Well, 6 wood and I went to the President's Cup in Montreal today and it was a fantastic experience. It was a bit tough to see at times with the crowds lining the fairways, teeboxes and greens, but through some strategic hole jumping, ahead planning and downright good luck we were well positioned for some of the key moments.

Highlights of the day were:

- Got there as soon as the gates opened and were well positioned for range... basically right beside all the players. Luckily we ended up on the east side, which was where the American team was warming up so we were about 30 feet from Howell, Phil, Tiger and Furyk. Phil and Tiger were hitting shots side by side and facing each other (being lefty and righty) but never spoke a word. Tiger was however quite chatty with Furyk, who was on his other side, and at one point even went over to Fluff and chatted with him for a couple of minutes with big smiles all around.

- After the range we went straight to the 5th tee box and had primo spots to see everyone hit their tee shots. We watched each group come thru so saw everyone up very close.

- We got early to the 14th and watched every group play up to the green, thereby getting to see Vijay and Appelby close out Tiger and Furyk early, much to the chagrin of the much larger crowds which had been waiting all day on the 16th, 17th and 18th holes...

- Got to see Mike and Ernie close out their match on the 17th green while 100 feet behind us, Woody fell into the water (we were standing on beside the 16th fairway looking across the pond to the 17th green). So we missed Woody falling into the water but we were there for the crowd reaction and did get to turn around and watch him pull himself out etc. We were also near a monitor so we saw the replay immediately .

- When no one was looking I spread my Dad's ashes on the teebox of a hole which for the moment shall go unmentioned . Let's just say Tiger will be teeing off tomorrow directly off Dad at one point, which he would have loved. Yeah, I know some people might think that is a bit strange, but so was Dad

-K.J. Choi gave me a thumbs up after I yelled out "Go get 'em KJ!" as he was walking up the 14th fairway past me (I might have been the only one to cheer for him all day LOL, as it was a Weir lovefest). He could not putt today but he played fantastic and hits the ball like God. I'm now a fan.

Lots of other stuff but those were my favorite moments of the day.

Couple of observations too:

- Man, these guys are long!!!! They were driving the greens on holes I would be hitting 8 iron into LOL!

- Zach Johnson lost a lot of fans this weekend. He was playing with Weir's group so everyone was watching him play ridiculously slowly, causing a huge gap between the 2nd and 3rd groups and jamming up the rest of the matches. There is no way Ben Crane could be slower than this guy.

- The way these boys warmed up on the range has made me rethink my entire range process. Everyone was unbelieveably deliberate, controlled and had a plan.

- Angel Cabrera is a beast. I could watch him hit driver on the range all day. Or on the course. Also talented, competitive and a quite the showman. I'm a fan!

- If Mike Weir played all the time like he did today, he would win 10 majors.

- Woody Austin has more lead tape on his 4 iron than I have in my entire workshop. He also might be the best ball striker since Moe Norman. Man, Woody, can hit a ball. If he putted all the time like he did today, and could stop falling into the lakes, he might actually give Tiger a run.

I'd also love to hear about anyone else's day