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Thread: Hmmm.

  1. #1


    Losing your cool and shouting foul language is one thing, affecting the playing conditions for others isn't cool. I didn't see this actually happen. I'm sure he'll he hearing from ole' Earl on this one.

  2. #2
    Amateur Golfpeasant is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andru
    Losing your cool and shouting foul language is one thing, affecting the playing conditions for others isn't cool. I didn't see this actually happen. I'm sure he'll he hearing from ole' Earl on this one.
    That's a strange thing to do, even for Tiger.

  3. #3
    Golf Nut nice_lag is on a distinguished road
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    It was a pretty good mark and totally done out of frustration. It certainly wasn't proper conduct for ANY golfer. At least he acknowledged his wrongdoing and didn't pound his putter through the green like some do with their irons in the fairway.

  4. #4
    Founder Kilroy is on a distinguished road Kilroy's Avatar
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    Not cool at all. They should have kicked him off the course. If you or I did that, and they knew who did it, do you think we'd be welcome back the next day? No way.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Kilbank
    Not cool at all. They should have kicked him off the course. If you or I did that, and they knew who did, it do you think we'd be welcome back the next day? No way.
    The USGA acknowledged they spoke with Tiger but felt this isolated incident wasn't enough to boot him from the tourney. I kind of agree with that. They need to make some sort of rule which would allow them to penalize a stroke. As the rule is wirtten the only option is removing the individual.

    The scraping was bad enough but I think the weak attempt to fix it was worse.

  6. #6
    Competitor Hank Hill is on a distinguished road Hank Hill's Avatar
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    I really try to like him for his exceptional talent at golf, but I just can see past this sort of petulance, hardly setting a good example is he?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Hank Hill
    I really try to like him for his exceptional talent at golf, but I just can see past this sort of petulance, hardly setting an example is he?
    <Sigh> just when I thought we could get through a Tiger Woods discussion without the usual song and dance. He's not the first nor will he be the last to make a mistake. I was hoping this could lead to a broader discussion about these types of incidents and how they can be avoided.

  8. #8
    Founder Kilroy is on a distinguished road Kilroy's Avatar
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    felt this isolated incident wasn't enough to boot him from the tourney. I kind of agree with that.
    Oh, it must be nice to be Tiger.
    All bow for "the man". That's crap. If one of the qualifiers had done it, g'bye.
    Sorry Andu, but it's inexcuseable, especially for someone in his shoes.

  9. #9
    Competitor Hank Hill is on a distinguished road Hank Hill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andru
    <Sigh> just when I thought we could get through a Tiger Woods discussion without the usual song and dance. He's not the first nor will he be the last to make a mistake. I was hoping this could lead to a broader discussion about these types of incidents and how they can be avoided.
    It is not possible to go through a "Tiger Woods dicussion" and not get a "song and dance". You should know this. He IS Tiger Woods after all, and whether he likes it or not all cameras are on him so he is under the microscope. I love his golf game, he is awesome, but he acts like a big baby on the golf course. Sorry if stating this offends you.

  10. #10
    Hall of Fame NoBack is on a distinguished road NoBack's Avatar
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    Woods drew a mild rebuke from the USGA for damaging the green on the ninth hole and some disapproving stares from the crowd around the 18th green for cursing. When the day ended, though, his party line hadn't changed.
    This from the article is what I find a shame. Because it's the Cat, we have our set of rules and he has his?

    Woods didn't attempt to apologize for the incident, and he wasn't penalized for it despite the USGA saying his actions "may be understood as a breach of etiquette."
    This shows the "whole " picture. Not even feel bad about it. Great example to show the kids.
    I've spent most of my life golfing .... the rest I've just wasted"

  11. #11
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    Never thought I'd live to see the day when Mr. Composure blew a gasket... What a shock!!!! Someone mark down the date and time!!!

    Fine his ass if nothing else. Hockey players pay fines for their transgressions too...

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  12. #12
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Karam
    This from the article is what I find a shame. Because it's the Cat, we have our set of rules and he has his?

    This shows the "whole " picture. Not even feel bad about it. Great example to show the kids.
    Come on. He is just human like the rest of us. He has emotions and frustrations. Most of all he wants to win more than anybod else out there. He is a true grinder and never gives up like a whole bunch of them out there. You can never count him out and truly that is the best example he can show the kids. Please do not tell me that you never smoked nor drank nor cussed in front of some kids at least once.

  13. #13
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by broken27
    Never thought I'd live to see the day when Mr. Composure blew a gasket... What a shock!!!! Someone mark down the date and time!!!

    Fine his ass if nothing else. Hockey players pay fines for their transgressions too...

    A transgression to the green is not ok but does not even come close to a hockey transgression. That is criminal.

  14. #14
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andre Cantin
    A transgression to the green is not ok but does not even come close to a hockey transgression. That is criminal.
    I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about here. You can get fined for things in hockey (and other pro sports) for transgressions that have nothing to do with anything criminal... For example: repeated use of illegal equipment, SAYING STUPID THINGS ON CAMERA, spitting on a player, leaving the bench to join a fight......

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  15. #15
    Hopelessly Addicted el tigre is on a distinguished road el tigre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Kilbank
    If one of the qualifiers had done it, g'bye.
    Oh, I don't think so. First of all, you'd never hear about it. Secondly, the only time someone is DQ'ed in a PGA tournament is when the rules state that they MUST be DQ'ed. Whenever the PGA (aka "the committee") has the discretion to DQ someone, they NEVER go that far. Tiger is not the only hothead on the PGA Tour. When was the last time ANYONE was disqualified for a serious breach of etiquette on the PGA Tour?? It just doesn't happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Kilbank
    Sorry Andu, but it's inexcuseable, especially for someone in his shoes.
    He's in the same shoes as everybody else. For the same reason that he should not be getting special treatment, he should not be saddled with special responsibilities either. All that "role model" stuff is an invention of the media. He's a golfer, not a preacher.
    [COLOR=green][B]Golf is a game invented by the same people who think music comes out of bagpipes.[/B][/COLOR]

  16. #16
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by broken27
    I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about here. You can get fined for things in hockey (and other pro sports) for transgressions that have nothing to do with anything criminal... For example: repeated use of illegal equipment, SAYING STUPID THINGS ON CAMERA, spitting on a player, leaving the bench to join a fight......

    Joining a fight is criminal. It is accepted in hockey and sports but not in the real world. By trangressions I thought you meant an agression such as the one involving the Vancouver Canuck player. As far as the other stuff mentionned he did not do any of that stuff.

  17. #17
    Founder Kilroy is on a distinguished road Kilroy's Avatar
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    He's in the same shoes as everybody else.
    Oh I see. Never mind then

  18. #18
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andre Cantin
    Joining a fight is criminal. It is accepted in hockey and sports but not in the real world. By trangressions I thought you meant an agression such as the one involving the Vancouver Canuck player. As far as the other stuff mentionned he did not do any of that stuff.
    Tiger's conduct is the exact same as Jeremy Roenick going on camera complaining about stuff, or Pat Quinn's repeated whine sessions... EXACTLY the same in every respect other than the fact that he's not representing a team, but only himself. He should be fined. Period.

    Oh, and in the many times I've joined in a fight, both outside and inside the hockey arena, I've never been charged with anything, and there were cops at the scene, so it's not always criminal to join a fight...

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  19. #19
    Hall of Fame NoBack is on a distinguished road NoBack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andre Cantin
    Please do not tell me that you never smoked nor drank nor cussed in front of some kids at least once.
    I have I have and I will again I'm sure. BUT I am not getting paid a gazilllion dollars, I am NOT on ceral boxes, nor am I on the news, or in YOUR living room. No cameras here.. Apples and oranges.
    I've spent most of my life golfing .... the rest I've just wasted"

  20. #20
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by broken27
    Tiger's conduct is the exact same as Jeremy Roenick going on camera complaining about stuff, or Pat Quinn's repeated whine sessions... EXACTLY the same in every respect other than the fact that he's not representing a team, but only himself. He should be fined. Period.

    Oh, and in the many times I've joined in a fight, both outside and inside the hockey arena, I've never been charged with anything, and there were cops at the scene, so it's not always criminal to join a fight...

    Just because the man let go of a litlle steam is not a reason for being fined especially if it is a first offence. He didn't finger anybody nor did he grab his crouch nor did he spit. Lucky for you if you never got arrested and lucky for you if you never got hurt badly or sued by someone you hurt.

  21. #21
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andre Cantin
    Just because the man let go of a litlle steam is not a reason for being fined especially if it is a first offence. He didn't finger anybody nor did he grab his crouch nor did he spit. Lucky for you if you never got arrested and lucky for you if you never got hurt badly or sued by someone you hurt.
    You can defend his immaturity all you like. He intentionally damaged the green because he's a whiny little infant. There should be some form of penalty for that. Hell, he's GOT billions of dollars, why not fine him?

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  22. #22
    Founder Kilroy is on a distinguished road Kilroy's Avatar
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    What I find unacceptable is taking a hunk out of the green in anger. Does anyone want to see that become acceptable?

  23. #23
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Kilbank
    What I find unacceptable is taking a hunk out of the green in anger. Does anyone want to see that become acceptable?
    Not me. To me it's the same thing as taking a swing at your competitor in another sport. Basically I view golf as a competition against the course, so whacking a chunk out of the course is essentially the same as whacking a chunk out of a player on the other team in any team sport.

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  24. #24
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Kilbank
    What I find unacceptable is taking a hunk out of the green in anger. Does anyone want to see that become acceptable?
    Of course not.

  25. #25
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by broken27
    You can defend his immaturity all you like. He intentionally damaged the green because he's a whiny little infant. There should be some form of penalty for that. Hell, he's GOT billions of dollars, why not fine him?

    So if you're a poor man you should not get fined? What's a fine to him? I don't believe he did it intentionally.

  26. #26
    Founder Kilroy is on a distinguished road Kilroy's Avatar
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    Well, I am not sure about comparing turf damage to personal injury. However, it's a serious breach of ettiquite at the very least. Fairways are one thing, greens are another. They even stipulate not to lean on your putter on the green in the ettiquite guidelines

    Preventing Unnecessary Damage

    Players should avoid causing damage to the course by removing divots when taking practice swings or by hitting the head of a club into the ground, whether in anger or for any other reason.

    Players should ensure that no damage is done to the putting green when putting down bags or the flagstick.

    In order to avoid damaging the hole, players and caddies should not stand too close to the hole and should take care during the handling of the flagstick and the removal of a ball from the hole. The head of a club should not be used to remove a ball from the hole.

    Players should not lean on their clubs when on the putting green, particularly when removing the ball from the hole.

    The flagstick should be properly replaced in the hole before the players leave the putting green.

    Local notices regulating the movement of golf carts should be strictly observed.

    Conclusion; Penalties for Breach
    If players follow the guidelines in this Section, it will make the game more enjoyable for everyone.

    If a player consistently disregards these guidelines during a round or over a period of time to the detriment of others, it is recommended that the Committee consider taking appropriate disciplinary action against the offending player. Such action may, for example, include prohibiting play for a limited time on the course or in a certain number of competitions. This is considered to be justifiable in terms of protecting the interest of the majority of golfers who wish to play in accordance with these guidelines.

    In the case of a serious breach of Etiquette, the Committee may disqualify a player under Rule 33-7.

  27. #27
    Founder Kilroy is on a distinguished road Kilroy's Avatar
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    I don't believe he did it intentionally.
    He did it in anger. Go ahead, slam your putter into the rough, look stupid I don't care. Leave a 6" gouge in a green on Pinhurst #2 and just see how fast they show you the gate.

  28. #28
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Kilbank
    He did it in anger. Go ahead, slam your putter into the rough, look stupid I don't care. Leave a 6" gouge in a green on Pinhurst #2 and just see how fast they show you the gate.
    They probably would not let me past the gate

  29. #29
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Karam
    I have I have and I will again I'm sure. BUT I am not getting paid a gazilllion dollars, I am NOT on ceral boxes, nor am I on the news, or in YOUR living room. No cameras here.. Apples and oranges.
    Not really apples and oranges. You made it sound as if he comitted a big crime. It is a temper tantrum. There are a whole bunch of millionnaires on tv doing things a lot worse than letting go a curse word.

  30. #30
    Hopelessly Addicted broken27 is on a distinguished road broken27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andre Cantin
    So if you're a poor man you should not get fined? What's a fine to him? I don't believe he did it intentionally.
    No, that's not my point. The fact that he can afford to pay a fine means there is no conceivable reason NOT to give him a fine. Those fines go to charity usually, so at least one of the kids that may look up to him will get something out of it.

    Don't believe he did it intentionally? Let me guess... You're one of those people who think he made his shot on 16 at the Masters on purpose, rather than getting a lucky break....

    There is no way to say he didn't do it intentionally. I saw the whole thing. It may have been reflexive, but you don't put a 2 foot long tear in a green by accident with your putter while it's in your hands... Maybe if it fell...

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