Originally Posted by EdmontonGolfer
In my opinion, people have a hard time taking criticism. This is a discussion board that is basically to entertain discussions about various subjects. If everyone agreed with what everyone else had to say, the number of threads or posts would be very minimal.
As everyone knows, to expect this is very unrealistic. It's also unrealistic to expect a thread to go without a little bit of negativity. There's no need for threats or personal attacks, but it seems people get all bent out of shape because someone posts an opinion that might contradict another persons view.
I for one, will tell you what I think. I don't care if people don't like what I have to say, and others shouldn't care, or take to heart what I have to say. Everyone will have an opinion on different things or people. If someone posts something and I disagree with their view, I will post my view and why I disagree with theirs.
In my case, I'm not looking to change what they think, or make people jump on my bandwagon. I post my thoughts to give them a different perspective on the topic or discussion and others will do the same. In some instances, people will take offense to me not agreeing with them, then it turns into personal attacks.
Why is it so hard to say.."Yes, I see your point but I don't see it that way."
I think if everyone calmed down a bit and were open to different opinions then this place would be in better shape in the topic of "threads going downhill as of late".