Hi there to all on this forum my name is scott and i love golf.. I tried it at an early age but as a natural left hander i could'nt get the hang of it (i was using my brothers right handers ) so i soon gave it up.. So why am i here i hear you ask? well to cut a long story short i seperated from my wife about 4 years ago (ok so i shed a few tears) .So i thought what am i going to do now so i had a brainwave i decided to go to the local sports shop and buy a set of left hookers..I instantly threw away the driver as it was rubbish or was it me. Then i took out the 3 wood and oh my f##king god they went like bullets strait and far ,it was the fix i was needing no more tears for this boy..so anyway 4 years have passed now and i am playing of of 7 and i have even sorted out the driver thing.Now i caddie at the very prestigous Loch Lomond Scotland and as a caddie i get to play 2 rounds a year and i can whole heartedly recommend it to any enthusiastic golfer..visit them at http://www.lochlomond.com/main.html you wont be disapointed. Now with a total love of this glorious game i decided to combine it with my occupation as a photographer feel free to visit my website http://golfphotography.890m.com/
gings if i knew life would have been this good without her i would have done it years ago. Well thats enough from me and if i can help anybody out there make there game any better then thats enough for me .. cheers