So, after seeing a couple more hits shown on Hockey Night in Canada, I got to thinking about the hits to the head issue. I still feel that banning hits to the head is a drastic step, and one that will cause many players to shy away from physical contact. At the same time, i think it's clear there are too many players getting injured, and something has to change.

As I watched a few hits, and thought back to a few others, one thing you quickly realize is that many hits to the head occur when a player is already engaged with a defender. Their attention is already split between the puck and the man. As a result of leaning against the opponent to gain position, their heads are often lowered by a few inches, putting them in ideal position to receive a shoulder to the head.

So, what if the NHL were to put in place a rule that prohibits hitting an opponent who is already engaged with a defender. While it would not eliminate hits to the head, I think it would greatly reduce them. Just as importantly, it's a way to do so without making a significant impact on physical play.

Any thoughts on this? Good idea? Have I overlooked something? I'm curious to see what other people think of this idea.