One of the players in the Tunis yesterday, hit his second shot into a lateral water hazard to the left of the 18th green. He correctly measured his two club lengths relief and placed a marker on the cart path than ran parallel to the LWH. Dropping the ball correctly on to the cart path, the ball rolled almost two club lengths and came to rest in the rough, but the player's feet were still on the cart path. He correctly found his nearest point of relief and measured and marked this point. He dropped the ball near the outermost point of the 1 club length and the ball rolled almost two club lengths to a point where it was "in play." The total relief was between 7 to 8 club lengths, on to a reasonably good lie from which he made an excellent stroke.

Rule 20-2c permits the ball to roll up two club lengths from the point where it first strikes the course and as we discussed earlier, a player takes relief from one condition at a time. Some times, the rules can be your friend.