Quote Originally Posted by cordug View Post
Not sure why I'm posting this because I am sure I wil get allot of reply stating how that I must be not following rules or using toe wedges to get low scores, but here it goes..
not really, if you try hard that's perfectly reasonable. All that's required to make the low 80s is to not lose any balls, have reasonable length, poke the ball in the direction of the green most of the time and some touch with the short game.

I have golfed my whole life on and off. Most of my rounds were not very flattering. Started going out with a regular foursome with a mission to make some real scores and got my game into the 80s that year with probably a coulpe low rounds, can't recall. We tried to get out once a week. By the third year I was low 80s and dropping, then I stopped playing. I was (we all were) deadly serious about every stroke when we played.

Of course I had a lifetime of golf behind me leading up to that.

I haven't reclaimed the focus or game after being back into it for a few years, even though in some ways I've never been better and I play a lot more often. I've gotten on a couple of runs and thought there was no looking back, but the 70s continue to elude me, so far...