Quote Originally Posted by EdmontonGolfer View Post
As for Edmonton's search for a D-Man..That is correct. Lowe is shopping for sure, but I don't think Timmonen or Hartnell have the same sort of contract Wade Redden brings to the table. They do need a defenseman, but they also need to address their lack of offensive production issues. Signing a player like Redden, who has been scrutinized, would probably leave them with very little salary cap to sign high profile forwards.
first you say that they are shopping for expensive forwards now a D-Man. Why not just say they are shopping for a new team. So much for the inside information.

As for Timmonen, they just signed him to a $6M contract - so it looks like they are looking for someone in that range.

as for the other stuff - slander refers to the spoken word, libel the written. And don't think there aren't laws around this stuff. It's free speech - but there are limits.