So the NHL is clearly worried about Sidney Crosby and the reality that he may not return for the start of the season.
They are clearly worried about the high number of head shots and concussions.
They are clearly worried about the recent deaths of 2 of the leagues "tough guys". They are clearly worried about the long-term impact of concussions and head shots.
They are clearly worried about player safety...

or are they???

When will they realize that the ONLY way to stop all this nonsense is to remove fighting from the game and hand out lengthy suspensions? The fact that fighting is considered "part of the game" is a joke! If it was part of the game, there would be no penalty for it. Skating, passing, shooting and scoring are parts of the game.

The NHL has the same issues our society is having with respect to handing out penalties for breaking the law. For some reason we are afraid to punish someone, to really make them pay for what they have done.

And in the NHL, just like in life, the repeat offenders are well known to authorities and continue to offend because they do not fear the consequences.

If being caught drinking and driving meant a lifetime ban from driving and a minimum 5 years in prison, people might think more about the risks.

If deliberate head shots in the NHL meant a minimum 40 game suspension and a loss of half a year salary, players might think twice. If a second offence meant a one year suspension, things get serious.

AND before the "we need fighting" arguments start, you are wrong. The Olympics offer great hockey. World Juniors offer great hockey. We do not need fighters to patrol the ice and hold people accountable. We need the rules and suspensions for that purpose.

What would scare you more as a player?
Knowing that if you blinside someone in the head with an elbow there will be a tough guy from the other team out there to try and fight you, or would you be more afraid of a 40 or 50 or 60 game suspension, with no pay. I think the answer is obvious.

The NHL has no concern for its players and their current or long-term health. If they did, they would enforce the current rules (Intent to injure) and hand out lengthy suspensions.

And I would like someone to explain to me why Fighting is not an Intent to Injure penalty?