and Done
I have not read the newsletter... I never do LOL! It probably went out with the recycling :-)
All I know is when I spoke to them on the phone a couple of weeks ago they said there may be some form of online booking but it would be secondary to the phone booking. That type of set up would be fine with me.
However if online booking were to become the predominent method of booking I would definitely pack up my membership and the 3 other folks for whom I book each week. Due to my work schedule etc. it is far more convenient for me to book by phone. If I wanted to book online there are a number of other golf booking services from which I could choose. I chose Corporate because their phone system fits my needs.
Yow Reid talk about jumping the gun!! There's certain parameters to phone and online booking that make it very fair to those who only want to book by phone. Why would you quit if there was online booking just out of curiosity?
You have psychic abilities and responded to my post as I was typing it....
Phone has priority between 7 and 8 . Online is after 8
I just renewed my membership this morning and I think the new changes arwe awsome. Online booking after 8am, now I can book in the afternoon when so many spots were just going to waste. Also they changed there cancellation policy which i think is much better as well. I really liked my first year with CG, my only complaint now is how to book the Marshes and Stonebridge. My friend and I call at 6:59, hitting redail until it opens and its always booked. I know others are doing the same but you'd think you'd get it at least once. I've always thought there was some sort of buddy deals going on wth those course. It be nice to search the members and see if there is a pattern of who's played there often and owners.......I always think the worst.
Yes but they have a loyal membership that really is resistant to the online booking. I think this is a smart way to get it in there and then they will slowly make it the first choice. This way the older members don't get too much change all at once.
So the changes are as described to me two weeks ago. As long as phone bookers get the first priority that is fine with me.
As stated earlier there are plenty of online booking choices for those who wish to book that way. Corporate is the only golf service that caters to those of us who do not yet live on our computers :-)
Yes and they have extended phone calling to 1pm 7 days a week.
I read the notice today when I got the email and it all soundsed fair to me. Now all we need is unlimited memberships at all courses. :-)
I didn't get an email..........probably caught up with my 1000's of SPAM
Can someone please forward it to me.
Both (Phone/online) should start at the same time... Not sure why is the big deal about it.... I guess still people like waiting on the phone... Won't be signing any time soon based on current conditions...
Anyways, good luck..
Well with a web-server there would be enough connections available for every member to log in and book at the same time, but with the phone, you're limited by the number of people manning the phones at CG. Therefore, people who don't have a computer or access to one at that time of the morning are pretty much going to have no chance of getting the spot they want at the popular courses against all of the people logging on at 7:00:01 and clicking "book".
Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer if it opened up at the same time, because it would only take about 30 seconds to find out of I've got the spot I want or not then I could go back to sleep until I have to get up for work, rather than spending 10 minutes on hold to find out all the spots are gone. Just not going to happen with the current member-base.
This does not make sense---and believe me I do not love computers or the internet but there are times when it does work..Why in the world would anyone want to sit on hold to book a golf game or anything else for that matter. Apex---if you don't have a computer I can fully understand..........EG has both phone and computer ---booking at the same time.
You don't have to be a slave to the computer to book a game---you look to see whats available and book it. Why take the time to call---wait on hold--only to be told your time or course is not available---I can't see the reasoning here. Maybe I'm missing something here--if I am please explain :)
I like RM with its one click booking for your game and tee-time---I think that's great--I go with EG because it suits me a little better--that's all. My brother goes RM and likes it. 6 buddies I play with are with CG and they want online. Maybe once they get their online system maybe they can book 24/7 like all the rest ---I must be missing something.
LOL! I actually have a computer and am quite literate on it :-). Otherwise I would not be posting on OG.
However I am not often at a computer at exactly 7 a.m. On the other hand I do have a cell phone with me and could find a phone any time if I did not.
For seniors who may not have a computer and others who prefer to book by phone, Corporate is the only game in town. That may be why they are so popular and have the best courses. I have several senior friends who are members of Corporate Golf who would not join any of the other golf course booking sites.
I often wonder if the reason CG has so many members and so many courses is because they have so many older, more financially comfortable members who prefer to book by phone. Quite frankly I am afraid that if they go to full online booking they will become just like their competition, which would result in a decline of members and course selection.
Reid, I can argue the other way too. There are plenty of young people I have spoken with who have avoided CG for not having an online booking system. They love the prices, they adore the course selection, but don't appreciate the hassle of waiting.
"Financially comfortable" and "discount golf" doesn't seem to be something that necessarily have to go hand in hand. I'm not rich by any means, but when a round of golf costs $16 it doesn't really break the bank. And going with an online system that allows members to book rounds in the afternoon if they get out of work early probably appeals to the still-working, non-seniors among us who can't get up and golf at 9am every day.
At the end of the day, CG must have realized that it made solid business sense to go with an online system, or they wouldn't have opted to do so.
I don't want to rehash an old debate. As I said, obviously they must be doing something right. And I think the fact they decided to go the route of phone first, online second shows they know where their money comes from and they have not forgotten that is the existing members who have been paying the bills all these years :-).
It would take a lot of 'bird in the bush' members who say they would join if online membership were available to actually sign up to make up for the many 'bird in the hand' members who would leave.
I do like the fact they have added online booking as a secondary service however. I'm sure I will use it many times on those days when I don't have to book one of the high demand courses.
Something that I have been thinking about with Cg is why don't they offer the phone service at 7pm instead of 7 am the night before that way it wouldn't be so slanted to seniors and retired folks. Its hard to go to work and remember to call CG right at 6:59:59 an dbe on hold for 15 mins. If they made the phone system open from 7pm-8pm the night before everyone would have a fair shot at calling in and then booking your round the following day. The rest would be avail online after 8pm. i don't mind the phone first concept but it should be avail when people can call with out rearranging there day to do so. This would also cut down on the amount of hours they would need to staff the phones and would in turn cut costs and maybe add new course or more meberships. Just a thought.
Apex--at least I got you to laugh :-) Why do you think the statement was set apart.
Lets face it CG has just realized it is time to get serious---this is the 21st century--progress is still the name of the game. I am sure after you have used it you will find it a valuable asset :)