Of course, I know the answer is 'it depends', so let me qualify the question.

I've got a set of John Daly Wilson irons bought in '94. I only play a handful of rounds a year (lord, I wish it were more), and occasionally break 90. I'm sure if I played more I'd be closer to 80 than 90 most of the time. I've always hit a stiff shaft better with my drivers and fairway woods, and I'm assuming the same would be true for my irons, but I'm not a club maker so I could be talking out my butt here.

In any case, I'm sure a new set of irons will help, but I don't want to just buy a brand name set and hope for the best.

The main question I have is 'how much will this cost'? If a decent custom fitted set is sub $500, I'd be interested (I saw valleyviewgolf.ca prices 'from $249'), but again, I don't have anything to compare that to. Budget-wise, less is better, but I never let $50 stand in the way of making a better choice.

I trolled around the site for a bit, and saw a few posters, but there appears to be no 'definitive' list of custom golf fitters in Ottawa (though I did find a broken link in an old post that tells me there at least used to be such a list).

In my mind, the alternative is to find a brand-name set and have them fitted for length and lie (e.g. GT has a $375 Burner 1.0 set on sale today).

Thoughts? Anyone have a list of club makers worth talking to?

