Any p3pro users out there? Anyone else using the launch angle feature.
I am currently using the ps3eye webcam with extra lighting and the accuracy of the launch angle measurement is unbelievable. Highly recommended.
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Any p3pro users out there? Anyone else using the launch angle feature.
I am currently using the ps3eye webcam with extra lighting and the accuracy of the launch angle measurement is unbelievable. Highly recommended.
I have a P3Pro but since I've been golfing so much outside I haven't gotten it fully setup in my basement yet, most of the parts are there though (mat, cordura, projector, computer, etc). I plan on getting the launch angle in the winter months as well.
You will love it. When you do get it pm me for some helpful tips on the setup and improving the accuracy.
this is the plan eventually. Just waiting for the appropriate sale at their site or deal on eBay.
Good move. You will really appreciate the accuracy as well as the options such as video capture, launch angle and GSA course simulation.
Hey Bubba,
Did you get a chance to compare your cam with the Logitech Communicate that P3Pro Ships with theirs?
Yes. The cam shipped with the p3pro launch was the Logitech Pro 9000. Very good cam. You are able to adjust the exposure, gain etc to allow the max 30 fps. It worked fine. I stumbled on the ps3 eye cam. Do a google search on it. According to Chuck, the video option on the p3pro for both launch and video capture has a max fps limit of 30. You can acheive that with the Logitech (although some users on the forums do not think you quite get there) but it requires really playing around with the exposure etc. The more fps the better accuracy. The Sony ps3eye webcam can acheive up to 120 fps. In the ps3eye driver interface you can pick your fps rate and the program adjust automatically. I pick it as 30 fps as that is the p3pro video limit. The short is that with this cam and appropriate light, it is much more accurate than the Logitech 9000 supplied. I have played around with both and there is no question that it is better. Not that the Logitech is bad but the vusual and results are better. It now always captures the appropriate launch angle, 100% of the time even with topped, skulled shots. The best thing is that it costs $30 and you download the driver off the net to allow for pc interface. Try it.
Thanks Bubba - I definitely want to try that out. I will probably be testing more cameras as I just got setup with JC Video and V1. Once the new center is up, I will be trying out a few more things.
Look at the ps3eye. It is a webcam but has incredible fps rate. When the time comes I can point you to where to get the windows drivers for it.
what kind of light did you have to add for the ps3 eye to read properly? It look good. Do I need to add anything else to the p3pro to make this work?
The light I am using is a Mainstay Uplight Accent Light ($6.95 from Walmart) but I am sure you can use any lamp and light. The ps3eye needs windows drivers that can be downloaded off the net to allow it to function like a pc webcam. It will work without the light but for 30 fps or more you need better lighting. I am using the ps3eye for the launch angle measurement but you can use it for the video capture as well. For the launch angle measurement I use the light that they provide shinning at the ball. The Mainstay light is shining from the side and slightly up (away from the mat sensors) and ahead of the ball. This will provide the best light to where the ball is going and greatly improve the accuracy. I have tested it againct the Accusport Vector launch monitor and it is bang on. The driving range with the launch measurement is extremely accurate and feels like really hitting on the range because poorly hit thin shots will show up as such.
I am considering buying the P3Pro, currently I am using the DD, I would like something more accurate. Are the GSA courses available on the P3Pro yet? If not does anyone know when they will be available.
Currently there is a beta testing being done. Myself and Cory are beta testers. The courses will hopefully be available soon. The testing is going extremely well. Cory thinks in the next month. I think the GSA courses are very good. Accuracy with launch is the reason I switched.
I do worry about the cost of the add on courses for p3pro.
For my purposes, the most important thing I can get out of the sim is easy home practice. Actually playing the courses is secondary for me, especially since I don't find chipping/putting realistic in a sim and can't really imagine it ever getting close enough for me (feel like you just have to be there and see the green with your own eyes).
If the add on courses for p3pro are terribly expensive, I'll use the practice range on it and the courses that come with it and I'll just keep the DD for future course purchases as long as they keep putting them out. Swap the DD out with the p3pro when we want to have fun and play some courses.
That was my exact thinking. The setup for the dd and p3pro are similair except the launch add on and of course more sensors. The practice range with launch is why I got the p3pro. The courses are a second bonus. I am not sure what the p3pro courses will cost. You should probably call them. If it is similair to before they will be around 1 grand for the GSA pack. I have 50 or so courses including Augusta, Pebble Beach etc. It works out way less per course than the dd premium courses. they very well may have smaller course packs as well. I have the benefit of playing both and I prefer the GSA courses over the dd. I do like the dd however and think that there graphics are very good as well.
I just spoke with P3Pro and they are looking at the courses really soon!!!
The preliminary thoughts are that they are only going to release the real courses as the fantasy ones may not be as high in demand.
The really good news is the pricing - there is not set pricing for sure, but it is looking extremely competitive and affordable :) Hopefully I'm not jinxing it by saying so...
Also, they are doing a restructuring on their base system pricing and going to phase out the Sport. They lowered the Sport pricing to $599 and the Claret to $999 - I will match their prices, but I am going to get killed on the ones I have in inventory :grumpy: The good news is that you all pay less though :-)
Well hopefully you don't loose too much Cory as your knowledge and advice is the best. You probably are the best resource in the world on the sim market. I would strongly encourage everyone to call Cory for advice and buy from him.
Thanks bubba - I appreciate your kind words. I am sure everything will work out in the end :)
When will the new prices go into effect and will your site reflect these changes at the same time? I am wanting to upgrade to the P3pro and would just assume buy from your site if all things are equal. Thank you.
I will probably update the prices next week - if you want to order it before then, just email me at and I will honor their new prices.
I agree with P3Pro just releasing the "real" courses. Those are the only ones I ever play in GSA Golf. Fantasy courses are just hard to get into and appreciate, knowing that the course doesn't actually exist. Some of them look nice, but I wouldn't pay money for fantasy courses personally.
If you're looking for the P3ProSwing new courses, I would suggest watching the website closely this week & next.
Good news for the P3pro users if the courses will be released in the next week.
Hey All,
When it is now official, the P3Pro has lowered their pricing on the claret system to $999.99 USD and are INCLUDING the Skills Pack (which used to be $599) for FREE!
They are also clearing out the Sport as they are going to discontinue it.
For the Sport clearance you have to call them directly at 1-877-P3Pro-GO.
As for the Claret with the free skills pack, I now have them available. You can call me at 1-877-417-2161 or order it online at:
This is a great deal on the system, as it was $1299.99 plus the $599.99 for the skills pack - you are saving almost $900!
I think that they are doing this as the new courses they are coming out with includes the longest drive and closest to the pin competitions.
PS: They still haven't officially released the courses, but it is coming soon!
Keep your eye on the ball (& on this site :)),
On the new course topic, a couple GSA Golf updates have been released over the past month that I assume will be distributed by P3ProSwing. The updates address a few small issues (green grid behaviour, some sound problems, automatic hole flyby added) and I can honestly say now that I am 100% happy with the software. Previously I thought it was great, but I was living with some of these small issues and hoping they'd be addressed some day. Plus another set of courses have come out (Sunningdale, Bro Balsta, Belfry Brabazon, St. Andrews Jubilee Course). So, lots to look forward to for you P3Pro users that buy the software. :)
do you know if the inclusion of the skills pack is going to be a permanent upgrade to the Claret or just a short term sale kind of thing to kick off the new pricing model?
Sounds like a good deal. I wonder how much one would use the skills pack however.
I used the Closest to the Pin a lot - it is great if you have parties where there are people of all skill levels. They boys have gotten together and done the long drive thing too, but you can really do it without the leaderboard though :)
Does the P3Pro launch angle data actually influence the flight of the ball on the range or when playing on the course? So if I hit a punch shot I would see a bunch shot on the screen?