Quote Originally Posted by Yongchai View Post
I swapped out my old AMD HD5770 1G video card to an AMD R9 270X 2G video card during the weekend, and these are the results i got at the practice range displaying at 1280x800.

Start : Fly : Grass - 15 : 20 : 12

R9 270X
Start : Fly : Grass - 30 : 30 : 20
FSX was randomly crashing for a while and i suspected it was the video driver. So i installed the driver again making sure to do a clean install this time using DDU program from the bottom link.


This solved the problem of FSX randomly crashing and now frame rates have improved as well:

R9 270X
Start : Fly : Grass - 30 : 60 : 30

As previously mentioned, i believe the 30 frame rate is capped for stability (though i don't know why the Flying part isn't capped). So if you are having graphical problems with FSX. Try a clean install of the video driver using the program from the link above. And don't worry about only using Nvidia cards, AMD works fine.

Side note: Foresight seems to be fiddling with the online Leaderboards again. They wiped out all my scores and now it doesn't even register any new scores. Makes competing a bit pointless. Hopefully the glitches means they are improving on it. Hope they get it back working soon.

Also, there is video evidence of a webcam being used to record your swing for FSX's video analysis page. This would be great as it means we don't have to use pricey swing cameras, however the PS eye definitely still does not work with FSX. Per KS-man, the webcam he's using is:


Anybody else can verify if they are getting a normal webcam to work of FSX's video analysis page?