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Thread: Snow Golf

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    Founder Kilroy is on a distinguished road Kilroy's Avatar
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    Snow Golf

    Snow Golf

    By Dan Kilbank - OttawaGolf

    In the winter in Ottawa we all feel the absence of something in our lives. Golf in the winter is not such a far-fetched idea, and people have been doing it for years. It is possible to play with a little determination, desire, perseverance, and a complete lack of respect for the forces of nature. It may not be the best "test of golf" but it can be a real hoot. I love the ad with the extreme golfers on Mt Everest, but we don't need to be quite that hardy or adventurous to be able to get out in the fresh air and enjoy a round of snow golf here in Canada's capital.
    Anyone can have a casual, fun event, just about anywhere. A can of red paint to mark holes and tees, some makeshift flags and a bit of imagination, and you have a snow golf course.

    Everyone will need snowshoes. You can play with either coloured balls or larger rubber balls. On softer snow the regulation balls tend to plug and you can find yourself digging up mouse holes looking for your ball. You can make a local rule to cover lost balls, but you had better bring a few extra balls along - you will need them. A rubber ball on the other hand , although a bit different to hit, will plug less often and be a lot easier to find. The harder the snow surface the better, but you can get quite a lot of roll on very crusty snow.
    Plan as many holes as you like, but keep them short. The game should focus on chipping since a full shot in snowshoes can be a real challenge. Holes should be laid out to be par 3's or perhaps two "short shot" par 4's. You can get as creative or basic as you like. Putting is also not really feasible, but holes can be marked at a user-friendly size. Gimmies are common. In this format, a mid iron should do a player for the entire game.
    Ok, so it is not real golf, but it's a lot of fun. Your friends are all here and the hot toddy's are waiting at the "clubhouse"!

    Last edited by Kilroy; 03-03-2007 at 11:22 AM.

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