Hello to everyone. I was browsing through the internet looking for sites that might enlighten me on the current golf scene in Ottawa. I'm a Canadian military member who will finish his three year exchange tour in Virginia Beach this July . In anticipation of my return, I was curious as to what was going on in Ottawa vis-a-vis golf. Damn, you still have snow up there!!! That's not a good sign. I just returned yesterday from Chapel Hill, NC and played Duke University, UNC, Tobacco Road, and The Preserve. Temperature was almost 70 degrees (I'll switch back to celsius when I get back to CA). Anyways, I expect to be back home in July and will probably end up joining the Hylands. I was a member there back in the early ninties and served on the board as the Men's Captain. I was also President of the CFB Trenton course before moving down south.

It's been very interesting and informative to read all the old forums. Keep up the good work.