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  1. #121
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mberube
    I don’t know but one think I don’t get. When you are a RFA you are allowed to receive offers from other teams. The team that owns you must match the highest qualified offer if they want to keep him. Does this mean that nobody has offered anything major for Roberto. That’s crazy.
    Compensation must be paid if another team "poaches" an RFA from you. In Luongo's case, it is based on the amount of the new team's offer.

    Offer -- compensation

    $660,000 or below: no compensation.
    More than $660,000 to $1 million: third-round choice.
    $1 million to $2 million: second-round choice.
    $2 million to $3 million: first and third-round choices.
    $3 million to $4 million: first, second and third-round choices.
    $4 million to $5 million: two first-round choices, one second and one third-round choice.

    It would essentially have cost any team after Luongo 5 first rounders, and that's only if Florida didn't match. That's why you don't see this too often. The last case involved Sergei Fedorov going to Carolina, but something happened and the deal was voided or Detroit matched or something like that...

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  2. #122
    Hopelessly Addicted el tigre is on a distinguished road el tigre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by broken27
    How do I wear a different shade of sunglasses? When did I say he didn't do it? Charges were dropped, whatever the reason was. If you're arrested, and the officer doesn't follow the rules, you can get off. Simple as that. I didn't say anything to the contrary. But there's a difference between being convicted of something and being charged with something. Just ask OJ.

    Ah yes, the nerve of that "woman district attorney" in Los Angeles for bringing "unsubstantiated charges" against the great O.J. Simpson. She should be reprimanded for even implying that somehow OJ might have "made a mistake".

    Always interesting to see how you like to twist things out of context. Ty Webb's point was that even the great Radek Bonk makes mistakes sometimes. Your response implied that whole Bonk incident was the fault of some overzealous "women cop". Bonk could not possibly have totally screwed up and gotten away with it - he's a Czech!
    [COLOR=green][B]Golf is a game invented by the same people who think music comes out of bagpipes.[/B][/COLOR]

  3. #123
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thotho
    Also whats going on with marc andre fluery? how much is he going to make and why isn't he on the PIT list at
    As Mberube said, Fleury was pretty weak in the AHL last season, and had his confidence understandably shaken when Pittsburgh brought him into the NHL with the crud team they iced. There is no way the Penguins should have played him in the NHL at that stage of his development. The question now is how much damage did they do?

    As for his contract, I believe he will still be eligible as "Entry Level", so it's proportionate to his draft position. Having gone first overall (idiot Pens), that's something like $1M per season or something like that (Canadian $$).

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  4. #124
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el tigre
    Ah yes, the nerve of that "woman district attorney" in Los Angeles for bringing "unsubstantiated charges" against the great O.J. Simpson. She should be reprimanded for even implying that somehow OJ might have "made a mistake".

    Always interesting to see how you like to twist things out of context. Ty Webb's point was that even the great Radek Bonk makes mistakes sometimes. Your response implied that whole Bonk incident was the fault of some overzealous "women cop". Bonk could not possibly have totally screwed up and gotten away with it - he's a Czech!
    What context? This witchhunt of yours is getting a little silly.

    Radek Bonk was never convicted of anything, and I doubt you were there to say beyond reasonable doubt that in fact he was driving drunk. According to the media reports, there were no witnesses to the arrest. So, since the charges were dropped (without going to court), you can assume whatever you like. Personally I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, although I would also say there is a chance he was in fact drunk.

    The OJ thing is dramatically different, and I clearly brought that up in jest...

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  5. #125
    Must be Single 1972Apex is on a distinguished road 1972Apex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by broken27
    although I would also say there is a chance he was in fact drunk.

    The OJ thing is dramatically different, and I clearly brought that up in jest...

    Yeah, I'd say so... seeing as how he blew .18...
    I don't believe the fact he was driving impaired was ever in question. Hey man, I'd like to get off on a technicality too... believe me. He was plain and simple... lucky and he had the money for a good lawyer... end of story.
    And you are wrong in that Bonk was never convicted of anything. He was in fact convicted of playing indifferently and for that was sentenced to play for the Montreal Canadiens and time served with the Senators...
    Last edited by 1972Apex; 08-25-2005 at 04:21 PM.

  6. #126
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reid Masson
    Yeah, I'd say so... seeing as how he blew .018...
    I don't believe the fact he was driving impaired was ever in question. Hey man, I'd like to get off on a technicality too... believe me. He was plain and simple... lucky and he had the money for a good lawyer... end of story.
    And you are wrong in that Bonk was never convicted of anything. He was in fact convicted of playing indifferently and for that was sentenced to play for the Montreal Canadiens and time served with the Senators...
    Isn't .08 the legal limit? That's higher than .018... Besides which, I'm not sure a breathalizer result is enough to convict anyone of anything. I know in my case, they had to do a bloodtest because I insisted I was not guilty despite blowing over three times.

    And you're right. Bonk was convicted by the court of public opinion for playing the way Jacques Martin asked him to. Coverage of the top player on the other team. He did that remarkably well, but was always a whipping boy by the fans here...

    Oh well, onwards and upwards for him... A change of scenery will do him some good. He was totally unappreciated in this city, just like Yashin.

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  7. #127
    Hall of Fame jeffc is on a distinguished road jeffc's Avatar
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    i think he meant .18...

    not .018....

    As for Yashin, let me see.

    I have a contract that will pay me several million $ per year. But now, I don't like my contract. I want a bigger contract or I am taking my ball and going home.

    Before his little hissy fit he was well liked. Oh except for his invisible man act in the playoffs. But before that he was liked. Sorry, I forgot about his donation to the NAC, which he later reneged on. But other than that, people loved him.

    There is no I in team. But there is an M and an E. Yashin knows this very well.

  8. #128
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeffc
    not .018....

    As for Yashin, let me see.

    I have a contract that will pay me several million $ per year. But now, I don't like my contract. I want a bigger contract or I am taking my ball and going home.

    Before his little hissy fit he was well liked. Oh except for his invisible man act in the playoffs. But before that he was liked. Sorry, I forgot about his donation to the NAC, which he later reneged on. But other than that, people loved him.

    There is no I in team. But there is an M and an E. Yashin knows this very well.
    Hah, he reneged on the NAC donation (thank god) because they didn't hold up their end of the deal. They had switched their Board up or something and did not live up to the arrangement so Yashin ONLY gave those ingrates $200K instead of a million bucks.

    Holdouts are the only leverage an athlete has, like it or not. I personally didn't like that move either, but knowing who his agent is, I don't hold it against Yashin himself.

    The Ottawa mentality seems to be very socialistic. Everyone should get paid the same, regardless of talent or production. It's already cost us Hossa, so who's next?

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  9. #129
    Hopelessly Addicted el tigre is on a distinguished road el tigre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by broken27
    Isn't .08 the legal limit? That's higher than .018... Besides which, I'm not sure a breathalizer result is enough to convict anyone of anything. I know in my case, they had to do a bloodtest because I insisted I was not guilty despite blowing over three times.
    Ahhh, now I get it. In the Czech Republic you can drink and drive your car into snowbanks EVERY DAY if you want, get nabbed by the police and blow over the limit EVERY TIME - but you haven't screwed up and made any mistakes. Oh no - up until the time you get convicted of something (if ever), you're still perfect!

    Poor Dan. Every time he's outnumbered in a debate, its a witch-hunt. Oh well, gotta go - need to add a few more newts to cauldron!
    [COLOR=green][B]Golf is a game invented by the same people who think music comes out of bagpipes.[/B][/COLOR]

  10. #130
    Ty Webb
    Bonk is evidence that, if you have enough money, you can get away with things. He lives down the street from me and is a nice guy but he used to like to party (before the kid). He was indeed up on a snowbank ripped. He got busted as he was off the road with his lights on. Too bad he cut his hair (Dan do you too sport long hair as it seems to be the norm - Jagr and bonk?) as he was hot when he played for Las Vegas in the IHL.

  11. #131
    CAR offered Federov a retarded contract.. it had a huge signing bonus, had playoff incentives, and a good salary as well. Det wanted to match but said they shouldn't have to pay the playoff bonus (car would give him a huge chunk of change if he could get them past the second round.. which they couldn't do even with federov) but detroit ended up matching anyway and it ended up costing them $27mil to keep federov for that one year (bonus, salary and playoff bonus)

    The following year he fired his agent (after he had gotten him the richest one year pay out EVER) and switched to the same agent his bimbo girlfriend at the time (anna pornakova) had

  12. #132
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el tigre
    Ahhh, now I get it. In the Czech Republic you can drink and drive your car into snowbanks EVERY DAY if you want, get nabbed by the police and blow over the limit EVERY TIME - but you haven't screwed up and made any mistakes. Oh no - up until the time you get convicted of something (if ever), you're still perfect!

    Poor Dan. Every time he's outnumbered in a debate, its a witch-hunt. Oh well, gotta go - need to add a few more newts to cauldron!
    Man, this is getting idiotic...

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  13. #133
    Ty Webb

    For once I agree with you (actually twice, I liked your band).

    We should all go out for a few pints sometime.


  14. #134
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ty Webb

    For once I agree with you (actually twice, I liked your band).

    We should all go out for a few pints sometime.

    Agreed. I'm going to drop the whole thing now. Only HOCKEY talk from me from here on...
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  15. #135
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    You know what? Something dawned on me tonight... I believe it is worth expressing, especially in this time of transition for our only "major" sports team (with all due respect to the awesome Ottawa Renegades).

    Here goes:

    While I don't see eye to eye with 99% of you apparently, I do respect and admire one thing. Ottawa has been called an "atrophied sports town" by many people, and especially where the Senators are concerned are considered to be dispassionate and fickle. You have, for the most part, rendered that perception to falsehood.

    Again keeping in mind our difference in perspective or opinion, I salute your passion and commitment to your team, and in many cases to hockey in general. It is senseless to debate the "preference" or "taste for" NHL or European hockey, as the two are rather intersperced (sp?) now. At least if you're going to be wrong, you do it with guns a blazin' (c'mon, quick joking parting shot...).

    Cheers to Ottawa hockey fans!

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  16. #136
    Must be Single 1972Apex is on a distinguished road 1972Apex's Avatar
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    Remember Dan... I just like to play Devil's Advocate with you .
    You'll like Heatley. He's a good guy and a heck of a hockey player. You can guarantee he'll give 100%.
    I will say this though. I don't know if the Senators will play better hockey with Heatley leading the way, but they certainly won't be any better looking...

  17. #137
    Hall of Fame spackler is on a distinguished road spackler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chambokl
    Here is a list of the Devils salary:

    Brodeur $ 5.3 millions
    Rafalski $ 4.2 millions
    Elias $ 4.2 millions
    Madden $ 3.9 millions
    Malakov $ 3.6 millions
    Mogilny $ 3.5 millions
    Friesen $ 2.3 millions
    Gomez $ 2.2 millions
    McGillis $ 2.2 millions

    So they have to give away 2 players or a Rafalski or Elias.
    Going waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off topic:

    I've heard a rumour, from an agent, that Ottawa is after Madden. Anyone else heard this? Neil, Hamel and Chris Kelly are supposed to go the other way. Turduckens for everyone!

    On another topic, from way way back in this thread, I think the Leafs are trying to void Nolan's contract saying that the injury was non-hockey related. If they are not allowed to do this, they will buy him out and not have it count against the cap. I think they notified the NHL prior to the end of the 6 day buy out period that this was their intention and the NHL granted permission to do it. So one way or the other, he doesn't count against the cap.

  18. #138
    Hopelessly Addicted el tigre is on a distinguished road el tigre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by broken27
    Hah, he reneged on the NAC donation (thank god) because they didn't hold up their end of the deal. They had switched their Board up or something and did not live up to the arrangement so Yashin ONLY gave those ingrates $200K instead of a million bucks.
    You are absolutely correct. The original "deal" was supposed to give Yashin's parents some sort of "contract" for unspecified services with the NAC, and the new board nixed that part of the deal. Apparently, Russian hockey superstars are subject to the same ethical standards and pesky influence-peddling laws as those Liberal Party hacks trolling for "jobs" at Quebec advertising firms. Who knew?
    [COLOR=green][B]Golf is a game invented by the same people who think music comes out of bagpipes.[/B][/COLOR]

  19. #139
    Hopelessly Addicted el tigre is on a distinguished road el tigre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ty Webb
    Bonk is evidence that, if you have enough money, you can get away with things. He lives down the street from me and is a nice guy but he used to like to party (before the kid). He was indeed up on a snowbank ripped. He got busted as he was off the road with his lights on. Too bad he cut his hair (Dan do you too sport long hair as it seems to be the norm - Jagr and bonk?) as he was hot when he played for Las Vegas in the IHL.
    I actually like Bonk and think he played just fine for the Senators - most of the time. He did have this propensity to take stupid penalties at the WORST possible times, but when he decided to work hard he played very well.

    But getting ripped and driving into a snowbank is pretty dumb - almost as stupid as driving your Ferrari at 3x the speed limit when you're sober. But if doing stupid, idiotic things was a crime, we'd all have a rap sheet.
    [COLOR=green][B]Golf is a game invented by the same people who think music comes out of bagpipes.[/B][/COLOR]

  20. #140
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el tigre
    You are absolutely correct. The original "deal" was supposed to give Yashin's parents some sort of "contract" for unspecified services with the NAC, and the new board nixed that part of the deal. Apparently, Russian hockey superstars are subject to the same ethical standards and pesky influence-peddling laws as those Liberal Party hacks trolling for "jobs" at Quebec advertising firms. Who knew?
    FK Terry, let it go... Tatiana Entertainments was supposed to be given control over 'x' percent of programming to bring in some real culture from Russia as opposed to the Winnipeg Philharomic. Geez, fuggg..... The Bolshoi over the Bytown.... Don't make Yashin sound like the simpleton here... Actually you aren't. The NAC underwent a transitional phase at the renewal stage of the second year of the contract, and the president of the place took that clause out of the contract, so Yashin didn't pay. Simple as that. He still contributed more than likely anyone on this board to that tax-leech outfit.

    Russians are also entitled to get what they pay for, bud. You don't have to like it, but I'm surprised that after your liberal, union butt-kiss attitude throughout the whole lockout that you take the stand you do about our idiotic government. Hell, those are YOUR people, not mine. I know right is right.

    I'm starting to be curious as to your intent Terry. Other than trying to rile me up, is there any REAL sense in what you're saying????

    And secondly.... How many Yashin haters are government employees, or union members of any other kind who have been on STRIKE because your current contract didn't meet your expectations? Let's see if anyone has the balls to be in the "Yashin" category now... I personally witnessed the strikes at Rev Canada when I crossed the picket lines each day. I am NOT a union person, and I believe in contracts unless they become absurdly disproportionate to my performance. Ironically, some of the biggest Yash-bashers were morons I'd run into on the picket lines each morning.... Nice job jackass!

    Yashin is STILL the best player we've seen in Ottawa, although Hossa would likely have been this season. I'm putting Havlat to lead the team at 85pts (speculative, but that's what my line is saying), and Heatley I'm going to put a twenty on him scoring under 30 goals. Hossa 40+, and I'm playing a C-note on it. As a former Senators' fan, I'm coining a new marketing campaign for anyone who liked Hossa, regardless of what they think of Heatley: Mucks Sucks!

    Last edited by broken27; 08-26-2005 at 12:10 AM.
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  21. #141
    Major Poster Chambokl is on a distinguished road Chambokl's Avatar
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    removed by moderator

  22. #142
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    Last edited by broken27; 08-26-2005 at 07:14 AM.
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  23. #143
    Founder Kilroy is on a distinguished road Kilroy's Avatar
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    I have been watching this thread for a while now. I almost closed it a few times, but since the flow was up and down I let it go.

    I regret letting it get to this point. It is now closed. Start another if you can refrain from insulting each other.
    Chambokl and broken27 have been temporarily banned. Hopefully when they return it will be less confrontational.

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