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  1. #1
    Moderator Big Johnny69 is on a distinguished road Big Johnny69's Avatar
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    Forever stuck between single digit and trunk slammer!

    Looking for two drills!

    Need help with a couple of things.

    1) Need help with a drill to keep my front foot from "spinning out" during the downswing and follow through. I flare my front foot (right handed golfer) at bit at address, but it becomes more flared by the time I'm done my swing. And I think its causing me to clear my hips to much and I end up opening my shoulders causing weak pop ups and slices to the right.

    2) Need a good drill to help with balance. Personally I think I have an internal ear problem causing poor balance, but I'd be open to some drills.

    3) OK, I need three drills, release. Any drills to help in releasing the club better.

    And in case anyone is wondering, most of these are problems I'm having with the driver. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
    "A life lived in fear of the new and the untried is not a life lived to its fullest." M.Pare 10/09/08

  2. #2
    Hall of Fame jonf is on a distinguished road jonf's Avatar
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    I don't have any tips, but I'm definitely looking forward to the responses to number 1. I've always had the same problem and can't find a way to fix it.

  3. #3
    Moderator Big Johnny69 is on a distinguished road Big Johnny69's Avatar
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    Forever stuck between single digit and trunk slammer!
    Quote Originally Posted by jonf View Post
    I don't have any tips, but I'm definitely looking forward to the responses to number 1. I've always had the same problem and can't find a way to fix it.

    But I think I know why I do it as well. I've got a real bad back and spinning out relieves some lower back pressure as opposed to trying to keep the resistance of the X-factor.
    "A life lived in fear of the new and the untried is not a life lived to its fullest." M.Pare 10/09/08

  4. #4
    Ace TWoody is on a distinguished road TWoody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff Johnston View Post
    Need help with a couple of things.
    Try these, they work for me.

    1) Need help with a drill to keep my front foot from "spinning out" during the downswing and follow through. I flare my front foot (right handed golfer) at bit at address, but it becomes more flared by the time I'm done my swing. And I think its causing me to clear my hips to much and I end up opening my shoulders causing weak pop ups and slices to the right.

    Place piece of wood, no thicker then 1 1/2", under the outside edge of your front foot. Just so the edge of you foot is on top of it. Now swing away.

    2) Need a good drill to help with balance. Personally I think I have an internal ear problem causing poor balance, but I'd be open to some drills.

    Stand on one foot. While keeping the other leg straight , lean forward. You may have to spread your arms like wings, but try to keep them out in front of you. Once you get your back level with the floor (or a close as you can get) hold for a 10 count. Switch feet.
    If this is too hard, stand on one leg a bend the other behind you until you can grab it with your hand. Now sloooowly rock forward and backwards. Switch legs. Balance can be developed, unless you do have medical issues. It can them be improved, but will never be perfect.

    3) Any drills to help in releasing the club better.

    Split hand drill. Take your normal grip then slide your bottom hand down the shaft so there is a about 2 -3 inches between your hands. Now swing away.

    Member of the TGN Team
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  5. #5
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 BC MIST is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff Johnston View Post
    Need help with a couple of things.

    1) Need help with a drill to keep my front foot from "spinning out" during the downswing and follow through. I flare my front foot (right handed golfer) at bit at address, but it becomes more flared by the time I'm done my swing. And I think its causing me to clear my hips to much and I end up opening my shoulders causing weak pop ups and slices to the right.

    2) Need a good drill to help with balance. Personally I think I have an internal ear problem causing poor balance, but I'd be open to some drills.

    3) OK, I need three drills, release. Any drills to help in releasing the club better.

    And in case anyone is wondering, most of these are problems I'm having with the driver. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
    1. Do you spin out when you take a full practice swing? If "No," then on the real swing you are suffering from some sort of "Hit Anxiety" that is preventing you from taking your full, natural swing, where there is no spinning and where you finish in balance. While generally ignored, the "Clear key" approach, where you conscious thought while swinging is not golf related, will eliminate the anxiety.

    If, "Yes," and I can relate to this problem, I do two things: (a) 3/4 swings smooth tempo with a short iron, focusing SOLELY and keeping my forward foot FLAT on the ground, with some KNEE FLEX. (b) I hit DOWN on the ball.

    (b) is hugely important. The low point of your swing arc must be 4" to 5" inches in FRONT of the ball. That is where the DEEPEST part of your divot should be. Hitting DOWN on your ball this way will ensure proper lower body action and weight shift, without conscious thought.

    Jim MacLean's "X" factor is BS AND, most importantly, a cause of back problems for those who consciously try to resist the hip turn against a large upper body turn. The "X" factor, like his "Y" factor is an observation that he made in watching Tour pros, but is not something that they consciously do. The Tour pros are mostly extremely flexible athletes who can easily turn the upper body a lot, without the lower having to turn. Let you lower body turn naturally. I understand what it is like to have a bad back and trying to NOT turn the lower body will hurt, not help.

    3. Release: Absolutely everything should be done NOT to release the leverage angles in the arms and shoulders. Power and accuracy come from the last split second extension of these angles. In fact, full release, where both arms are extended, happens after the ball has gone. At impact, the angles are extending, but have not finished extending. If you consciously try to release, you will release too soon.

    These comments may not be what you want to hear, but based on your symptoms, and too many years of observation, they are my best diagnoses and treatments. Seeing you live and in action, may change my opinions as grip position, plane angles and all that stuff have an effect on where the ball goes.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff Johnston View Post
    2) Need a good drill to help with balance. Personally I think I have an internal ear problem causing poor balance, but I'd be open to some drills.
    Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
    Hey Geoff, the way I see it, balance is about getting our upper body working together with our lower body as one. The more truly whole we feel the more balance we have. Many sports and pursuits, such as golf, skiing, tai chi or dancing, requires balance. In order to improve it, a great place to start is by finding your center - the position in which you can rest in total balance. Here’s how pro dancers do it:

    1. Stand with your feet parallel to each other.
    2. Engage your thigh muscles, straighten your knees but without pushing back into your knee joints.
    3. Lift your abdominal muscles upward and back towards your spine. Your shoulders are relaxed downward, and your chin is slightly lifted.
    4. Your arms are slightly rounded and just in front of your thighs, and now bring your weight forward into the balls of your feet.

    You should be able to lift your heels slightly off the floor. Once you find your center you’ll be ready for anything and possibly heal your sore back too. Just maintain good alignment while standing or sitting. Gravity has this pulling downward effect on us, causing slumped head and shoulders so defy it even when you’re sitting. Move to the edge of your chair and rest your spine in-line over your hips.

    In order to maintain balance when you move, all I can offer is this: your upper body moves in opposition to your lower body and it’s the smallest of adjustments that makes all the difference. As with anything, practice, practice, practice! Good luck! I hope this helps.

  7. #7
    Monday Qualifier Started2k3 is on a distinguished road
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    Back at it.

  8. #8
    Albatross Powerdraw is on a distinguished road
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    i dont like his right wrist cock drill personnaly, i dont think it is necessary to use that, that is the right elbows job not an intentionnal one, although alot of his stuff seems 2cents.

    have an awesome night.

  9. #9
    Monday Qualifier Started2k3 is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by Powerdraw View Post
    i dont like his right wrist cock drill personnaly, i dont think it is necessary to use that, that is the right elbows job not an intentionnal one, although alot of his stuff seems 2cents.

    have an awesome night.
    To each their own.
    Back at it.

  10. #10
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 BC MIST is on a distinguished road
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    Quote Originally Posted by Powerdraw View Post
    i dont like his right wrist cock drill personnaly, i dont think it is necessary to use that, that is the right elbows job not an intentionnal one, although alot of his stuff seems 2cents.
    Agree with you. If you check the position at the top of most good players, the left wrist is flat(square) while the right wrist is bent backwards. Flexing the wrists side to side versus up and down will make it easier to get into this position. Flexing the wrists up and down will NOT achieve the flat left wrist and this flat left wrist position, if maintained, is the ideal impact position. If the cupped left wrist position is maintained to impact, the bottom of the swing arc will be back of the ball, not in front of it.

    The differences are subtle, but significant.

  11. #11
    Singles Match Play Champ 2009 Team Match Play Champ 2013, 2014 leftylucas is on a distinguished road leftylucas's Avatar
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    Geoff, I have the same problem and the drill I like the best is:
    1) place both feet tightly together
    2) place five balls extending away from you perpendiclular to your target line so you can take one step forward and be ready to hit the next ball.
    3) Take a swing long enough that you still feel balanced keeping your feet together.
    4) Go to the next ball do the same.
    5) The last ball place your feet normally (dont flare the front foot) and hit the ball

    This will give you the feeling of the lower body staying more quiet during the swing. Works for me everytime.
    Good Luck.
    Lefty Lucas
    I am abidextrous, I once golfed right-handed and now I shoot left-handed just as badly!

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