New member - great forum! I am so glad I found it! I have several questions, as I am trying to setup a indoor room for optishot with a projector and impact screen. I will start with this one:

What is the minimal distance tee to screen?

I am seeing that I can get 7 feet away (and not hit the screen with my driver) and have the tee lined up on-center of the screen, or up to 8.5 to 9 feet (MAX) if the tee is off-center of the screen.

Is 7 feet too short? Is 9 feet too short? Is there a desired distance? Does anyone have experience with this distance?

If it matters, I only plan to hit Almostgolf style balls - no real balls.

Next, does anyone have a tee off-center from their screen? Likely due to having a narrow room...

If so, do you angle your hitting surface toward the center of the screen, or just hit straight, and off-center of the screen?

Thank you for your help!