Quote Originally Posted by jonf View Post
Do you want me to be apologetic because an Ottawa team was allowed back into the league and they decided to "count" the cups from the days of the Silver Seven? Of course we wouldn't be having this conversation if Ottawa wouldn't have been allowed back and if they hadn't allowed the cups to count. Oh wait, yes we would, because Toronto would still be celebrating how awesome they were 40 years ago.

And you're right that Ottawa fans have no legitimate cups to celebrate since 1992. I don't have any problem admitting it. But wait, that sounds a lot like another team from Ontario, I just can't remember which one it is. It's on the tip of my tongue, I just can't find the word. They think they're the greatest team in sports history. They think that their inherent awesomeness makes up for 40 years of futility. I just can't remember which team it is. Can anybody else help me out here?
Quote Originally Posted by Hacker View Post
Did you know that 11 Teams who did not exist in 1967 have won the Stanley Cup in during the leafs 40 year drought?

In total 17 teams that did not exist in 1967 have been to the Stanley Cup Finals since the leafs last won the cup.

Let them celebrate jonf, they have 40 years worth of parade plans that have been just sitting around collecting dust
We go from year to year never expecting to win the cup. Hell, most years we don't even expect to make the playoffs. Countless years of greedy ownership and bad management help keep expectations low, yet we keep coming back. That's what true fans do. But Ottawa fans just can't seem to get that blue and white gorilla off their backs. That constant nagging preocupation with Toronto. Gotta blame and curse the Leafs. Helps soothe the sting of high expectations and a raft of unreal talent that just can't seem to close the deal. Keep thinking that way folks and enjoy that President's trophy. 0 and 5 (and counting)....

I'll gladly wait another 40 years if I have to, because I can guarantee that at least my team will still be around by then.