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  1. #1

    Protee with E6 software or G2?

    Hi all

    I have had a real good trawling session on this forum but there is just sooo much information. I'm not complaining, lol, but it can be tricky to gain a clear picture. Anyhow, I am seriously contemplating getting either a G2, or a Protee running E6. Now I realise that the G2 is going to be infinitely easier to set up, but, setup aside, which would offer the most pleasing experience? Looking at the videos of Protee's own sim software I have to say that it looks very uninspiring. Are the youtube videos fairly representative, or is E6 an absolute requirement?

    I'm not a golf aficionado, but a high handicap beginner, so am not going to be overly critical if the spin data or whatever is a little suspect. I'm just after the best experience with a fairly solid physics model, and a great visual rendition of a golf course. Play, practice and a high immersion factor are what I'm really after. Any suggestions anyone?

  2. #2
    3 Iron HRS is on a distinguished road
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    As high handicap beginners we need more than the experts the most accurate data. The people who are good at this already know how to swing. A false reading could make you think you are doing great when in fact the ball is spinning off into the lake. Unfortunately none of the sim software is beyond original Xbox graphics. I'm not sure why, especially considering what these things cost. There is no "best" golf simulator (without unlimited budget). There is no sim that tracks ball and club well under five figures (I think - things do change quickly!). You need to choose your side in the great Ball Data versus Club Data debate, buy something and understand somebody will eventually make a good ball and club tracking sim for a couple of grand. But you'll be having fun while you wait.

  3. #3
    Ace wbealsd is on a distinguished road
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    And when somebody DOES come out with a $2000 ball & club tracking sim, you'll buy that too!

  4. #4
    Postaholic CPA is on a distinguished road
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    GC2 runs on Redchain not E6.

    From past threads E6 does not use spin data once the ball lands ( have they fixed it yet?). Nothing more realistic than sitting on the par 3 hitting balls to control backspin. Lots of spin will just roll back off the green if green slopes back to tee. Or for that matter chosing the downhill side of pin to hit to to make easy putt.

    Redchain courses differ in graphics quality- one of the best ones is the base pack course so I suggest save a grand and just get that.

    Cory reports GC2 will have better software in the future.

    Cannot reccomend the GC2 enough.

    Why dont you buy the LX with Redchain and E6 and test how it works for us. Martins prices for software are a bargain compared to the rest.

  5. #5
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    Both are good systems. GC2 is a launch monitor so has the portable advantages. price point with club data and courses is much higher with the GC2. I think the spin on the greens with E6 is good. No issues on my part. The ball flight representation of the spin was slightly diluted in my opinion. I personally like Red Chain slightly more than E6. There will be several GC2 competitors such as the LX (and now Martin has an SX) coming very soon at a much lower price point so stay tuned. I do highly recommend the Protee. The setup is more involved but once done it is extremely realistic. It completely helped me get rid of some snap hooks I had early this season!!!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by CPA View Post
    GC2 runs on Redchain not E6.
    Hi CPA. I realise that GC2 runs red chain. I think I phrased it badly. I meant either a GC2 running it's standard software or a Protee running E6. But thanks one and each for their input. In light of the imminent release of the LX and SX I shall probably hold fire a little. Any competition has got to be good for hammering down the prices.

    And to HRS - Again apologies for not making myself clearer. I do care about ball flight fidelity. It's just that I know, from reading these forums, that both the G2 and Protee have very well respected physics models. What I meant was that if one had the slightest edge over the other in terms of absolute realism then I wasn't too bothered. Just needed to know which, of the two, provided the overall most pleasing experience. My sim has to provide me with entertainment just as much as game improvement, and I'd rather not be smacking the ball through "Legoland".

    And lastly, can anyone confirm if the Protee native software really does look as bad as portrayed on the Youtube videos please? And is the E6 software a massive improvement? I did read murmerings that the E6 software fell well short of the promo videos. Is that true, or is it just that people are running it on systems less than ideal? Thanks all

  7. #7
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    What Protee videos are you referring to? Most Youtube videos are low quality and don't really represent the actual graphics. Read my E6 review somewhere on this forum.

    To summarize: The E6 sucks when compared to Redchain. Redchain actually requires more horsepower than E6.

  8. #8
    Known entity psace is on a distinguished road
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    Personally, I do like the GC2 for the portability and the ability to hit off any surface. But the cost of the courses and the extra cost for ball data turned me off. Also, the cost of the E6 courses is excessive in my opinion. As others have mentioned, the ProTee is initially a bit of a pain to set up, it is very accurate and all the included courses is what made my decision to purchase this sim. It is very immersive when playing.
    Last edited by psace; 09-18-2012 at 08:36 PM.

  9. #9
    Postaholic CPA is on a distinguished road
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    I prefer the GC2 cause I move it and put it behind the curtain and the Wife does not know how much this setup cost!

  10. #10
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    Good one CPA!!!

  11. #11
    3 Iron HRS is on a distinguished road
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    I like the Legoland analogy. A $40 game has graphics ten times better than a $1000 golf course. It's ridiculous.

  12. #12
    In the Zone syhlif32 is on a distinguished road
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    When I got the Protee I thought the graphics was poor. After trying out more courses I find it ok.
    Some courses are made well some not! Sure it is not on the same level as some computer games.
    But then again most computer games are not blown up to 12 feet across on a low quality (for picture quality) impact screen and less than stellar projector.
    I got a pretty good picture on my impact screen but it is nothing compared to the picture it on our new LED television.

  13. #13
    Ace wbealsd is on a distinguished road
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    IMHO, both GC2 & Protee are very good systems that can be used for both entertainment and game improvement, it really depends on your budget and priorities. The only real "deal breaker" in my personal choice was when I was able to purchase the GC2 at an (extremely) reduced cost when a sim center went out of business. The portability and club fitting software was more of a priority to ME than the number of courses. YOUR mileage may vary.

    Had it not been for the fact I "caught a real deal" on the GC2 and I didn't really care about the courses as much as the fitting software, I would have been extremely happy to have purchased the ProTee, which I still think may be the best overall value at retail cost.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by ZMax View Post
    What Protee videos are you referring to? Most Youtube videos are low quality and don't really represent the actual graphics. Read my E6 review somewhere on this forum.

    To summarize: The E6 sucks when compared to Redchain. Redchain actually requires more horsepower than E6.
    I know that resolution and frame rate suffers on youtube, but it's the actual level of detail that had looked quite bland on the videos that I'd seen. The terrain mesh seemed quite poor, and the level of detail seemed low, ie trees etc. It almost looked on a par with the old C64 version of Leaderboard (Yes, I am that old). Which is why I asked whether these were very representative or not. I'm amazed that Protee don't upload some new, decent videos. Even on their website they link to very old youtube fly-over videos . I shall try to hunt down your E6 review

  15. #15
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    While the RedChain graphics are not anywhere near Tiger Woods 2012 or 2010 for that matter, some of the course do have a lot of detail. A few are bland and boring. IMO, it's the best that is available. The upcoming Parallel software and the new RedChain software might be better.

    As for the E6, it puts me to sleep so I don't use it any more.

    Btw, I had a VIC20.

  16. #16
    Okay, so I just had a look at some old Leaderboard footage and I may have been a bit harsh, lol. How times have changed yet rose-tinted glasses remain constantly rosy. But you get the picture anyhow

  17. #17
    To be honest I don't really expect Tiger Woods quality. I know that the mainstream software developing budgets are huge, and there is no way that golf sim developers, with such a minute customer base, can compete. I just want the best of what can reasonably be expected. And with Protee being 10x the price of my little Optishot I would want to see a significant leap in terms of visuals. But, from what I've seen, the Optishot graphics seem to be at least as good if not better. In fact the detail on The Carolina Ocean Course is fantastic. The best part of 5 grand is an awful lot of money to me, so I just want to be absolutely sure that I am getting the best possible return for it.

    Interesting what you've said about the E6 software, ZMax. From what I'd read so far, and from seeing the promo videos, it had really looked the bee's bollox. I was nearly suckered in. I shall have to do a lot more research before parting with my shekels methinks

  18. #18
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    At 1080p, most of the Red Chain courses are better than the Optishot's 3DD courses. Augusta National is a great example. The Optishot's version, which is no longer available, doesn't stand a chance against the Red Chain's version.

    At lower resolutions and less than optimal eyesight, both might look the same. Did you find my E6 review yet?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by ZMax View Post
    Did you find my E6 review yet?
    Not yet, ZMax. I keep getting sidetracked. But I'm on the case right now

  20. #20
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    Here it is if you're still looking for it. http://forum.ottawagolf.com/showthre...52-E6-graphics

  21. #21
    Thanks for the link. I was doing me nut in trying to find it. Have just read the thread right through. And it made for interesting reading, and the photos spoke volumes. Just looked very cut 'n' paste to me. Very sterile, and not exactly a labour of love. So, you gotta give 'em top marks for the trailer though, eh? They must have sold a shed load on the back of that. Really glad you pointed me this way. I can now disclude the E6 software from my search. How far away is the 2nd gen Red Chain software then? Does anybody know? I'm not the most patient of types but when it comes to shelling out 5 grand+ I'm more than prepared to sit on my hands a while.....

  22. #22
    Hall of Fame ZMax is on a distinguished road
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    They were suppose to show some screenshots this summer but didn't. Perhaps we'll see something around the PGA 2013 show.

    RDH has been keeping a close tab on Dean(Red Chain) so perhaps he can chime in.

  23. #23
    Known entity psace is on a distinguished road
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    Many of us here started with Optishot and have never looked back. Opti who? The graphics for E6 on the Trugolf website are very misleading and almost suckered me in as well! You can never tell how long the graphic updates will take. Being a fellow leaderboard player I can say I am running out of time.

  24. #24
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    Well I agree with the software. I think Red Chain is the best right now. E6 is ok but the options of ball flights, spin etc ate not as realistic as Red Chain. There certainly is a mix of favorite courses in Red Chain and you quickly pick and play the favorite ones. As for the new potential engines, I suspect the new Red Chain is at least a year away. I just had a series of emails with Dean and he stated yet are at least that far from launching. Perfect Parallel looks very promising but there has been no signs of that being close to market at all. So for now my advice is get Red Chain and be happy with it. Otherwise wait a year for it's new engine or Perfect Parallels softwar. Of course you could also get an About Golf setup and use their poprietery software!!

  25. #25
    Known entity psace is on a distinguished road
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    We have discussed the graphic differences with the two software but is the audio much different? I would like to see a little more commentary and sounds in the Red Chain software. I am tired of the limited audio we presently have. David Feherty anyone?

  26. #26
    Thanks to all that have chipped in thus far. I phoned the ForesightSports UK branch the other day, and they emailed me back today with their pricings. Typical rip-off Britain again. I could save an absolute fortune by going through Cory instead. Only thing is the distance should I have hardware problems in the future. So I am still undecided and sat dithering on the fence. My heart definitely leans toward the simplicity of the GC2, but the 85 courses with the Protee certainly have their allure. Might have to go and buy another course for my little Optishot just to cheer myself up

  27. #27
    Postaholic CPA is on a distinguished road
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    85 courses.......sometimes less is more. Most of the courses have lower quality and you will not play.

  28. #28
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    Either way CPA, you get the courses free instead of the overpriced nature of the Foresight group. As well, any updated courses will be free. I personally play all the courses or at least practice on them. If you are in no rush Andegoulding, I would suggest waiting 3 more months before buying as there will be several potential options coming hopefully in the near future. If playing only a few courses is ok, then get the GC2 if your gut is telling you so.

  29. #29
    Postaholic CPA is on a distinguished road
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    Yes wait, I am drooling over the PP blog.

  30. #30
    Moderator bubba22 is on a distinguished road bubba22's Avatar
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    I agree about PP. Just not sure when they will be available. Hopefully it becomes available and affordable for all sims. Like I said, the new engine for Red Chain is a year away, at least!!

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