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Thread: Question...

  1. #1
    Forum Jedi Weazl is on a distinguished road Weazl's Avatar
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    While reading someof the threads in this section it has occurred to me that it sounds as if many people are taking this far too seriously, and do not have the " fun " they are suppose to when playing this game.
    For instance, i read the thread about the father taking his 11 year old boy golfing and someone wanted him to play by the rules. Fooey! I mean come on let the kid have some fun, learn to like the game, and slowly introduce him to the complexities of the game.
    Be honest, do you not take the odd mulligan here or there? Do you not improve your lie every now & then with a " foot wedge "?

    I mean come on people this is suppose to be fun, unless your in a competition or officially sanctioned match, lighten up and have some fun out there!!!!

    There's nothing better than being out on the course with the guys/gals on a nice sunny day, hitting a few balls, and drinking a few beers. That's what it's all about!
    Lots of yoga pants these days, not enough Yoga!

  2. #2
    Fairway Junkie dasnutz is on a distinguished road dasnutz's Avatar
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    well said.

  3. #3
    Curious George
    Agreed, but don't let the 11 year old drink the beer...that's for age 12 and up.

    This rules section, however (from my impression) is for competitive players, and those interested in the rules...really, the father asking the question probably had the answer already, but wanted to open it up for discussion.

    And sometimes that's a big help.

  4. #4
    Hall of Fame NoBack is on a distinguished road NoBack's Avatar
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    Thumbs up I agree to some extent

    let the kid have some fun, learn to like the game, and slowly introduce him to the complexities of the game
    There's no sence in making him/her hate the game because of the rules (ie. OB)............. When I took my daughter out to play, I let her decide when enough was enough, when she got frustrated over missing shot after shot, she would pick up her ball and drop it on the green and putt out. When she got older, she plays it form tee to green and still enjoys the "game".

    don't let the 11 year old drink the beer...that's for age 12 and up.
    As long as they buy a round like the rest of do ..........

  5. #5
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 LobWedge is on a distinguished road LobWedge's Avatar
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    Unhappy What's with that?

    Why do people always equate rules with having no fun?

    The game and the rules are intertwined. I can't think of any pastime in life that I enjoy more than golf. Sure, I think it sucks when I hit into a bunker and my ball lands in a footprint, or when I push a tee shot out of bounds. The rules are there to tell me what can and can't be done in those situations. I'm not going to scream and cry about my crappy luck, I'm the one who hit it there. I'll do my best next time to not do that.

    If I were sentenced to play golf for the rest of my life, but I could only do it by the rules, and if I knowingly broke a rule I could never play golf again, I'd say slap the cuffs on me and take me to the first tee.

    For the last time... Golf is fun, even WITH the rules.

  6. #6
    Curious George
    No one is equating rules with no fun, but let me ask you: if you had no fun playing golf because of one or two rules, would you stop playing, or ignore the rule?

  7. #7
    Hall of Fame NoBack is on a distinguished road NoBack's Avatar
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    Cool not the point


    No one (at least not me) is disputing the rules in this thread. I believe we were talking about an 11 year old kid taking up the game. We all learned the rules as we get more into the game as well as the etiquette. The only thing that was being addressed here was about kids and what rules to use.

    Both my kids play soccer and are in different age groups.
    Last year, one plays with the full rules (age 15) and the other (age 10) played with less regimated rules (no off-sides). Up unitl age 11, they let them "enjoy the game", then they bring in the regulation rules which are tought and enforced. By the time they play with the full set of rules, they either like the game and play by the rules or choose not to play.
    Both choose to play!!

  8. #8
    Driver natgolfer is on a distinguished road
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    Be honest, do you not take the odd mulligan here or there? Do you not improve your lie every now & then with a " foot wedge "? 1. Never 2. Only when the rules allow. 3. Never.

    There's nothing better than being out on the course with the guys/gals on a nice sunny day, hitting a few balls, Certainly agree with this one.
    and drinking a few beers. Sorry. Do your drinking off the course, not on it.

    If your definition of fun is to just hit the ball on the course, that's great. I hope your behind me, and not ahead of me. However, because I play competitively and have established a handicap, I play by the rules. That to me is fun. If I am competing against anyone, for any amount/reason, playing by the rules is a must.

    If you play as you have described above, then obviously you do not count your score because saying you had an 85, when you don't play by the rules, would simply be a lie.

    How serious some of us take this game is for us alone to determine and frankly, I object to an on-course, beer drinking "hacker," telling me how I am supposed to feel when I play golf. Did you use to write by-laws for the old Kanata?
    Last edited by natgolfer; 07-23-2003 at 08:45 PM.

  9. #9
    Pitching Wedge tortoise is on a distinguished road
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    I am amazed at how polarized people are with regards to the rules of golf. I am in the party that believes you should play by the rules that you want, as long as it is not impeding the play of others on the course. I would argue that someone following the rules would be more likely to take longer that someone who doesn't. For instance, if your shot is blocked by a tree it would be faster to give it a little kick towards the fairway, versus having to take an extra shot.

    We are all out there playing a game that we enjoy. And how you get that enjoyment is completely up to YOU. I understand the need for rules, especially when items such as handicap, tournament score and money are involved. Otherwise we are all out there practising anyway. Just make sure you are having fun and playing the game how you want to play it.

    I should note that ignoring the rules of golf doesn't necessarly mean ignoring the ettiquette of golf.

  10. #10
    Forum Jedi Weazl is on a distinguished road Weazl's Avatar
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    Well said Tortoise. And I quote " I should note that ignoring the rules of golf doesn't necessarly mean ignoring the ettiquette of golf. "
    Lots of yoga pants these days, not enough Yoga!

  11. #11
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 LobWedge is on a distinguished road LobWedge's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Thanks natgolfer

    If you're not playing by the rules then you're just playing something that looks and sounds like golf, but really isn't golf at all. You might as well just mark down 18 aces on your scorecard.


  12. #12
    Curious George
    Thanks for answering my question, lobwedge...you didn't, but you did so to speak...

    I think the other valid point was that if MY game doesn't interfere with YOUR game, what does it matter to YOU?

    Ie: You mind your game, I'll mind mine.

  13. #13
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    make believe

    If Natgolfer comes in here and says he shot a 72 I will believe him and I will raise my hat off to him. If some of my golfing partners come in here and claim they shot a 77 I will deep down know that the 77 was an 82. So If you don't play by the rules I do not see why anyone would post their score on this forum.
    In the game of tennis no matter what your caliber is a double fault is a double fault and if the ball hits the line then it's good and so on. Why would it be different in Golf? If you're out there just for the fun of it and the beer and the companionship why bother adding up your score

  14. #14
    2 Iron JimmyW is on a distinguished road JimmyW's Avatar
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    My, my, my...
    Aren't NatGolfer and LobWedge feeling uppity today

    Sorry. Do your drinking off the course, not on it.
    They sell beer at your local course, don't they??
    (PS... I don't drink, but some people enjoy it)

    If you're not playing by the rules then you're just playing something that looks and sounds like golf, but really isn't golf at all.
    Personally I love all those rules afficianados who spend the alloted 5 minutes looking for their wayward tee shots


  15. #15
    Curious George

    First, try reading before answering guys.

    Second, Do I come in here and post my score? No. Why? Because golf, for me, is not about me competing against you, its me competing against myself, and I know when I improve.

    Third, this was my question (and I ask both of you to answer it as if you weren't obstinate forum readers):


    Well for me, and a lot of others obviously, I don't enjoy one or two of the rules.

  16. #16
    Golf Canada Rules Official L4 LobWedge is on a distinguished road LobWedge's Avatar
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    Whoa there people!!!

    I've got no issue with how you handle your game or what you write down on your scorecard. I couldn't care less.

    This is just a discussion about the rules.

    Curious, the answer to your question, at least for me, is if I had no fun playing golf then I would quit.

    If you're fine with the way you manage your game so be it.

    That's the great thing about golf, you only have yourself to answer to.


  17. #17
    Arrow shooter Chieflongtee is on a distinguished road Chieflongtee's Avatar
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    Curious George. Some of the rules of golf are debatable but rules are rules and I abide by them and that does not keep me from having fun out there. When I mentionned posting your scores I did not mean YOUR scores but the scores of make believe golfers who are only kidding themselves. You mentionned boxing and pool in one of your previous post. Do you abide by the rules when you practice these sports?

  18. #18
    Curious George


    Lob, regarding your answer: bull. If you weren't enjoying the sport, but knew you would if you just dropped a couple of rules, you'd keep playing. It's too addictive a game and you know it, liar

    Andre Cantin: I would (and do) bend the rules for pool. Most people do! I have yet to play in a local setting with someone who plays by the rules, there is ALWAYS a violation.

    Who cares? We're all on the same playing field and its for fun.

    Boxing: people do...it's called sparing. And sometimes single round. Just because we go less than regulation, we don't call it xob.

    I'd like to give alternative golf a more honourable name, other than "Flog" which to me sounds snotty.

  19. #19
    Getting Exemptions The Shtick is on a distinguished road The Shtick's Avatar
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    lemme hop in here for a second...

    I love my beer, and I love my golf. When I play golf, I have fun. I play by the RULES OF GOLF because I know them. If you are playing with people who do not know the rules, and you decide to bend them... good for you. Just don't enter a score because you won't have a valid handicap.

    If you don't have a valid handicap you will have a hard time playing in competitive golf (if you decide to do so). But it is easy to develop bad habits (like forgetting a rule) and getting called on it.

    Just as a reminder, you never know who you can be paired up with, and I don't think that anyone who loves this game as much as you guys do wants to be called a cheater.

    my 6.5 cents

  20. #20
    Curious George
    Totally agree. I don't generate or use scores for a handicap when I bend the rules. And if I compete, I would use the rules...

  21. #21
    Hall of Fame jeffc is on a distinguished road jeffc's Avatar
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    In the 613!

  22. #22
    Hall of Fame NoBack is on a distinguished road NoBack's Avatar
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    Thumbs up well said Shtick

    Very well said Shtick............

    Bottom line ..... no one will make you play by the rules of golf, but if your playing competitive golf then you better know the rules, and play by them .......... no way around it.

    Now the thing I find interesting about all this debate on the rules of golf (there are 3 threads on this now I believe), is that this one actually was supposed to be about KIDS playing the game and WHEN do you address the "rules of golf". I was anticipating more feedback about the 11 yr olds playing and getting turned off before they understand how addictive and enjoyable this game is supposed to be, even with all the rules.

  23. #23
    Driver natgolfer is on a distinguished road
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    Mr. Reilly's comments about the rules are typical of a lot of golfers who, if they thought just a little bit deeper, would be to understand why these rules are the way they are.

    #8, the one about being able to wait only 10 seconds to hit a putt if it is sitting on the edge of the hole, but being penalized for hitting a moving ball, shows that he is clueless about the rule. This same rule and similar inane comments, were made by a local golf pro on his weekend morning radio golf show. I don't mind criticism of any rule, but at least, have a clue of what you are talking about before expressing an opinion.

  24. #24
    Curious George
    Natgolfer, its not like these rules are rigid. They have changed over time, which indicates to me that the game is evolving. Unfortunately, just like political correctness, in this day and age everything is documented so well that people forget the point, and I doubt the rules will change as much over the next 100 years as they have over the last 100...

  25. #25
    RulesNut Gary Hill is on a distinguished road Gary Hill's Avatar
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    I agree 100% with natgolfer.

    It is obvious to me that Mr. Reilly does not possess even a basic understanding of the Rules of Golf.

    The 10 "dumb" rules listed in that article range from irrelevant comparisions to downright lies.

    #8 "...if your ball is hanging on the lip of the hole, you only have 10 seconds to putt it in [16-2]? Sometimes, you can even see it rolling forward, but you have to putt it in 10 seconds, or it's one shot [penalty]. "


    There is NO requirement to putt within 10 seconds.
    Furthermore, if you do putt after 10 seconds, there is NO penalty.

    #1. "After he [Bjorn] left a bunker shot in the bunker, he slammed his wedge into the sand in disgust. That's considered "testing the condition" of the sand (Rule 13-4/35 in The Rules of Golf). "

    (I am not even going to mention the fact that there is NO Rule 13-4/35 in the Rules of Golf.)


    He was NOT penalized for testing the condition of the hazard.
    He was penalized under Rule 13-4 which states in part:

    ....before making a stroke at a ball which is in a hazard..the player shall not....touch the ground in the hazard or water in the water hazard with a club or otherwise..

    The rest are just as lame.

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