I am curious. I've noticed a lot of people in here who love to give advice on gameplay, technique, zen etc...

I'm the typical 21 handicapper who likes to blast balls off the tee, but lacks the ability to do a good job of it regularly.

I've been told in the past that playing an iron 150 yards forward and into the fairway is better than hitting a driver 250 yards into the rough. I've been "coached" by players of similar calibre on the finer points of course management.

My question is of a fairly complex nature:

"When selecting a club, what are the first three keys to judge by?"

Is it always going to be a comfort thing? Will I be deciding this based on my "average stroke"? Where does the indication of poor technique happen? Should my 7-iron be a no brainer on a 145 yard par 3? Maybe someone can enlighten me on where the "random" elements of golf stop making decisions for me...
