Just a tidbit that was announced today...

As you know, GSA Golf and these other packages all run on the Red Chain software engine. That engine was used for a PC game version (typical mouse swing / click) called CustomPlay golf. The software never really took of and never got a retail release. It finally is (in early November) and they have rebranded it and got a celebrity endorsement - "Hank Haney's World Golf". Pretty cool for the Red Chain guys.

For us (on the simulator side), getting the game out to a wider audience will get more people creating courses that could eventually come over to us. It will also hopefully generate enough revenue for Red Chain to begin work on their "Next Generation" release. They're talking about a complete redesign from the ground up with a better graphics engine and lots of other improvements. It's probably a couple years away, but should be interesting to follow. I told them I'd like to be involved in the process by providing input on features specific to golf simulator usage.