100 Holes of Hope
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  1. #1

    Played golf with a "nut"case on sunday

    Played manderly on Sunday... very wet but still looks like a great course. I went with my friend and his friend Steve.

    We get tot he first dogleg and the guys behind us thought we had cleared and they could go ahead. They almost hit Steve in the leg with their shot. What does he do? I’m not even kidding, He rubbed penut butter and jam all over the guys golf ball. I was shocked/confused and asked him WTF he was doing. He said, "He hit into me and now when he picks up his ball to clean up the mud his hands will get all dirty." For the next 3 holes he put penut butter in all the holes so when the guys behind us sunk their putts their balls would get penut putter and jam all over them. I’ve heard of hitting the ball back at the person, picking up the ball and putting it in your pocket and even stepping on it to give them a bad lie but never rubbing penut butter on someone’s ball!! It didn't occur to me until I got him... why the heck does this guy have packets and packets of penut butter in his golf bag?? I would still actually like to know. Anyway, last time I play with this nut case!

    Last edited by "Richard"; 04-11-2006 at 09:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Founder Kilroy is on a distinguished road Kilroy's Avatar
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    Unbelievable. Where do you find these guys?
    Life dinnae come wit gimmies so yuv got nae chance o' gitt'n any from me.

  3. #3
    Caddy SGH is on a distinguished road SGH's Avatar
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    Hahah, that's hilarious. Actually not a bad idea, takes some creativity. Personally, I would wake for the guy to be a repeat defender (i.e. hit into us more than once) before I'd do anything. But even then, I would probably limit it to talking to the guy after the round. Never in my wildest imagination would I consider using sandwich spread.

  4. #4
    NFL Guru fundonny is on a distinguished road fundonny's Avatar
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    You guys are lucky you didn't get your heads pounded! If I was behind you, I would have been livid.
    Donny Vantage NFL Guru, since 1974
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  5. #5
    Founder Kilroy is on a distinguished road Kilroy's Avatar
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    Really stupid . There are a lot of others behind them that would have a messed up hole.

    Funny I did not see any sign of this when I was there yesterday ( one day after Thotho) I guess they cleaned up after your moron friend.
    Life dinnae come wit gimmies so yuv got nae chance o' gitt'n any from me.

  6. #6
    Moderator Big Johnny69 is on a distinguished road Big Johnny69's Avatar
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    Forever stuck between single digit and trunk slammer!
    You have to play it smooth Donny (I love these puns, smooth, nut case ). He shouldn't have put the PB on the ball. Just keep putting it in the holes. And if the play slowed and you met up on a tee with them just mention you can't believe someone is putting PB in the holes. Just to see their reaction. That would be priceless.

    **Insert disclaimer here: But by no means do I endorse doing this, it would just be funny to see their reaction.**
    "A life lived in fear of the new and the untried is not a life lived to its fullest." M.Pare 10/09/08

  7. #7
    Way Beyond Help rezadue is on a distinguished road rezadue's Avatar
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    Putting peanut butter and jam in a the cup is not cool. It not only screws with the group behind you, but likely the ones after that....
    Proud member of the 2009 Ryder Cup winning team

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Kilbank
    Unbelievable. Where do you find these guys?
    this was a friend’s friend... I didn't find him anywhere. But it’s true; I've had horrible luck on golf courses. Not with my shots or my scores but with the people I end up playing with. I don't think I ever posted about the hippie I got paired with at Irish hills. This guy smoked so much pot right on the course. When we got the 15th hole this guy just stood at the tee with his iron out ready to hit and for about 45 seconds didn't move. No one said anything because he didn't want to talk in his back swing and we waited more and then finally I said "HURRY THE f#$% up. He kind of snaps out of it and says "oh sorry, I spaced out dude" and cranks one down the fairway right down the middle. His back 9 was 6 shots better than his front 9. Since then we always joke about getting drunk or high for the back nine. I even remember this guys name... Andrew D

    What a guy

    Quote Originally Posted by fundonny
    You guys are lucky you didn't get your heads pounded! If I was behind you, I would have been livid.
    Yeah tell me about it donny. I was in the group and I was livid but hey, you can't control what other people do. Someone hit a ball this guy Erik i was playing with and he simply walked over to it and pulled out a marker and wrote something really bad about the guys grandma and a cow. Needless to say I never played with this guy again either. and needless to say he almost got his head kicked in at the next hole. Lucky for erik he is 6'1, 190 and the smallest guy in the 4some that day and the guy just did a bit of yelling and walked off

  9. #9
    Dan I doubt you would notice it since it was one small pack in each of the 3 holes. The kind they give out at tim hortons. Anyway, I'm laughing about it now but at the time I was so pissed off. I even told the dude to smarten up or I was done for the day. Problem was these two were my ride back. I made it clear to both that I don't want to play with this ass clown again. The group behind us never caught us. Wide open infront of us, only 3 of us and they were 4

  10. #10
    NFL Guru fundonny is on a distinguished road fundonny's Avatar
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    See, I end up golfing with nice people. One guy I golfed with in Myrtle was heading to Pinehurst, so he sent me some pictures of the Payne Stewart statue. I end with people who offer to buy a beer, have some good laughs, talk about the 'talent' of the staff... Never golfed with anybody like thotho describes!!!
    Donny Vantage NFL Guru, since 1974
    Money won is twice as sweet as money earned

  11. #11
    don't get me wrong, I've golfed with some really nice people. I went once to the canadian by myself and they paired me with this guy. He was retired but the man wouldn't let me pay for a single thing! He was so nice. I felt like julia roberts in pretty woman... minus the sex of course and also me not being a hooker..

  12. #12
    I've hit into ppl before. I've never hit anyone though. It happens in golf if you play this game long enough. You'll do it. Especially on a new course with blind tee shots. Just chill the F#$@ out people.

    That being said. I was paried with a group at Watsons Glen just east of the GTA. After being hit into for 5th time, by a guy who could clearly see us in the fairway all 5 times the guy I played with pissed on his ball. Previous attempts with this 'self proclaimed 'long hitter' using reason and polite requests failed. Just an FYI our foursome finished in exactly 4 hours and there was never a gap in front of us.

    The moral isn't to one up the previous story of the Peanut butter. It's just to highlight the need for ppl to behave in a classy manner on the golf course. it's just a crazy game and the ppl playing it are just as psycho. The game is like life. Just relax and get through it.

  13. #13
    GolfPig of the Year 2006 Golfbum is on a distinguished road
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    If this is what golf is coming to then it might be time to take fishing back up. I know one thing, if I was behind you and that happened to me, I would skip one hole and be waiting on the next tee block. It wouldn't be pretty on your groups behalf either.
    I can live with someone not having good taste. I can not live with someone who is just plain STUPID AND IGNORANT.
    People like that should not be allowed to be on a golf course. So what, they hit one ball into your group by mistake? You as a so called golfer, playing with them should not have tolerated the stupid antics of putting peanut butter in the cups. By doing so you encourage them to continue their actions.
    I am glad I play with gentlemen at my course.
    My opinions are my own, I do not follow others.

  14. #14
    Champion sharkhark is on a distinguished road sharkhark's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    A. If it only happened that 1 time and you were out of sight, could be honest mistake.

    B. Messing up the hole doesn't penalize the group behind, it penalizes 'every' group behind (boneheaded).

    C. I personally suffer from:
    Anaphylaxis -
    Life-threatening allergy- to nuts of any kind.

    I cannot believe that with all the present risks i have of coming into contact in every day life, that several holes out in the woods, playing the game i love, i could end up dead?
    Please tell me this thread is a joke?
    "Chicks dig me, because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual"

  15. #15
    Moderator Big Johnny69 is on a distinguished road Big Johnny69's Avatar
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    Forever stuck between single digit and trunk slammer!
    Good point shark. Never even thought of that. That could've been disasterours for someone.
    "A life lived in fear of the new and the untried is not a life lived to its fullest." M.Pare 10/09/08

  16. #16
    Sorry sharky, its not a joke. If I wasn't a gentle man I would post his phone number and let everyone give him a piece of their mind. As for you GB, what do you suggest I should have done? walk home 60km? he did it, yes it took me 3 holes to get him to stop but I did get him to stop. The guy had enough penut butter to do all 27 holes and manderly.

    Shark, I'm sure this is the first time in the history of golf that someone has put penut Butter into a hole so I don't think its something that you have to worry about.

  17. #17
    Sir Post-a-lot dH is on a distinguished road dH's Avatar
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    I never thought of sharks point either; at a recent business function we had some scallops wrapped in bacon (so tasty) point of my story is one of our clients asked what kind of oil it was made with; he proceeded to tell me that if it was peanut oil or any other type of nut for that matter he'd be dead before he got to the door if he even touched one of those tasty scallops. Completely shocked me; either way it turns the whole peanutbutter in the hole from an ignorant act of a carless person who plays golf into something disastrous! NOT COOL.

    Thotho: you should ruthlessly cull those people from your address book... Unless of course your always projecting what you did onto one of your "buddies" just kidding

  18. #18
    just got off the phone with the course. After sharky made his point I wanted to make sure no one got sick or died and if they did i would turn steve in. Anyway, no harm done, everyone is fine. No one even mentioned it to them

  19. #19
    Champion sharkhark is on a distinguished road sharkhark's Avatar
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    I realize that the chances of this happening to me are one in a mill. But the best angle on this guy would have been "yeah it will get the guys behind, but what about the mess for the people behind them?". He Can't argue with that.

    ps I carry epipens but only two. Each gives you about 7 min breathing. If you were way out on a course you wouldn't make it back in time. Hate this stupid allergy, only started at age 13. Anyhew..
    "Chicks dig me, because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual"

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Golfbum
    If this is what golf is coming to then it might be time to take fishing back up. I know one thing, if I was behind you and that happened to me, I would skip one hole and be waiting on the next tee block. It wouldn't be pretty on your groups behalf either.
    I can live with someone not having good taste. I can not live with someone who is just plain STUPID AND IGNORANT.
    People like that should not be allowed to be on a golf course. So what, they hit one ball into your group by mistake? You as a so called golfer, playing with them should not have tolerated the stupid antics of putting peanut butter in the cups. By doing so you encourage them to continue their actions.
    I am glad I play with gentlemen at my course.
    I don't think you're being fair to thotho here. It wasn't him after all and there's only so much someone can do. aside from leaving. This guy is clearly a little twisted. i'm not sure I'd be ready to drop the gloves over this. You cant' just start fights you have to be diplomatic. I'm sure thotho made and effort.

  21. #21
    We have one anecdotal story and ppl are freaking out. 99.8% of all people i play with are classy golfers who respect the game and the course. I'm sure everyone here is the same. You're going to have loose canons and morons in every walk of life. The golf course is no exception.

    All we can do as avid golfers, is set an impprecable example when we play. That's all you can do. Golfbum don't quit the game because of that story. Say it ain't so!!! Fishing is for retirement.

  22. #22
    Thanks andru. Much appreciated. I guess I could have tried harder but that the same time its a friend of a really good friend and you don't want to cause problems but I did do what I thought was reasonable. I'd be interested to see what GB would have done in the sitation. A very good friends brings a really good friend along with him. The new guys is doing what steve did... what can you possibly do? hit him? take a cab home? get him to stop... like I did? I'm sure golf courses would be a lo better if guys like you skipped holes and waited at the next tee box to start fights eh??

  23. #23
    shark, wouldn't you have tin eat the penut butter to die? which means you would either have to lick your golf ball after putting out or stick your tounge in the hole... not making light of the situation but are you saying you could die just from touching penut butter?

  24. #24
    NFL Guru fundonny is on a distinguished road fundonny's Avatar
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    Man, you guys are missing out! The perfect day is fishing in the early morning, golf after that, then come home, bbq and watch two N F L games in a row!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Andru
    We have one anecdotal story and ppl are freaking out. 99.8% of all people i play with are classy golfers who respect the game and the course. I'm sure everyone here is the same. You're going to have loose canons and morons in every walk of life. The golf course is no exception.

    All we can do as avid golfers, is set an impprecable example when we play. That's all you can do. Golfbum don't quit the game because of that story. Say it ain't so!!! Fishing is for retirement.
    Donny Vantage NFL Guru, since 1974
    Money won is twice as sweet as money earned

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by sharkhark
    I realize that the chances of this happening to me are one in a mill. But the best angle on this guy would have been "yeah it will get the guys behind, but what about the mess for the people behind them?". He Can't argue with that.

    ps I carry epipens but only two. Each gives you about 7 min breathing. If you were way out on a course you wouldn't make it back in time. Hate this stupid allergy, only started at age 13. Anyhew..
    Peanut allergies scare the crap out of me. The problem is it's so innocent. Because people who don't have the allergy or do not know someone close to them with this allergy don't take the necessary precautions. I'll have to keep that in mind now.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by fundonny
    Man, you guys are missing out! The perfect day is fishing in the early morning, golf after that, then come home, bbq and watch two N F L games in a row!!!
    I'm just kidding man. I know fishing is awesome. I just don't think I can get away with another vice. My wife would kill me!

  27. #27
    NFL Guru fundonny is on a distinguished road fundonny's Avatar
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    Ah, but it's not a vice, it's providing!! Bringing home dinner! Heck, Jesus was a fisherman!!! Can't top that argument!!!
    Donny Vantage NFL Guru, since 1974
    Money won is twice as sweet as money earned

  28. #28
    wasn't he a carpenter??

  29. #29
    Caddy beefstuf is on a distinguished road beefstuf's Avatar
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    I tend to forget about all the bad pairing I have had. I do remeber a lot of the good ones. I am 2 for 2 this year with pairings. Had some great people, good laughs and great conversation. Hope it continues.

    Quote Originally Posted by fundonny
    See, I end up golfing with nice people. One guy I golfed with in Myrtle was heading to Pinehurst, so he sent me some pictures of the Payne Stewart statue. I end with people who offer to buy a beer, have some good laughs, talk about the 'talent' of the staff... Never golfed with anybody like thotho describes!!!

  30. #30
    Hopelessly Addicted Shivas Irons is on a distinguished road Shivas Irons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thotho
    just got off the phone with the course. After sharky made his point I wanted to make sure no one got sick or died and if they did i would turn steve in. Anyway, no harm done, everyone is fine. No one even mentioned it to them
    Good on you for calling the course - it was the right thing to do.
    Fortunately the beneficiaries of this mornic act were probably some hungry squirrels or birds.

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