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  1. #1
    Curious George

    alternative name for alternative golf

    I don't like flog. Can we come up with a better name for alternative golf, one that isn't so snotty.

    I suggest "Skull Crushing". It's a bit heavy metal, but what the hell...

  2. #2
    2 Iron JimmyW is on a distinguished road JimmyW's Avatar
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    I suggest:


    WhackDamn... (you know whack... Damn!)

    ReGo... (recreational golf)

    Feel free to add as you see fit.

    But remember, golf is only called golf if you are good enough to play it. Weekend hackers not allowed. TIC
    Last edited by JimmyW; 07-24-2003 at 01:43 PM.

  3. #3
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 LobWedge is on a distinguished road LobWedge's Avatar
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    On the 1st tee

    Talking Why don't we call it...

    "Tin Cup". You know, baseball bat, shovel, rake, pink ball.

    George, we have to stop meeting like this. Maybe we'll hook up for a game some day. (the rule book stays in the bag)

    (BTW who called it flog?)

    P.S. Lets put that other thread out of it's misery. :grocketho

  4. #4
    Hey JimmyW or should I say Judge Smails just because I shoot a higher score the you doesn't mean I don't play golf (wouldn't call myself a golfer) I play by the rules hence I play golf.

  5. #5
    Curious George
    Lobwedge: Gary Hill called it flog...I'd love to play, I don't feel I have enough game yet (although my driving is great now, lately with less playing (:crying ) my iron work is falling down)...I was getting some impressive scores (for me) before, but I'm back up to mid-90's...give me til the end of season...I like Tin Cup, but hard to use in a sentence. I was tin cupping the other day...

    Jimmy W: I like ReGo. I was Regoing the other day...

    Big duck: wtf?

  6. #6
    2 Iron JimmyW is on a distinguished road JimmyW's Avatar
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    Now we get to the crux of the matter

    It seems that people mis-equate capability with rules devotion and handicap with etiquette. It also seems to me that some (some) others believe that rules following is not only black-or-white, but has no grey area at all. (Gary will LOVE that last line)

    By that I mean I've read...

    1. You either play by ALL rules or you're a weekend hacker. No in-between... period.

    2. If you're a good golfer you must, therefore, know and play by all rules at all times.

    3. If you're learning you might as well not keep score because you're obviously a wekend duffer. (just put aces down)

    PS .. I count every shot I make, although my most common "bend" is to drop my new ball in the general perpendicular location that my original ball went in to the rough- and not in the direct line from the previous shot. I am then shooting three. My unofficial hdcp is 95

    PPS Big duck- you play by all the rules. You are obviously a better golfer than me.

  7. #7
    I know and play by all the rules (I should say most of the time), but because I have commitments outside the game, and can't devote myself to it full time I have trouble breaking 100 before August.

    Does this make me a duffer or do I play golf? I certainly wouldn't call myself a golfer; as in I bowl on occassion and have trouble breaking a 100 (ironically enough) I bowl but am not a bowler. Or I play pickup hockey, but am not a Hockey player. Get my drift?

    My other crack was based on your assertion: "But remember, golf is only called golf if you are good enough to play it. " which has an elitest ring to it.

    I may be just a little sensitive, there are a couple of threads floating around right now where the attitude seems to be like the following driving attitude:

    "Anyone who drives slower then me is an idiot; anyone who drives faster then me is a maniac"

    Again maybe I am being just too sensitive (it could be the Stacker 2's)

  8. #8
    2 Iron JimmyW is on a distinguished road JimmyW's Avatar
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    My other crack was based on your assertion: "But remember, golf is only called golf if you are good enough to play it. " which has an elitest ring to it.
    First of all I apologize if my "assertion" sounded elitist. It was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. (as attested by my edit of my post)

    That was the point I was trying to make. You can be an avid golfer who plays by the rules and knows all the proper etiquette, who simply is trying to break 100, or you can be a capable golfer who throws it out of the bushes and calls it 3, while *ing at the cart-girl for another Molson Ex.

    BTW I hope to be ReGoing today at Metcalfe if anyone wants to join

  9. #9
    Nuff said

  10. #10
    Ty Webb
    why do people say "I golfed yesterday". People never say I hockyed yesterday.

  11. #11
    Putter jrocks is on a distinguished road
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    Pick-up golf

    when we play any other sport with modified rules,for hackers. it seems to me the prefix "pick-up" would suffice

    pick-up hockey
    pick-up baseball
    "see where that one went"?

  12. #12
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    In order to play good flog one must have a good tes of sbulc to put the llab in the eloh .

  13. #13
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Last edited by Chieflongtee; 06-26-2006 at 09:31 PM.

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